Wednesday, January 22, 2020


We Americans seem to find it humorous that our president has told over 16,000 lies in just three years. But what's funny about that? Is it funny that we have a deceitful con man in office? Is it funny that the world has lost respect for us? Is it funny that our standards for truth, honor and integrity have all gone done the tubes with this clown we have elected to office? No, it's sad, tragic, pitiable. Sadder yet is that for some reason, Trump's mendacity has spread to our Republican congress. These men and woman who we pay to maintain truth tell lie after lie in defense of this grifter. They defend him as if he were an upright citizen instead of a gangster. And if for some horrible reason or grand deception, Trump gets another term, he will have the last laugh because he will then have unbridled madness. The gullible, naive, blinded Republican congress is defending and protecting a modern-day Hitler.

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