Saturday, September 29, 2018


There are lots of nasty people in the world.
They don’t care about the hungry and the sick.
All they want do it make big bucks,
And they want to make those big bucks quick.
How do you stop these greedy creeps?
How do you squash these horrid trolls?
You can’t shoot them. You can’t stab them.
But there’s one step you can take:
You can beat then at the polls.
You can crush them. 
You can slay ‘em.
You can cause a world of mayhem.
Your vote is a bullet 
to each bastard on the ballot.
It’s an arrow, it’s a noose, it’s a well placed mallet.
And when yours is one of milllons, please take note:
Nothing has the power of your one vote.

Sunday, September 16, 2018


The more I watch ID or Forensic Files or any of the many other crime shows, I am struck by how often women (victims are mostly women) can avoid being murdered. My friend Pat Longan wrote and illustrated a hilarious book on the subject, but in case you don't have it (and why don't you?) let's review. First of all many victims are killed in their beds. They wake and find a rapist/strangler standing over them.Nobody should be able to enter your home at night without making a loud noise. Put something that will fall and break at every point of entrance. Never leave a window open on an
accessible floor not matter how hot it is. If you're getting divorced don't tell your husband, "I'm going to take you for everything you own." especially if you're alone. If your spouse suggests increasing your life insurance, be suspicious. If you are suddenly sick with mysterious symptoms, suspect poison no matter how nice your spouse is. Be suspicious of that overly friendly neighbor, wary of any repair person, and distrustful of anyone at the front door who you don't know. Most important for men and woman who are dating. As soon as someone shows any sign of being controlling as to what you say, who you're friends with, or how you dress, drop that person.I could go on and on, but it's all here in this book. So if you're not in the mood to be murdered, read it.

Saturday, September 15, 2018


One of the Trump mysteries that has never been cleared up involves the black lacquered box. This was the "gift" presented to Trump at the Miss Universe office in New York in November of 2013 by the daughter of an oligarch. The box, supposedly from Vladimir Putin contained a sealed letter from Putin or the oligarch, Aras Agalorov. The contents of that letter has never been revealed. Being an incredible narcissist, one can assume if it were flattering, Trump would have bragged about its complimentary contents. But he didn't. This leads me to suspect it was a threat, the opening salvo to blackmailing Trump with a videotape or other evidence of his illegal dealings in Moscow, which must have been pretty shameful to  launch him on his unwavering devotion to Putin. This letter, if it still exists, is a highly desirable item to Mueller's investigation.  One wonders.