Wednesday, April 12, 2017


It seems that Ivanka, with her wide experience from running a daddy-financing clothing line, thinks she's qualified to advise her doting father on the bombing of Syria, cause it would make her feel ever so much better. Papa listened and obliged. Meanwhile her equally "I know everything" hubby, with his wide experience on being handed a real estate empire by his jailbird dad, thinks he's qualified to run the entire world since Trump has too many golf engagements to be bothered. Doesn't it make you feel safe to know that the future of the world is in the hands of these narcissistic , know-it-all, spoiled scions of wealthy, but not altogether respectable,families?

Note: Apparently, like his father-in-law, Comrade Kushner is also an unskilled liar. It has just been revealed that he has had dozens of unreported meetings with Russians. What is going on with this very
peculiar family?

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