Friday, January 31, 2020


Why are the news networks calling Mara Lago the Winter White House? Our bone lazy president spends every season there with more frequency than he does at the real White House. It seems he is more comfortable surrounded by garish overdone vulgarity than the historic refinement of a national treasure.


Wow. Those Republican senators must be frightened to death by what Trump can do to them. Why else would they vote to protect an obvious traitor to America and its Constitution? Unless, of course, they are turncoats themselves, a Fifth Column ushering in some new government. Still being led by a clown is an amazing political circumstance. My prediction is that this redemption will encourage Trump to commit even greater crimes causing many of these cowards to hold their heads and say, "What have I done."

Thursday, January 30, 2020


Almost every commercial that's involved with dental health from clinics to toothpaste makes the same mistake. But I think that Sensodyne is the winner in the ignorance contest. While most ads say dennist instead of dentist, Sensodyne really screws up the pronunciation. For awhile I wonder who the Dennis was they were talking about, until I realize it was the announcer's rotten diction that caused the confusion. Do they even require diction in school anymore.


Commercials that I find truly offensive are those for E-Trade. These silly little vignettes showing persons of wealth or privilege, suggest stupidly that you could live like this I you were invested with E-Trade. They never once suggest that like any investment company you could lose you money just as easily. I wonder if we'll ever have truth in advertising again?


Is Rand Paul really so abysmally stupid that he believed that Justice Roberts would give him the name of the whistleblower? Is he further so incredibly moronic that he doesn't know having the identity of the whistleblower is completely irrelevant? The only reason he could want it is to find a way to punish the person for exposing his beloved dictator, and hoping that the revealer would be beaten, punished or even murdered for doing his patriotic duty. Rand Paul, like many other Republicans senators, is an idiot,  a creature that Kentucky seems to produce in abundance. Why are so many senators in Trump's corner? What does Trump have on them? Why are they so eager to punish a person so insignificant to the impeachment and so protected by government laws?


I said in a previous blog, we don't need another Little Women. The new version is the same old story with a few new twists and a far less Jo Jo. Well I also feel we don't need another Scorsese gangster epic. The Irishman while brilliantly filmed, wonderfully acted, and satisfyingly violent has been done before by the same talents. The story wasn't as compelling as past films and at three and a half hours  it was too long. It was also a little depressing to see popular past stars as old men: There they were Robert DI Nero, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci and Harvey Kettle wrinkled without aging makeup. I  love the settings and the musical oldies, but then I'm seventy-seven. Which means I'm also of the age when any sane person is a bit jaded about people getting shot in the face and strangled in the front seat of a car. There is no question that Scorsese is a inspired filmmaker. And this one seems to be another much-awarded and praised hit. It just didn't work for me. And frankly I find the title a total misnomer. I think they should have stuck with the book's chilling original title, I Hear You Paint Houses.


Any person who reads A WARNING by Anonymous and doesn't feel that Trump should be removed from office must be insane. The book clearly points out his pettiness, his cruelty, his jealous nature and, worse of all, his incompetence to hold office. This thrice married, frequently bankrupt loser can only have gained the office of the President through chicanery. And once he had achieved it, he made it a laughing stock to the rest of the world, while turning it into his personal golden goose. How did Trump manage to turn all the Republican senators into robotic sycophants when (as the book makes clear) they all know what a liar and fraud he is, is a mystery that may never be solved. To protect him once-respected leaders have willingly shredded their reputations,  betrayed the country and Constitution they swore to honor, and mechanically repeated lies fed to them by their narcissistic puppet master. Every Republican sitting in on that impeachment hearing knows that Trump should be reviled and removed, yet refuses to face that truth en masse. Ergo Trump will remain in office and have at least another year to wreak more havoc on America, tell thousands of more lies, and destroy the reputations of more honorable men and women who step carelessly into the crippling bear trap of his indifference.

Monday, January 27, 2020


From the late 40s to the late 50s America was immersed in the Communist Scare. Anyone with any association to communism was an outcast, a traitor, scum. The leader of this scare was Senator Joseph McCarthy (a Republican naturally) who ruined many stellar careers and exerted more power than a fat, bitter paranoid should. Back then Americans were terrified of Russia. How odd that today our president embraces Russia's leader, shares secrets with Putin he won't let us in on. And nobody seems to care. Our Republican Senators bust their pampered asses to blame Ukraine for crimes that were committed by Russia. And they seem perfectly comfortable with Russia installing our next president. Meanwhile, never happy, the illegitimate, schizophrenic Trump bemoans the fact that he couldn't have Roy Cohn,  Joe McCarthy's right-hand Russian-hating hit man continue as his lawyer. Cohn was Trump's kind of  guy, an evil, malevolent, vicious anti-gay homosexual who died of AIDS in 1986. So now that we have embraced Russia, who we once despised, to appease our new dictator, and now that the Republican Senate are all turncoats, and the Constitution has no more value, where is this ship of state heading?  (Shown below: Donald and his hero, Roy Cohn.)


Fortunately there was a period of levity in the Trump impeachment trial. Today Kenneth Starr delivered the most boring, asthmatic, inaccurate speech of the entire event. I was listening to it in the car and could only imagine the senators falling asleep one by one and banging their heads on their desks. I know nothing about law, but even I could tell he was pulling a lot of that garbage out of your know where. What more proof do we need that Trump should be removed than that he chose this doofus, the ever deceitful Alan Dershowitz and a lawyer who is the very definition of sleaze. I'm sure all the Republican puppets glommed on to every slow-moving word while echoing in their traitorous minds were the words, "The room where it happened."


I don't know why the press is tormenting Prince Andrew about his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein. King Donald was just as friendly and he was a nearby neighbor who could enjoy Epstein's hospitality within a short drive.  Now I'm sure like the prince, Trump will swear he is innocent of assaulting innocents and his lawyer Dershowitz will back him up (I wonder why). We're all aware that Trump is now impotent and repulsive, but back in the day I'm sure he was willing to add pre-teen girls to his mix of Playboy models, Miss America contestant, and plain old call girls. Praise Jesus.

Saturday, January 25, 2020


The message of the new new Milk Bone commercial is that life is more fun with a dog. I find this very offensive because there are so many cats and dogs in need of loving homes that it is cruel to discourage anyone from adopting either. Dogs are wonderful. So are cats. They each fulfill a different role. Dogs are needy and loving. Cats are independent and loving in their own way. Both are great pets. Even more offensive than Milk Bone is the commercial for Allstate Insurance in which their character Mayhem vilifies cats by calling them cold, destructive. evil. Shame on Leo Burnett Worldwide for propagating such a dishonest commercial.


It's no secret that I hate Xfinity or Comcast, or whatever the hell they call themselves. But I'm not alone: it's one of the most unpopular companies in America. I think what I have is the King's Ransom package since they forced me to buy additional services in order to have TCM, a totally scummy move on their part, since TCM is popular with many older people who can't afford the new ripoff. I note that they brag about their voice command on commercials. If you say, "300" which is an HBO channel, the 300 Spartans will pop up. More often than not the disembodied voice will say, "I didn't understand that." or give you the wrong listing. My TVs in the kitchen and living room often flake out for no reason and return to service later with no explanation. The high bill, naturally, never reflects a credit for any outage. When I was a child and TV was free, ads suggested that if we paid or TV it wouldn't cost that much and it would be commercial-free. Well here we are, and TV costs and arm and a leg and there are more commercials than ever. Sigh.

Friday, January 24, 2020

McConnell: Darling, I won't let them impeach you.
Trump: I'm so scared, Turtle Puss.
McConnell: Of course you are,Huggy Bear. But none of my
guys will do what's right.
Trump: What about the bitches.
McConnell: Not so loud, Sugar, you need the female vote.


You can add 34 more victims of Trump's arrogant and illegal assassination of General Soleimani These are the U.S. troops who have suffered from brain damage after the Iranian bombing in Iraq that was in retaliation for Trump's idiotic command to kill Soleimani. That was only one stupid Trump decision of so many and it led to the deaths of 176 civilians in a plane crash and now 34 of our soldiers suffering brain damage. How can anyone doubt that this madman should be removed from office before he causes more chaos, death, and destruction? Trump, ever eager to avoid responsibility for anything, suggests the brain injuries are "just headaches, nothing serious."

Thursday, January 23, 2020


During the impeachment trial one of Trump's lying lawyers. Pat Cipollone, actually said, "Trump is a man of his word."  Now you would think that a man who went through law school, who has a career, who has been deemed sane, would never utter such an absurd and obvious lie, and yet he did. He actually said with a straight face, without giggling, without crossing his fingers. "Trump is a man of his word." Needless to say Twitter went wild in response. Pat Cipollone lost a ton of credibility, and rather than help Trump he only reminded Americans in the most comical possible fashion that Trump is not a man of his word and never will be.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


We Americans seem to find it humorous that our president has told over 16,000 lies in just three years. But what's funny about that? Is it funny that we have a deceitful con man in office? Is it funny that the world has lost respect for us? Is it funny that our standards for truth, honor and integrity have all gone done the tubes with this clown we have elected to office? No, it's sad, tragic, pitiable. Sadder yet is that for some reason, Trump's mendacity has spread to our Republican congress. These men and woman who we pay to maintain truth tell lie after lie in defense of this grifter. They defend him as if he were an upright citizen instead of a gangster. And if for some horrible reason or grand deception, Trump gets another term, he will have the last laugh because he will then have unbridled madness. The gullible, naive, blinded Republican congress is defending and protecting a modern-day Hitler.


For the third time and impetuous FedEx driver has a left a package on my front steps addressed to someone else. Previously I, out of consideration, took the packages to the correct address in the neighborhood. This time I don't intend to lift a finger to help FedEx, another one off those phantom companies that cannot be reached without having a tracking number. Tough. It looks like a nice package from Nordstroms. Oh, well. The customer will never get it. I'm sure someone will steal it first, unless FexEx agrees to pay me for my delivery service.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Glutadose Wellness is another one of those suspicious products that promises wonderful things, but does not provide any way to reach them. Which is unfortunate because I wanted to tell them that the closing line on their costly commercial is grammatically incorrect. It should be every day not everyday, which has a different meaning. It's amazing how careless advertisers are when there are millions at stake.


Does Donald Trump  Jr. seriously admire his father or is he just tree-stump stupid. Imagine equating him in any way with Martin Luther King. His dad is a proven racist, a bigot of the first order, a Kluxer without the hood. Why does Jr. keep putting himself in these embarrassing situations? Is it because, like his dodo dad, he can't be embarrassed. Or is it—and this I would respect—that he wants his inheritance so much, he's willing to tell any lie, claim any virtue until the old bastard dies and he writes his long-researched book, I HATED MY FATHER. What's next from Junior? On Lincoln's birthday will he call him Honest Don? And on Washington's will he claim he never told a lie?

Monday, January 20, 2020


I don't know why I am surprised by Alan Dershowitz's attitude that Trump hasn't committed any crimes and shouldn't be impeached. After all what do you expect from an old man that thinks it's acceptable to have sex with a pre-teen young girl, especially when one of his best pals, Jeffrey, has done it dozens of times.

Sunday, January 19, 2020


I'll bet you anything that of  these million moms who object to the use of the word damn in the Burger King ad, half endorse the crude and vulgar Donald Trump. I'll even guess they are upset because it was uttered by a black man. These dames are nutcase prisses.


Trump was a Democrat who changed parties because he thought Republicans were more gullible and more likely to vote for him. He is an atheist who figured he needed the evangelical vote, so pretends to be Christian. He was Pro-Choice until he figured that wouldn't pay off. He basically will lie about anything if it helps him gain power. And, amazingly, lots of people believe all his lies. Duh.

Saturday, January 18, 2020


When you see on the news that Harry and Meghan have renounced their royal standing and all the wealth and privileges that go with them, but still plan to be actively involved in a variety of charitable causes; try to imagine the shallow Trumps, Lara and Eric, giving up their place in the Trump cult.  Could they surrender daddy's money, the profitable sham charities, the fame, the connections? Of course they couldn't. That's the difference between aristocracy and Trumposity.
Being cranky I have often whined about not getting responses from readers of my blog. But it occurred to me it could be because of the phrasing at the bottom of each blog. It reads, "no comments" when it should read "Any comments?" or "Comments please."or anything inviting. If you wish to comment you have to click "no comments" which is really peculiar. Now that you know, I am  hoping to get comments, pro or con or argumentative or complimentary. Whatever. Thanks, Pat.


You like Trump, but you have a pre-existing condition. Or, you like Trump, but someone you love has a pre-existing condition. It is clear that Trump has no intention of allowing coverage for pre-existing
conditions, though it's no skin of his nose. So you've got to make a choice. Who do you like more? Yourself?  Or that person you love who needs costly medical care? Maybe it's time for you to accept that Donald Trump doesn't give a damn about you, your family, your friends, or anyone but himself. Where's the dilemma?

Friday, January 17, 2020


Which of these two options most applies to our Republican senators in the time of impeachment. I would say neither. They don't believe what isn't true, and they easily accept what is true. But being
cowards and completely un-American, they will  acknowledge what is true, but feign to believe what is not true and proclaim what is not true in public but discuss what is true only in private among themselves. The epithet "a true America" will never apply to any of them.


It seems that President Trump's legal team includes some pretty shady lawyers themselves. Alan Dershowitz is an accused sexual pedophile and close pal of pre-teens provider Jeffrey Epstein:
Ken Starr, who happily helped sex criminal Epstein to get a slap on the wrist sentence when he should have gotten life; and Pam Bondi, the Florida Attorney General who immediately dropped a Trump investigation when he dropped $25,000 in her inviting lap. With such outstanding citizens defending him,  how could anyone question Trump's guilt?


Lara Trump at 37 is nearly six feet of bitterness and opportunism. Another woman, a mother yet, who totally approves of her father-in-law's whoring, lying, and ripping off the American tax payer. Like all the spoiled Trumps, she doesn't care about the average American as long as she can live the high life, or to put it another way live high on the hog , the hog being her father-in-law. Not famous for much, she is noted for marrying Trump's dumber son, Eric: producing a popular bubble-gum series: and most recently being the kind of evil, bitchy accomplice who ridiculed Joe Biden to gain points with her hubby's master. Just another piece of garbage who will be washed down the drain of history along
with all the other malodorous
Trump refuse.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


One of the Republican hypocrites who signed today's loyalty oath knowing she had no intention of being a patriot was the incompetent, sour, and ever defensing Martha McSallly, another racist from Arizona where they must breed them in the desert. Today when reputable CNN reporter Manu Raju asked her if she was considering any of the new evidence in the impeachment trail, being the viper and coward that that she is, she was unable to give dignified polite response. Instead she clutched her Styrofoam cup, bitterly called the report "a liberal hack", and ducked into the nearest hiding place. Sorry, Arizona, but not politician can be as classy as Gabby Giffords.


It is shameful the ease in which the Republican senators sign the oath of allegiance book knowing they have no intention to render a fair and honest verdict. How easily they all raised their hand and lied. We know they are liars. We're aware they are parasites since they are not doing the job for which we pay them. What we don't know is their motive. Why have so many senators suddenly become turncoats to their country in order to honor and obey a president with no standards, no honor, no love of America? Why would they take their marching orders from a slimy little weasel like McConnell?
What possible control can he have over them? As I write this they are signing their name in the book swearing they will obey the laws of their country. We'll see.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


I noticed on the commercial for Crest Gum Detoxify toothpaste that it was voted "product of the year". By who? (Or is it whom?) I know all about the Oscars, the Golden Globes, the Tonys, the Grammys,etc. But I don't think I'm aware of the Product of the Year Awards. Is it a festive, red-carpet affair with lots of celebrities promoting toothpaste, hair coloring,  vacuum cleaners, other new products.? And who comes up on stage to accept the award? The chemist? The package designer? The CEO? Do they read a list of finalists. I wonder if I can get tickets for next year's event.


Bruce is the principal of  Whitefield Academy, Louisville. It seems that a 15 year old student of the Academy celebrated her birthday wearing a rainbow-themed top and served a multi-colored cake. When he saw the pictures on Face book, this homophobic bigot was certain the rainbow theme was a campaign in support of gays and all those other perverts he spends his life hating, So naturally he expelled the girl from the academy, even though she had no goal at her birthday party than to make it festive. I can't imagine how this absurd and ugly story will end, but Jacobson's behavior was completely prejudiced and unchristian despite the fact that Whitefield is a Baptist Christian School in Kentucky, the bastion of hate and bigotry. One wonders if these reactionary Philistines have ever read the Bible.


I just got a high-paying job running a major company. It has something to do with food products and  branding, whatever that is. I am told I beat out the second highest-scoring candidate because my resume was so impressive. I credit that with my admiration for Donald Trump and his tendency to exaggerate and boast. But the Board is giving me problems on my "welcome" interview. They won't let me take days off whenever I want. And they don't think they should pay for my weekend games of golf. They also expect me to start at nine o'clock every work day, which is insane. And-get this, pay for my own lunch, which is only an hour. They are so petty, they won't hire a driver or a barber for my convenience, and they expect me to fly coach to business meetings. Coach! They absolutely refuse to hire my kids for administrative positions. I told them that I am a highly intelligent genius and they were lucky to have me because I have the best ideas and I could even have written my resume myself if I wanted to. That's when these idiots who have no imagination told me to get out and never come back.  Does that mean I'm fired?

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


If Donald Trump in his arrogance hadn't unlawfully assassinated General Soleimani, then Iran wouldn't have felt they had to reciprocate and bombed a U.S, Military base in Iraq and would not have accidentally shot down a Ukrainian airline with a misguided missile and 176 people, mostly Canadians would be alive today. Actions have consequences. Trump's actions have proven horrid, cruel, idiotic, sadistic, narcissistic and, in this case, fatal.


I never heard of this series until tonight on Jeopardy. But you can guess I hate the title. As I've said before and will say again and again. There is no reason for "why". I challenge you to create a sentence that starts with 13 reasons and requires a why to finish the thought.


This Warren-Sanders feud is much ado about nothing. I'm sure it's more of a creation of the media than an actual spat. Bernie is smart enough to know a woman has already won the presidency. If Russia hadn't installed their ClownPuppet,  Hillary would have taken office and, I am sure, done a damn good job. Besides both Warren and Sanders are probably exhausted from campaigning. Tempers are sure to be short. Egos delicate. I like Bernie. And I like Elizabeth. Either one would make a great president. Let's hope they clear up this nonsense at the debate later tonight. It would help if the media didn't jump on the slightest bit of gossip like ravenous hyenas.


I'm not a bad guy. No really. Like I'm not a racist. I just don't like blacks, especially Barack Obama, who had no right to be a president. I think he is a Kenyan. I'm glad he's gone. I don't like Trump either, but I've been making money hand over fist since he was elected. He's really dumb, but I will stand by him, even if it means ignoring my oath of office and totally ignoring The Constitution . I'll be reelected. You just watch. The morons of Kentucky sent me this far. They're not going to get smart overnight. I'm sort of like Richard the Third. Powerful, but kind of ugly. So what? I got a attractive wife. I get a big salary so I can afford hookers. As long as Republicans are sheep, and I know certain secrets, and I kiss Bozo's ass, I'm safe. I can't wait to screw up this impeachment trial.I've got plans. Let me ask you. I don't think I look like a turtle, do you?


Something that bothers me, that doesn't seem to bother anyone else is the posting of times. I was taught to never use 12am and 12pm, but instead to use Noon and Midnight.  Surprisingly, when I wrote for Carnival Cruise Lines I got them to use those designations in their brochures. One could spend days deciding at which point 12 O'clock is am or pm, or AM or PM or A.M.or P.M. or a.m. or p.m. Noon and Midnight is so much easier. Even today if I ask otherwise intelligent people, they stumble over which is which. If I had my way, we would only use Noon and Midnight. But then, if I had my way, people would stop saying "the reason why" since the "why" is totally unnecessary.


Today I found myself guilty of what I chide others about. Accepting information at face value without checking. I had been told by an otherwise reliable source that Jane Powell was 110 years old. (These days that's rare, but not impossible.) Finding this so fascinating I repeated it to several people, who were as impressed as myself. Today I looked her up. She is 91 years old. Unfortunately few of my friends read my blog, so they won't know how misinformed I was. Oh, well. Whatever her age, I'm glad that Jane is still with us.


I can't believe the Bernie Sanders told Elizabeth Warren that a woman can't win the presidency. Bernie knows as well as every other American that a woman did win. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by millions. Trump stole the election with the help of cronies just as Bush stole the election from Gore. Of course a woman can win, will win. What a silly news story considering that none of the networks this week mentioned Hillary's victory and theft. Not only was she cheated.
We all were.

Sunday, January 12, 2020


My being banned from Twitter bears repeating. What I did was call Laura Ingraham a bitch, nothing else. Nothing more than that one truthful comment. Here is Twitter's reply.
Your account has been suspended and will not be restored because it was found to be violating Twitter's Terms of Service, specifically the Twitter Rules against hateful conduct. It is against our rules to promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease. Additionally, if we determine that the primary purpose of an account is to incite harm towards others on the basis of these categories, that account may be suspended without prior warning. 


The Trump Parade of Liars never ends. Today the lead clown is Mark Esper. These people are so pathetic, the way they get on TV and spew all the lies it takes to get Trump to pat them on the head. They never seem to be aware that their reputation and credibility is going down the tubes. Fortunately he doesn't seem to have any children who will be ashamed of him, but his wife Leah must get looks from liberals who value the truth and know a sycophant when they see one. Some day we will all learn what the hold is that the slimy lowlife Trump has on all these once-respectable people. I can hardly wait.


I was at the pharmacy today when I realized how greedy some companies are. Notably those who make eye drops. I have for years complained about the obscene prices for prescription eye drops, which are mostly prescribed for elderly people for whom these exorbitant charges are a hardship. But today I realized that greed extends to over-the-counter drops. There is no reason in the world that a tiny bottle of non-prescription eye drops should cost from $10 to $30. Shame on Bausch and Lomb, Systane, and all the other purveyors of glorified water whose ingredients, I feel sure, are far from costly. I can't list them here because these pirates also print the labels in type too tiny for most humans to read. Shown below is just one of these rip-off products: two teaspoons for $15.00.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Christian parents who wanted their children to attend a college that stresses strong Christian values and dependence on Biblical teaching could easily find such colleges and universities. Not any more. Not since the evangelicals and other religions have embraced the amoral, non-Christian lifestyle of Donald Trump who is more than likely an atheist and certain shows no respect for the teachings of Christ. Most recently I was surprised to hear the Palm Beach Atlantic University is honoring Melania Trump as "Woman of Distinction". What distinction? That she was smart enough to hook a millionaire, live a luxurious lifestyle, give birth to a child that should prove a fabulous insurance policy, and get her parents past immigration with ease. Surely this ex nude-model, hooker can hardly be a woman of distinction worthy of such regard. Yet bad as that is, this same school plans to honor her husband later this year. Is morality dead forever?
P.S. Rather than offend anyone with one of the many nude photos of Meania on the Internet, I chose this picture. If you want to see the far more risqué shots, you will have to do your own search. That goes for you, too, Palm Beach Atlantic.


I highly recommend that everybody, but mostly persons in news or politics, do the following. Learn the difference between flaunt and flout. A learned guest on MSNBC this morning, who should have known the difference kept saying flaunting when he meant flouting. Sadly this is not unusual. This should help.
should help.


I was pleased to see that Matt Gaetz (whom I despise) at least had enough sense and integrity to vote for the War Powers resolution. But not being willing to shed his total toadyism, he first stated that Trump was right to assassinate Soleimani (wrong). Sadly the toothy Mr. Gaetz has reached a point in his life where he can think for himself and honor his vows, or betray his country and become another Trump puppet like all the other Republican acolytes.
I wish some reporter would ask Trump if he feels any responsibility for the 176 passengers and crew who died in the Ukranian aircraft crash, which never would have happened if he hadn't unlawfully had Soleimiani assassinated. I think we all know what his answer would be.
Forgetting all else, why would any country allow a president who is most famous for being a pathological liar. That's national suicide.

Friday, January 10, 2020


Not surprised to see butch Liz Cheney defending Trump's unlawful assassination of Soleimani. After all her own father declared an illegal war on an innocent country that resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent Iraqis and American military personnel as well as thousands more maimed, crippled, blinded or emotionally handicapped for life. Cheney and Bush should both be in prison. Her defense of Trump shows me that Liz Cheney is as cold-hearted as her war criminal father.


I notice on the news today,  there has been a parade of Trump toadies saying how this week's briefing about the assassination of Soleamani was brilliantly presented, clearly delivered, and utterly understandable. Bullshit. I still believe Michael Lee of Utah and Rand Paul of Kentucky, who say it was an insult and a disaster. (When will we learn why these other Republicans are defending our creepy commander in chief?) I am surprised that these shallow sycophants don't even make the connection that Trump's arrogant recklessness led to the deaths of 176 passengers and crew aboard a Ukranian airline. There is great sadness today in the Ukraine and Canada and all these GOP goons can do is giddily endorse the lies of our loose-cannon president. What song will they be singing when one of Trump's many missteps causes a death or disaster in their family? Surely some of these well-paid, oath-taking legislators are feeling at least a twinge of conscience since they cannot all be so blind and gullible that they don't see what a danger Trump is to America  and the world.
 P.S. There's no point in spouting Christian sentiments any more. They no longer wash. 
P.P.S. Sorry you have to see McConnell's evil, ugly face. But you won't have to much longer.

Thursday, January 9, 2020


I watch too much television, so I am subjected to the monotony of too many commercials. The ones I hate the most are those with really irritating jingles. These are songs and singers so annoying, one wonders if the advertiser is being deliberately strident in the hopes of imbedding their horrible jingle into the consumer's brain. Among the top three annoying songs, I nominate. Celebrity Cruise Lines, Hard Rock Cafe, and Volvo with their Someone to Lean On that makes me rush to the pause button.


If our arrogant, impulsive unthinking president didn't ignore the Constitution and give instructions to kill Soleamani, then the Iranians would not have been so up in arms and thirsting for revenge, which caused them to send ballistic missiles to military sites in Iraq; and doing so accidentally shot down a Ukrainian airline, causing the deaths of 176 people include many Canadians, and several children. Another example of the kind of horror and disaster that results from having an idiot in office. One who, I suspect, doesn't feel even a twinge of sadness for the many persons who died unnecessarily because of his stupidity.
Great news! America will never again have a president as ignorant, vulgar, dishonest, petty, cruel, crooked, criminal, lazy, incompetent, greedy, paranoid, mentally unstable, arrogant, egocentric, misinformed, and just plain repulsive as Donald Trump. Isn't that comforting?


An advertising slogan should be a line one readily understands. You hear it. You smile. You get it. But these days, far too many companies have theme lines and slogans that are totally cryptic. For instance the line for USAA: " What you're made of, we're made for." I don't know what that means. . As near as I can figure out, it's a company that offers home, life and auto insurance as well as investment services for military people. I'm sure it has noble aims and its customers appreciate being deserving of its services. But that's still not a good reason for having such a convoluted, inaccessible slogan. I've heard it's a new theme. They should have stuck with the one below.


I'm sure I speak for millions of Americans when I say what a thrill it was to hear Senator Mike Lee of Utah give a scathing review of President Trump's Iran briefing yesterday.  It has been so long since we have heard anything but toadyism and flattery about our mendacious president, we were as delighted as we were stunned. The praise for this honesty also goes to Rand Paul, of course, but Senator Lee's passion and adjectives carried the day. His outraged tirade was especially welcome after seeing obsequious and dishonest praise after the sketchy, coverup meeting from such always-yes-men as Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio. It would be wonderful if this surprising frankness signaled a new candor among the Republicans; but that would be too much of a patriot's dream come true. Maybe not. If two senators realize the value of truth, maybe others will follow.