Sunday, April 30, 2017


Having heard so many rave reviews of La La Land, I was eager to see it. Since I no longer go to theaters where morons check their e-mails every five minutes creating a sense of a fire fly attack, I had to wait to see it on cable, which I did last night. I didn't actually see the entire movie. After about 25 minutes, I gave up. In fact, I was ready to give up after the opening dancing scene on the Los Angeles freeway. That pretty much clued me in on what a rotten film this would be. I couldn't make out what they were singing, the dancing looked totally unrehearsed, and the band-in-the-van created the final "give me a break"moment. What followed was bad acting, bad singing, mediocre dancing, an illogical story, a who cares love affair, truly choppy editing, cliche costuming, and a mush-mouth soundtrack.
If the stars hadn't been in better films, you would never guess they were talented. (This film and Singin' in the Rain should never be used in the same sentence.) What did surprise me was that so many people on the Internet also felt this film was truly overrated, if not a downright disappointment. I keep vowing I will never fall for hype again, and I always do.

Saturday, April 29, 2017


One of the reasons we are stuck with President Trump is that MSNBC, of all networks, gave Trump total coverage during his campaign. They vilified Hillary constantly, gave her little coverage and constantly showed Donald and his adoring fans as if he were of some value. And he won. And now that we are stuck with this moron, right now, at this moment, at 8 pm on Saturday night MSNBC is giving complete coverage to his rally in Pennsylvania. They are presenting every moment of his speech and Pence's speech, showing every second of exultant cheering from the gullible crowd, every bragging lie. Why are they still continuing their excessive coverage of Donald Trump on his 100th day of failure?  Why?  What makes MSNBC so eager to present this traitorous adoration of this dangerous madman? Why? Why? Why?


This woman is as much a joke as her father. She seems to have no idea that she is an intruder in the White House. The  very idea that she would make an unwanted appearance in Germany with all those highly qualified women in her made-from-upholstery dress is shameful. Suggesting her father is a defender of families rightly got hissed and she, totally clueless, didn't even appreciate the contempt sent her way. She feels no guilt about all the reports that her clothes are made in China by children for $1 a day, if that. She is not the least embarrassed at trotting along with her buffoon of a father to insert herself in international meetings. For a supposed orthodox Jew she is disturbingly vain and sleazy. And her hinting at any kind of alliance with working class women is comical. And one wonders who is taking care of her children while she goes swanning around the world. Sadly, the gullible media treats her as if she were a significant person, but she is a parvenu, an invader, a teeny bopper of an adult, a spoiled and  absurd person who is the absolute perfect reflection of her shallow father.

Monday, April 24, 2017


Trump has had a lot of stupid ideas, but the stupidest is the wall. It is a project so expensive that it would cost every American about $400.00. It is being considered only out of Donald's hatred for Mexicans and anyone else who tries to enter his private paradise illegally. Worst of all, it's totally ineffective. All you need is a tall ladder, wire cutters and a rope and you're over. And you don't have to be covert about it,  since I don't think any force can guard thousands of miles 24 hours a day. Plus, hiring only American guards is impossible. So most of the guards will probably be Mexican. Then of course it means appropriating land that is privately owned and has been for decades.  The Texans are going to love that. They'll especially love having their magnificent replaced by miles of  concrete and steel. Lovely. Finally, it will become a symbol of a repressive and paranoid America, far outdistancing the Berlin Wall. Great public relations. And, once again, considering its cost wouldn't it be cheaper to build an entire city in Mexico with comfortable houses, stores, a shopping mall, and a few factories? Even that would be much less expensive than Trump's idiotic wall. It's truly amazing the number of enablers that indulge this spoiled and impractical child.

Sunday, April 23, 2017


One of these days there will be incontrovertible proof that Trump was elected through the machinations of the Russian government, and he will be removed from office. Once he has, the news media will act as if they had nothing to do with his election and suggest that they never kissed his ass despite all the evidence to the contrary.  There will be all kinds of "How was this possible?" stories about social- climbing Ivanka given a White House office, her naif of a husband given excessive power, and Steve Bannon given a blank slate for bigotry. Many red states will insist that they never actually voted Trump in, and pathetic toadies like Spicer, Sessions, Nunes, Miller, and others will try to underplay their shameless kowtowing. One TV special will add up all the excess expenses of Trump's wasted time at Mara Lago, which will be the new term for obscene extravagance. Other specials will reveal many of Trump's secrets like his costly hairdresser, favorite Clairol shade, uncomfortable corsets, makeup artists, elevator shoes, and failed face lifts. Despite the many lawsuits following his fall, he will not serve prison time. He will, however, pay millions to the many women he molested, see the decline of the Trump name, close his many Russian franchises, and probably become a recluse in his garish Trump Tower residence to live out his years as Sir Walter Scott said, "unwept, unhonored and unsung".
Is this clueless creature really the Attorney General of the United States?
This bigoted, racist little worm, who swore to uphold the laws of the land, should have resigned when he himself broke the law by lying to Congress. Yet, like all lawbreaking leeches, he's still holding on. And, like every Republican congress they are closing their eyes to his mendacity.  

Friday, April 21, 2017


I  cannot understand why this photo was featured on so many news networks this week. What we see are three semi-celebrities: Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent, and Kid Rock posing in front of a portrait of Hillary Clinton at the White House after they had lunch with another loser, President Trump. How is the puerile action of three nitwits national news? Was their intention to ridicule Hillary Clinton, a woman who accomplished more each year than they have in their lifetimes? If so, they failed. The very fact that she has a portrait in the White House makes fools of this trio. All they have proven is that they are undisciplined and infantile ninnies who, at 47, 53, and 68, are still unable to control their childish angers and urge to perform impulsive and unimaginative stunts like this. The pity is that news coverage today so reveres the trivial that this irrelevant trio gets to be seen with the portrait of a world-famous and highly admired world leader.

Thursday, April 20, 2017


Is grifting considered a new career choice, because there are so many people doing it? Not a week goes by that I don't get a notice from a bank (where I don't have an account) asking me to update my information. Then there are the threatening phone calls from the fake IRS agents demanding payment for some past error that never occurred. There are the calls from pathetic travelers stranded at a foreign airport who somehow got your name and need you to send cash. Sadly most of these scams are directed at the elderly, who all too often fall for these telephone schemes.  I haven't yet been cursed with identity theft, though I know those who have. What kind of human garbage do you have to be to make your living out of lying and stealing?  Frankly I would like to see this country empty our jails and prisons of all the petty drug dealers to make room for these internet thieves. Actually I would like to see them lined up daily in front of a firing squad, but one isn't supposed to say that.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

If we don't stop him soon, this maniac will get millions killed.
This is the Lucretia Crocker Elementary School in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, where I began my education when I was six years old in 1948.  I remember loving school then, and being taught things you never hear of today, like square dancing, etiquette, and poetry. My favorite subject was always English, the only class in which I excelled. Teachers then were very fussy about grammar and diction, one didn't say "ain't", use a double negative, or employ "was" when "were" was the correct usage.  I cannot remember a single class, ever, where the teacher said, "You must never pronounce Ts in the middle of words." Why? Because they never did. I mention this because I cannot understand why so many Americans have totally given up on so many interior Ts that should be pronounced but aren't. Did a dictate come down of which I wasn't aware? Why does everyone say innanet, innastate, innaview, atlannic. and romannic to name just five out of hundreds of mispronounced words? True, there are some announcers and celebrities who still pronounce them correctly, but very few. Yes, this is an obsession with me. And I wish others gave a damn, but they don't seem to. Does it matter? Yes. Because when these words are properly pronounced, they sound so much better.

Note: I cringe with annoyance every night when David Muir comments about, "an accident on the


I guess I am supposed to think that Petsmart is real nice after seeing this spot. If I buy a bag of food, they will give a meal to an animal. What's so great about that? One meal! First of all it shouldn't be a pet in need, pet suggests ownership. Wouldn't it be an animal in need? And how do they choose the animal? And does said animal just get one meal and then they move on? It's a confusing spot and
it doesn't sound all that generous. Particularly since PetsMart has such high prices. You would think that a store that specializes in pet food would have lower prices than the average super market. Not so.
I have found their prices are even higher than, Publix,  my local high-priced market.


A while back in a survey of Americans they said they would never vote for an atheist. Apparently they want their country run by someone who believes in a magic person the sky who keeps track of every one of the billions of people on earth. Despite that the next person they voted for was an atheist. If you think that Trump believes in god, you are sadly mistaken. Trump believes in himself only, and would not live the life he does if he thought a judgemental god  was watching. He is an atheist, which is a wonderful joke on all the evangelicals and Christians who voted for him. Not only doesn't he believe in god, but he has absolute contempt for most of his religious fans. Low wage earners, rustics, rubes, bible-thumpers, nobodies—these are not people who are invited to Mara Lago. The only satisfaction from having this madman in the White House is knowing that he totally bamboozled all the blue collar boobs and racist rubes who thought he was like them and stupidly gave him their vote.  He is nothing like them, which is why they are scraping for a living and worrying about health care, while he is bleeding the government for millions in perks, promoting his already-spoiled family, going to church only when the photo-ops demand it, and hopping into bed at night without ever saying a useless prayer to a nonexistent deity, unlike almost all of his worshipful admirers.

Friday, April 14, 2017


Why are we letting a 70-year-old mental case decide all of or futures . He's already broken every promise, put us in harm's way and possibly will start a nuclear war with the only other leader as crazy as he is. Meanwhile the increasingly insane media dubs him a decisive leader. What? All you have to do is watch the nut for ten minutes to know he should be removed from office, yet we stand by patiently while he makes our lives more and more dangerous. If we don't have a combined death wish, why aren't we doing something?

Thursday, April 13, 2017


Another note on the idiotic media. They are all enthusiastic about "The Mother of All Bombs" being dropped on an Isis compound. They are praising Trump, saying it was brave, effective, admirable, a true sign of power. Great. Except for one thing. We have seen from the past that Isis is cruel, vindictive, and vengeful. They won't be cowed by this monster explosion. They will be pissed. And how will they exact revenge. With more terrorism, more suicide bombs, and more horror. So, while everybody is so joyous about this super bomb, they don't seem to appreciate just how far its destruction may spread.


Among those who recognize the true madness of Trump are the hosts of comedy shows, Noah, Steve, Bill, Samantha, Seth (not including Jimmy who lost me after fawning over war criminal G.W Bush). And while the media blows hot and cold, ("He's nuts." "He's presidential." "He's a liar." "He's a leader.") most liberal YouTube hosts stay solidly on target. But the true white knight for America's future, as far as I am concerned, is Keith Olbermann who sees Trump's lies and madness with absolute unwavering clarity, and brilliantly and passionately exposes each new insanity. Keith doesn't fall for such network-swallowed lies as Trump was deeply affected by Syrian children being gassed. Nothing affects Trump deeply. Well maybe a spectacular chocolate cake as our president proved this week in another embarrassing interview where he was so inappropriately involved in rhapsodizing about the Mara Lago dessert that he actually said we had just bombed Iraq instead of Syria.  I'm dying to hear Keith's take on this. 


Today the U.S. military dropped"the mother of all bombs" on an ISIS compound in Afghanistan. When  asked if he authorized it, Trump (who usually takes credit for everything) hedged and said that he authorized the military. The gullible media seem to feel this is the comment of a strong and modest leader. I would suggest it's another one of Trump's ploys. If anything goes wrong with this operation, such as the deaths of many children of ISIS members or other civilians, Trump will not accept any blame: after all he authorized the military, so really it's their error, just as he blamed the generals for the many deaths in the Yemen disaster. Note how often Trump said after the bombing, "We're so proud of our military." in order to reinforce that it was them, not him, who made the bombing decision. Very transparent, except to the media.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


It seems that Ivanka, with her wide experience from running a daddy-financing clothing line, thinks she's qualified to advise her doting father on the bombing of Syria, cause it would make her feel ever so much better. Papa listened and obliged. Meanwhile her equally "I know everything" hubby, with his wide experience on being handed a real estate empire by his jailbird dad, thinks he's qualified to run the entire world since Trump has too many golf engagements to be bothered. Doesn't it make you feel safe to know that the future of the world is in the hands of these narcissistic , know-it-all, spoiled scions of wealthy, but not altogether respectable,families?

Note: Apparently, like his father-in-law, Comrade Kushner is also an unskilled liar. It has just been revealed that he has had dozens of unreported meetings with Russians. What is going on with this very
peculiar family?

Monday, April 10, 2017


I have total contempt for anyone who was stupid enough to vote for Donald Trump. But I must admit  I get great satisfaction out of knowing how hoodwinked these voters were. Just this week Donnie has given superior powers to his son-n-law, a realtor,  and, best of all, a Democrat. Stubborn Republicans must love that. Obama haters were sure Trumpy would make Barack look like a lazy golf-playing plutocrat. But Obama looks like a workaholic next to lazy golf-playing Trump who seems to feel that being president is a 9-5 job with weekends off. Trump's voters were sure he would tighten America's belt, but considering the expenses associated with his trips to Mara Lago, the 5th Avenue White House, and the rip-off business expenses his sons are bleeding the government for, that ain't gonna happen. He was going to defeat the Isis in the first week. Not. He had a fabulous health plan to replace Obamacare. Not. He would create millions of jobs right away. Not. Also keep in mind that he allowed corporations to sell all the information they garner about you on the Internet. And if you were getting accustomed to
peace, forget it. Trump it a petulant bully and you can be sure he'll pick a fight with any world leader who doesn't like him, and he'll be totally clueless about the consequences. So as much as I hate all the problems with the Trump presidency which I anticipated and expected, I really love thinking of all those cheering fans with their hand-painted and misspelled signs fans who, let's face it, have been screwed.

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Nothing makes me feel so optimistic about the goodness of people than these flash mob videos from around the world. First of all they represent the kind of willing cooperation it takes to even stage such high-spirited events. People in complete harmony. What could be better?  Each one willing to devote the rehearsal time required to achieve this kind of  unity in a mostly crowded area like a train station, airport, or shopping mall. When they do, all the participants seem to radiate total happiness as do all the observers who, I am sure, feel the contagious joy. Also these various flash mobs express such a variety of our cultures and histories, from hit rock songs to classical symphonic concerts. Every one I've seen is a smile-winning, tear-jerking delight, whether it's  a performance of the 1812 Overture in Valencia, Spain;  a Bollywood spectacle outside of London's Wembley Station, or a stirring"One More Day" from Les Miserables in Orlando. Happily there are now too many to list as these joyous events are happening worldwide. I include here Do Re Mi at the Antwerp train station, as it was the first one I ever saw. I hope to see one in person some day

Note: I apologize in advance for all the hucksters that cram unwanted ads into these videos.


I hate this new Chase commercial. What is the message? That being destructive is all right as long as you're a celebrity willing to pay for the destruction? I guess sports fans are amused by this matchup.
I repeat, I hate it.

Note: I will have to stop including commercials in my blog unless somebody can tell me how to avoid
having additional unwanted commercials added to the post.


There is one thing I will never understand about news coverage. It remains a mystery to me about the people who provide the news and those who watch it. It is the repetition of horror. We say we are sickened, shocked and repulsed by the poisoned gas attack on innocent Syrians. Yet we show those supposedly unwatchable scenes again and again. We do this with every nightmarish event. Why? I don't want to see these horrors once, much less four or five times a night. I don't want to see mothers wailing about the death of their children after an earthquake or mudslide. I don't want to see fathers carrying their deceased children away from the scene of a tsunami. It seems to me the networks are saying, "Here is a scene of unimaginable horror. Hey, let's watch that again." Weird.

Friday, April 7, 2017


Even if Trump hadn't proven himself to be the greatest liar in American history, he would have the reputation as the biggest hypocrite. He yaps about protecting the economy, then wastes our money with costly flights to Mara Lago every single week, having the government help finance his sons business trips, and saddling us with the expenses of keeping his trophy wife in New York with still more costly security services. Then, of course, there's the golf which he plays far more often than Obama whom he criticized for his golfing outings. Having Trump as president is probably the most ridiculous and shameful catastrophe to ever befall America. To think enough Americans believed the bullshit of this bloated braggart to put his fat ass into office is incomprehensible. Yet there he is: lying, bragging, wasting taxpayers' money, spinning fantasies, hiring, firing, perspiring, and making most Americans who normally don't swear say, "How the fuck did this happen?"


I used to respect Congress. But lately I becoming aware of how common and inept most of our congressmen and women and senators are. Not special, not inordinately bright, not paragons of integrity, certainly not hard workers, not dependable, not courageous, not especially patriotic, and not responsive to their constituents, except when they feel their cushy jobs are in danger. This photo expresses how I see many members of congress these days. The Democrats, of course, are more responsive than the Republicans. But none of them seem to have a clue how to compromise or even care.  Although on second thought, though I feel that most members of congress are as clueless about the cares of state as the Little Rascals, this really isn't a fair comparison. The rascals are cute, and there's nothing cute about today's U.S. Congress.


I don't understand why octogenarian John McCain seems to get so much respect from the media. As far as I can see, he's just an ancient warmongering windbag. And is everyone forgetting that he is the idiot that chose Sarah Palin as his vice president. That act alone should make him taboo to any reporter seeking an intelligent comment on any subject.  Also, like the geriatric George Bush, I suspect that McCain's war records have been greatly enhanced and the more cowardly sections removed. Also I am offended by this sore loser constantly taking cheap shots at Barack Obama, who was an excellent president and a true scholar and gentleman. Not only do we now have a mental deficient in office, but we seem to be already involved in a violent conflict. I could happily strangle all the nitwits who cursed us with this president, which would also mean garroting all the Russians whose interference made it possible. Meanwhile the media keeps asking dotty John McCain his opinion on all recent developments. His opinion? Did I mention Sarah Palin?

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Today we got that horrific news about a Syrian village being bombed with sarin gas. Our moronic president instead of just expressing his sympathy and help, did what he always does. For some insane reason in his warped mind, he blamed President Obama for this outrage. Note he didn't suggest for a moment that his good friend Putin, who is in league with Assad was in any way responsible. No. Just President Obama. What other shameful acts lie ahead?


Though I have never actually heard this word used, I would call pinning a medal on someone medaling. Note it would be a three-syllable word. Today the thing that perplexes me is the number of college-educated persons, including newscasters, who call meddling, a two-syllable word, meddelling. Where did they get that extra syllable? This is epidemic with all kinds of words. Is diction a lost art?

Monday, April 3, 2017


What could be more obvious? Trump, lousy businessman that he is goes bankrupt several years ago. No bank wants to finance such a loser, but Russia comes through with the money. When it's time to pay up, Trump can't. He's worried, knowing that Putin is killing people right and left. Is there a way out? Yes, says Vlad. If you could maybe become president. How can I do that? whines Donnie. With our expert help, says Vlad. So Donnie gives it a go, but even with non-stop coverage from all the media, it looks like Hillary will win. "Not so fast," says Putin (in Russian, of course). And guess what? despite every prediction, Trump wins. "So now," Putin purrs, "You can pull all kinds of strings for your comrades and help yourself as well." And presto, a friendly oil man is Secretary of State, the White House is as red as it's ever been, the Trumps are making money hand over fist,  the Russkies are making money fist over hand, and everyone is happy, except the American people, of course, but as Putin says, "Let them eat borscht."

Sunday, April 2, 2017


There are many things this country needs more of. But this post is just about two. We need more quiet and more atheists. We need quiet because everywhere you go there is piped in music, generally strident,  loud, repetitive, lowbrow music supposedly designed to make life more pleasant, when in fact it has the opposite effect. Companies like Musak have convinced their customers that these irritating soundtracks are what people want and they believe it. Recently a local restaurant's sound system was broken down for two weeks. I asked the owner if anyone complained about not having music. He said no one did. They didn't even notice. Most such systems do not provide music, so much as noise, which creates tension. People need silence to read, to think, to consider, to converse. Now about atheism. There are millions of closet atheists. They are logical enough to realize there is no god who watches out for everything, answers prayers, and gives a damn about your morals. If more of those people would admit to being atheists we would have a larger army to fight all the zealots who are trying to run our lives based on ancient storybooks, eternally unproven superstitions, far too many tax-evading charlatans, and
the need for so many factions to violently prove that their invisible god is the true one. Ah, the joy of living in a quiet world where Franklin Graham can't sell his snake oil.


After watching this Damn Yankees clip, you might be interested to know that a new film version of this musical is being produced.  It seems that Todd Graff (never heard of him) writer and director Bandslam (never heard of it) feels he can do a better remake than the original. He's changing the story dramatically, making the main theme about steroids, replacing the Washington Senators with the Chicago Cubs, removing most of the original songs and adding some new ones, and taking out all the Bob Fosse choreography,(you know that boring dancing you saw in the previous post). The stars of this new version are Jim Carrey and Jake Gyllenhaal, (no mention of who plays Lola or has Todd in his arrogance removed her, too).  Having so many wonderful memories of this great show, I have no intention of seeing the "contemporary" new version. And frankly, I hope it strikes out.


One of the most amazing show-stoppers on Broadway is "Shoeless Joe from Hannibal Mo." from Damn Yankees. What's most amazing about it is that, despite its complex dancing, it is brilliantly performed by high school students as well as Broadway performers, as you can see from the clip from Stratford High School. But when I browse the Internet, I find still other brilliant amateur versions of this number, which is one of my favorites. Damn Yankees and The Pajama Game were the only two Broadway shows written by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross. Bother were smash hits, Sadly Jerry Ross died of lung disease complications in 1955 at the age of 29. One can only imagine what other great shows we would have seen if this golden collaboration had not been cut short. I encourage you to look up other songs from this great show, like "You Gotta Have Heart."

Note: I don't know how this offensive commercial got in here. It wasn't there before. Still it's worth sitting through.


There are many things wrong with the bible (which I refuse to capitalize). For starters it has caused more pain, death, stupidity, violence, and misunderstanding than any other book. And it continues to do  so every day. Here is one of the latest idiocies inspired by the bible. Republican Congressman from Texas (where else?) Jodney (that's a name?) Arrington says that unemployed people shouldn't be fed. His reason for feeling this, like many morons, is a biblical verse. In this case Thessalonians 3:10, which says, "if a man will not work, he shall not eat." I'm guessing that Jod (may I call you Jod?) feels the same way about children. They probably shouldn't eat until they've done a full day at the mill. Doesn't it bother my readers that assholes like Arrington are involved in our country's government?  The idea that zealots like him are quoting an ancient text full of idiotic idioms as rules to live by is terrifying.

Note: Google lists this moron is both Jodney and Jodey. Either way he's dangerous, as is any politician who doesn't understand and appreciate the separation of church and state. As an atheist, I am particularly offended by these bible thumpers who want to govern the world based on an ancient book and a mythical character in the sky for whom we have no more evidence than that of Santa Claus, the Hobbits or the Munchins.


I don't know why I keep a land phone. Out of habit, I guess. I rarely get a personal call. I do, however, get dozens of sales call, robot calls, scam calls, pleas for money, and news that I have won a dream vacation if I will only send in the $25.00 registration fee. I think the telephone companies had better get on the ball and do something about these irritating phone calls or soon millions of people will give up their land phones. As we all know the "no call"list is useless. Bad enough I have to put up with grifters, but I worry about those who believe they have to send money to the IRS immediately, or that their bank  accounts need to be updated and they must provide such information as their Social Security number. I think all minor drug offenders should be set free and their cells given to all phone scammers. Now the daily mail is also annoying, but different. I need the mail to get my monthly bills, some magazines, cards and certain letters too personal to e-mail. But what I mostly get are pleas for money from hospitals, pet shelters, and a variety of other charities. I also get far too much mail from my investment group with whom I never invest, and from my health care provider whose letters I never open. I know. I know. I should pay my bills on line. Sorry. I still prefer writing checks and using the mailbox. It allows me the illusion that we are still living in a sane and well-ordered world. That is, until the phone rings.