Thursday, January 30, 2020


Any person who reads A WARNING by Anonymous and doesn't feel that Trump should be removed from office must be insane. The book clearly points out his pettiness, his cruelty, his jealous nature and, worse of all, his incompetence to hold office. This thrice married, frequently bankrupt loser can only have gained the office of the President through chicanery. And once he had achieved it, he made it a laughing stock to the rest of the world, while turning it into his personal golden goose. How did Trump manage to turn all the Republican senators into robotic sycophants when (as the book makes clear) they all know what a liar and fraud he is, is a mystery that may never be solved. To protect him once-respected leaders have willingly shredded their reputations,  betrayed the country and Constitution they swore to honor, and mechanically repeated lies fed to them by their narcissistic puppet master. Every Republican sitting in on that impeachment hearing knows that Trump should be reviled and removed, yet refuses to face that truth en masse. Ergo Trump will remain in office and have at least another year to wreak more havoc on America, tell thousands of more lies, and destroy the reputations of more honorable men and women who step carelessly into the crippling bear trap of his indifference.

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