Sunday, March 23, 2014

Nat, say it isn't so.

It seems that statistician Nate Silver predicts that the Republicans will win the next race for senate control. Despite his track record, I find this very hard to believe. That would mean that women voters don't mind being considered fourth class citizens, that gays don't mind being reviled, that blacks don't mind being insulted in public forums day after day. It would mean that that poor don't mind being trampled, students don't mind being deprived of a good education, parents don't mind having their children starved for lack of public assistance. And—most important—Americans everywhere don't mind having climate change deniers in office when something has to be done about such current events as Greenland melting. After all you can't win elections if you don't have the majority of votes and that would mean women, blacks, gays, the poor, Hispanics, Muslims, true Christians, every other religion and race that is scorned by White Republicans and your average citizen who doesn't want to swim to work ten years from now. So who are these voters who are going to give the intolerant, mean-spirited, and abysmally ignorant Republicans Senate control? What am I missing here? Can the white, gun-toting, evangelical tea-party bigots really have that much power?

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