Thursday, April 13, 2017


Among those who recognize the true madness of Trump are the hosts of comedy shows, Noah, Steve, Bill, Samantha, Seth (not including Jimmy who lost me after fawning over war criminal G.W Bush). And while the media blows hot and cold, ("He's nuts." "He's presidential." "He's a liar." "He's a leader.") most liberal YouTube hosts stay solidly on target. But the true white knight for America's future, as far as I am concerned, is Keith Olbermann who sees Trump's lies and madness with absolute unwavering clarity, and brilliantly and passionately exposes each new insanity. Keith doesn't fall for such network-swallowed lies as Trump was deeply affected by Syrian children being gassed. Nothing affects Trump deeply. Well maybe a spectacular chocolate cake as our president proved this week in another embarrassing interview where he was so inappropriately involved in rhapsodizing about the Mara Lago dessert that he actually said we had just bombed Iraq instead of Syria.  I'm dying to hear Keith's take on this. 

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