Thursday, January 2, 2020


Trump said today, somewhat sanctimoniously, "I like peace." That's true. He likes peace between countries, between armies. Because if there's war, it interferes with his golf games, and might even hurt his hotel profits. But he doesn't like peace between people. He likes conflict, hostility, hatred,and animosity. That turns him on. He loves white against black, Texans against Mexicans, Christians against Muslims. And he does what he can to foment conflict. Breaking News  Since I started this blog, I learned that Trump has ordered the murder of the leading Iranian general. This is not good. It suggests that Trump does not like peace. And time has proven that presidents tend to get reelected if a war is occurring during election. This is horrible on many levels. One, we cannot have Trump for another four years. Two. A war with Iran is unthinkable because while the leaders of that country are despicable savages, Iranians themselves are educated sophisticated people who do no deserve to be victims in another undisciplined American war. The Iranian military is sure to seek vengeance for this killing. One can only tremble at what that vengeance can be.

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