Thursday, September 30, 2021


All the Shingles ads are informative and well done. With one exception. That annoying, unnecessary, cornball exclamation Whhhhaaaaa. Also annoying is the Ram ad in which the announcer says, "If you're shopping in the past." What the hell does that mean? 


It has been revealed that back in 2019, Trump went to Walter Reed Medical Center for a colonoscopy. Supposedly he refused anesthesia because he didn't want to hand over the reins of power to Pence. I pity the poor doctor who had to deal with Trump's grotesque body, and considering his girth I wouldn't be surprised if that had to perform the procedure with a garden hose.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


Why is the incompetent,Trump-appointed, parasite Louis DeJoy still the United States  Postmaster General. Why do we allow corrupt persons to remain in office. Louis has already proven to be a crooked pawn of Trump, has weakened the postal service, and seems determine to destroy it even more. We have got to get rid of this worthless rat who is gnawing away at the foundation of an American institution.


While I always knew astrology was bunk, it was also kind of fun. For instance I never met a Cancer (which is what I am) that I didn't like. Then along came Kyrsten Sinema, a detestable Democrat in Name Only Obstuctionist who along with Joe Manchin has become a pain in the ass to the Democratic Party. I don't think there's a sincere bone in her body, and all her posturing is just a bid for attention. Has American government ever been so overrun with persons of low character? Note: Today 10-2, I read The Rude Pundit's take on Kirsten, "Kyrsten Sinema is Getting Off on This". It's vulgar as hell and I think absolutely spot on. Check it out. The Rude Pundit's blog is always worth reading.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Monday, September 27, 2021

 REMINDER: "No comments" on all my posts is a stupid line that doesn't mean "no comments". If you click it, you can make any comment you like, and I wish you would.


I am referring to the lazy news media that so eagerly puts into print every idiotic comment made by such morons as Donald Trump Jr., Lauren Bozo, and Marjorie Taylor Mean. But the good news is that their comments quickly get attacked and ridiculed by the literate public who are far wiser than these incompetent clowns. Just today Junior is being chastised on national television for his bitchy attack on Anna Navarro's weight; Lauren Boebert is being ridiculed by tweeters for her idiotic comment about headaches; and, no doubt, somewhere Mad Marjorie is proving herself a nitwit with any number of ill-conceived comments. Sadly they are so stupid they fail to review or research their next comments and plough ahead with more of the material that keeps us all in stitches.

Monday, September 27, 2021

 REMINDER: "No comments" on all my posts is a stupid line that doesn't mean "no comments". If you click it, you can make any comment you like, and I wish you would.


 Today I was having a pleasant chat with a casual friend, when he suddenly said, "My wife hates Biden." When I asked him why, he said, "Because of the Haitians." My first thought was I bet she didn't hate Trump because of the children he imprisoned, My second thought was we're doomed. Why? Because Americans are increasingly the most hating, whiny, critical, dissatisfied people on earth.  They will never have the patience or courage to save our democracy. Here they are bitching, (his wife and TVpundits)  because Joe Biden, one of the nicest presidents ever, can't perform miracles. He can't take those exhausted Haitians and give every one them a home in America including health care, child care, and freedom from worry. (Which he, unlike Trump, would love to do.) Nor can he totally focus on them when there are myriad other aliens from other oppressive countries. Because of that alone (she claims) she hates Biden. It probably never occurred to her to list in her mind all the good things Biden has done, his accomplishments over the years, and how hard it is to run a country. She probably never compared Biden's goodness to the last president, a racist, molester, liar, lazy layabout, and brainless buffoon. Biden did not invite the hordes of freedom seekers to America. He didn't say, "Come on over. We'll treat you right." No. These poor, tired, huddled masses yearning to breathe free came on their own because they had heard that America was a kind-hearted democracy that would somehow find a way to make their lives better. And we are. But we have never been so deluged with refugees as now during a world-wide pandemic. And because Joe Biden can't solve this monumental problem and many others within a day or two,  my friend's wife hates him. And that illogical hatred, multiplied millions of times, may just be our downfall. 


Think how much better life would be if Trump had had a heart attack when he came down that escalator with his shit-eating grin to announce his candidacy. Better not just for Americans, but for the world.  He would not have spread his toxic philosophy of hate and division. More Americans, who died of Covid, would be alive not having been poisoned by his misinformation. The gullible racist Republicans would not have been infused with his contagious bigotry. We would never have left the Paris Accord. Morons like Giuliani would never have been requested to create mischief abroad. The army of  incompetent persons like Betsy DeVos, Louis DeJoy and the money-grubbing Kushners would never have been appointed, and worthy American Hispanics would not have been deported. There would have been thousands of benefits if Trump had the courtesy to die. Huge ones like retaining favor in the world's eyes, and lesser ones, but still wonderful, like not having the Rose Garden butchered by Trump's tasteless porn star wife.

Sunday, September 26, 2021


 I am sure this septuagenarian turncoat is delighted to have his name and face in the news so often, and is basking in the adoration he gets from his fellow Republicans for betraying his own party. But I also imagine Joe loses a lot of sleep dreaming up excuses for turning on the Democrats and monkey-wrenching all their noble plans. When did it happen? When did he realize that he was an invisible nobody and decided the only way to steal the limelight was to become a renegade troublemaker? I hope the citizens of West Virginia are wise enough to vote him out of office with the next election. 


 Donald the traitor Trump says the only thing that could derail his run for presidency in 2024 is "a bad call from a doctor". How is that even possible when previous collusions with doctors have insisted he was a he-man despite his obesity, flab, dementia, high blood pressure, bloat, and impotence? As he proved with his New York physician (shown below) he has the money and power to bully and bribe even reputable doctors into giving this broken down windbag a clean bill of health. If such a "bad call from a doctor" should surface, it would only be because Trump demanded it as an excuse not to run for fear of a second rejection from a majority of Americans who have had enough of his lies, bragging, and incompetence. 


 If you had any doubts about the low IQ of Lauren Boebert, consider this. This bimbo actually think you can impeach a president who has done nothing impeachable. It should frighten any American citizen to know that we have such ignorant people in Congress who are not only that stupid but so vindictive and evil that they should be hellbent on the destruction of a kindhearted and admirable president as Biden. Ms. Boebert like her twin sister Marjorie Taylor Greene is a gun-toting, spoiled, malicious misfit who should never have gained the privilege of being in Congress. She is just a blackhearted butch brat eager to create mischief and  chaos and, like many Republicans, bring our democracy down. Sadly before Colorado replaces her with someone with a brain, we are condemned to cope with her demented and disturbed attempts at insurrection. Note the sour pout of this nasty hate-filled harridan.

Saturday, September 25, 2021


 If a man is known by the company he keeps, consider Donald Trump's pals. Steve Bannon, who looks like a smelly old street person most of the time; Rudy Giuliani, seedy, unkempt, flatulent, and sometimes seen with Grecian Formula running down his nearly bald head; Roger Stone, creepy, foppish, bisexual degenerate who describes himself as Trysexual; Jeffrey Epstein, deceased child molester extraordinaire who was more than happy to share his underaged victims with friends like Donald.

There is a very old term that is used for a certain type of woman. It's a term far older than Karen or bitch or the very appropriate word we are not allowed to use. It's a term that fits Marjorie Taylor Greene perfectly, which is why I will put it under a picture of this harridan, shrew, and scold.

                               FISH WIFE

 HuffPost's latest NEXT TRAP (their deceptive way to get you to scroll through dozens of ads) is by referring to the homes of Al Roker and Megan McCains as "repulsive". They assume, probably rightly, that readers will be curious enough to know why they are "repulsive" to fall for this smug trickery. If you don't want to feel like just another of their gullible readers, I suggest you click off as soon as you see the word NEXT in any of these moronic features, which show that HuffPost has absolutely no respect for the intelligence of their readers.

Friday, September 24, 2021


 I  have often been impressed (not in a good way) at how large Matt Gaetz's head is. It occurred to me today that he may 
have been born with Macrocephaly, or an enlarged head. Maybe that's why his parents are so over-indulgent with him; they feel guilt or pity about his deformity. It is particularly sad when he is shown standing next to Jim Jordan whose figure comes very close to dwarfism. I wonder if Gaetz will use his condition in court, as an excuse for his sick behavior, a sort of "the devil made me do it" defense. Since little is known about the mental effects of Macrocephaly, it's worth a try.


Chuck Grassley insists he is going to run for his 8th term as Iowa Senator. (Apparently he's real reluctant to give up that paycheck.) His excuse? He says there's still lots more to do in Iowa, though I doubt an 88-year-old codger has the energy to do it. Unless, of course, by lots more he means lots more naps, lots more doctor's visits, lots more hunting for his glasses, lots more forgetting of where he's supposed to be and when. Someone should tell Chuck that Congress is not a retirement community and no place for an octogenarian. Do Iowa a favor, Chuck, and ride into the sunset. And by the way, at 88, it's time to start using your grown-up name Charles.


 Even the idiots who initiated the costly Arizona recount have today admitted that Biden won. Despite that, the country's stupidest governor, Abbott, is planning a recount in Texas. (I guess fellating Trump isn't enough proof of his love.) Is it even possible that the continually humiliated citizens of Texas will reelect this dimwit? How sad it is that so many corrupt ignorant, and evil men have so much power. Let us hope Floridians aren't gullible enough to reelect mass murderer Ron DeSantis.

Thursday, September 23, 2021


 Why is the news media not telling the truth about radical catholic Governor Greg Abbott. The draconian abortion laws are strictly a religious ruling in total defiance of the separation of Church and State. They are not based on science or medicine. They are a vendetta by Christians and evangelicals, like Abbott to punish, not pregnant women so much as women who have defied their standards of conduct. These pro-life frauds couldn't care less about the unborn child or the suffering mother, they want what all Republicans want: to win! Do you really think these fat, wrinkled, paunchy, rich, impotent, white-haired pro-life geezers care about the unborn child of say a poor black waitress. No. They want her to suffer for having engaged in sexual practices they don't approve of, and hide their angry vendetta in the guise of caring about the unborn child, which is bunk. 

Poor Marjorie. Not pretty. Not smart. Not qualified.  

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


I just watched a show on ID about two greedy twin sisters who bilked the government out of $20 million in fake delivery charges, including charging nearly a million dollars to deliver a washer. This scam went on for years as the government blindly and stupidly paid these absurd charges, questioning none of them, especially during the Iraq War. One can only imagine how many other criminals are stealing our tax money with other scams and frauds that go unnoticed but not  unpaid. Eventually one rare government employee did notice the fraud after years of the twins buying beach houses, cars, costly vacations, boats, and a host of luxury items. The exposure drove one of the twins to suicide while the other was dragged into court and reviled for her years of deception. What was her punishment? Not much. A mere 6-l/2 years in jail, after which I am sure that after her release, she retrieved the millions of dollars she had stowed away for such an minor inconvenience. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Tucker Carlson is a one-obsession pony. The scion of a wealthy family whose fattening good looks at 52 are still being employed on right-wing conspiracies which he defecates into angry books and a nightly propaganda show which neatly divides America's morons from its saner citizens. Seth McFarlane is a multi-talented superstar: a successful actor, screenwriter, producer, director, and singer. While there is no actual feud as the over-wrought media suggests, Seth did do a segment on his popular TV series Family Guy  ridiculing the ignorance of Tucker's propaganda and did appear on Jimmy Kimmel's show suggesting that the Fox Network should provide more responsible coverage about the life-saving benefits of  vaccinations for Covid. Meanwhile Seth is producing the 20th successful series of Family Guy (sadly on the Fox Network) while Tucker sits on his ballooning butt lying to his impressively huge audience, many of whom, I am sure, are dying from Covid every single day, thanks to Tucker's uneducated advice.

Monday, September 20, 2021


 Just when I thought Comcast (AKA Xfinity) couldn't get more obnoxious and irritating, they reach a new low. Today they have inactivated my remote, adding all kinds of ineffective new operating rules, and in an attempt to push their lousy voice-activated feature, made watching TV super complicated. I followed their instructions for activating a new remote. It didn't work, though they required me to attempt it four times, all failures. I am told that all cable companies are miserable to deal with but Comcast must be the worst. I'd change services, but I'm sure Comcast would make even that incredibly exhausting and complex. I should have known that their voice control would always be trouble when I requested "Channel 300" and kept getting "The 300 Spartans."

The following is from Google's answer to the question, "Is Comcast really that bad?

Comcast earned Consumerist's “Worst Company in America” title twice, first in 2010 and again this year, 2014. It ranks at the very bottom of the American Consumer Satisfaction Index, underperforming even the rest of the cable industry, where “high prices, poor reliability, and declining customer service” are endemic.Aug 19, 2014


 I generally like HuffPost but they have one despicable feature which they run regularly. I call it The NEXT TRAP.  With each NEXT TRAP,  HuffPost seduces you with a provocative question you'd like the answer to. That question will only be answered after you have gone through every NEXT blurb and its accompanying ads. Today for instance they promote "The world's most overrated singers=See the list." But there is no list. There is a NEXT TRAP, which means they will feed you  series of singers (many you have never heard of) one by one with lots of intermittent advertising. You can only gain access to the main tease by clicking NEXT a dozen or more times and hopefully being taken in by the many ads that are the reason for this annoying ruse. It's a frustrating, time=consuming, and deceptive trick, and HuffPost should be ashamed.

Sunday, September 19, 2021


The good news about commercials on TV is we are seeing more and more bi-racial couples; more and more black actors; more gay couples, male and female; and more and more public service ads like the ones encouraging Americans to get their Covid vaccinations and avoid the possibility of  a lonely horrid death The bad news is, as I have stated below, there are far too many commercials on the tube. I suspect most are aired out of greed rather than necessity. The good news is many consumers can pre-record their shows and flip through the commercials or, like me, turn to a non-commercial station like TCM until the show returns. The bad news is many poorer viewers do not have that option and have to sit through the endless promotions for cars, pharmaceuticals, insurance companies, and all the other sales pitches they've already seen dozens and dozens of times. All I can suggest is that if you don't complain to your local station, you can expect even more commercials next year.


Humira. Their commercial, which features a black and white female running a radio station (?)  is  very nice, but the director keeps focusing on the wrong woman, so it's  hard to tell who has the problem. House and Garden TV. Who is the jerk who came up with the juvenile and illogical line, "You'll wet your plants."? Was it a seven-year-old? Aspercreme. "Kick pain in the Aspercreme" must have brought a giggle to to the agency who titters at any ass reference. Jif. Same kind of undeveloped intellect who thinks "Jifing good" is naughty and inspiring. Grow up! Breathe-Rte. While "I strip on the subway" etc. was a cute gimmick, it's still a one-gag commercial we're forced to see again and again.  Liberty Mutual. Their ubiquitous ads are still detestable especially Lemu Emu. Their newest bore would have been slightly improved  if the blond model had said "my best friend" instead of "someone else."(The aging rope skippers spot is just creepy.) Downy. The teen would have to be an idiot to think wrinkled clothes mean his parents were having sex and he'd be very uptight if was freaked out if they were. Planter's. How annoying to see a company insult their own product by reducing it as most significantly something you have with beer. Kraft. They continue in their campaign to approve of disobedient children and maintain a less than nutritious meal is a "win win". Prevagen is still the winner in misleading advertising. Sadly they are getting so rich selling snake oil to morons they can afford to hire additional talented liars for still more deceptive commercials. Do their customers even know that Prevagen has been labelled a fraud and hoax by the FTC, yet still pay $70 a month for these worthless placebos? Its bad enough that we are forced to deal with far too many commercials  (as many as 14 during a single break) on TV service we pay for, but it's truly adding insult to injury that most are so uncreative, so increasingly loud, and repeated so often.


Why are most politicians rich, super rich, or obscene rich? Is it because only the wealthy can afford to run for office, which sucks? Or is it that, once in office, they get rich through wealthy connections, insider trading, high salaries, indulgent perks, and graft? Whatever the reason, Americans  are stuck with elite government employees who have no knowledge of how the poor and middle class live and really don't care. Which is why so many Americans are being evicted while their swinish representatives live high on the hog. Recent rulings show that most of the privileged Supreme Court has no concern about homelessness or  hunger. Our new influx of spoiled conspiracy-driven scions in Congress have zero compassion for those in need. Pseudo-Democrat Joe Manchen, like many Senators, is worth millions yet still worries most about keeping his $174,00 annual salary and not offending the GOP. Surprisingly and happily President Biden, while rich, seems to feel empathy for the middle class and is one of the few in government working on their behalf.  Unfortunately while he does he has to put up with a lot of crap from the very people he is trying to help.  Being a Congressman or Senator wasn't always the highly-paid, multi-perks, free health care, tons of privileges, lots of vacation time position it is today. Once upon a time being in congress was an honor and even better, those who sought that honor, unlike today's Republicans, were patriots.

Friday, September 17, 2021


If you are considering getting a Consumer Cellular phone, don't. If you already have a Consumer Cellular phone and they insist you have to buy a new one to meet the new G standards, whatever they are, don't. The service, which was once dependable, is a shambles. They never answer their phones, they will not return your calls, and most of their supposed "experts" are clueless. After putting me through hell for a month of faulty service and incompetence, I gave up on them and went to a T-Mobile store where they have all kinds of phones (many free) and no contracts, (an equal quality flip phone like mine was free and the monthly charge is only $20.)


One of the most misinformed and miserable morons in Congress is Madison Cawthorn, (I still say Madison is a girl's name). As he rolls around the hallowed halls in his wheelchair, he continues to spout idiotic conspiracy theories which he weaves with his fellow nitwit Marjorie Taylor Greene. It's not surprising that this youngest of Congressmen would make up absurd stories considering that in the 2104 car crash, which crippled him, he accused his best friend, Bradley Ledford, who was driving, of "leaving me to die." The truth is Ledford carried him to safety from the burning wreck and saved Cawthorn's life. Talk about ungrateful betrayal. The two friends have since reconciled (God knows why) which speaks more to Ledford's character than Cawthorn's. How unfortunate that our youngest Congressman is a liar, betrayer, wimp, opportunist, traitor, and apparently (look it up) sexual predator.

Huffpost reports that Biden is playing a lot less golf than Trump did. But then so is every leading golfer in the world. (And they're not cheating.)

Thursday, September 16, 2021





Today I just received the first issue of the new comic book Lauren Bimbo and Marjorie Ditz, and it is hilarious. In addition to the single cartoons, there are three "misadventures" including "Marjorie and Matt Mess Up." "Lauren's Sleep-Inducing Speech", and "The Clueless D.C. Hayseeds" which is the funniest of all. What I roared at is that Lauren is always shown with her AK-47, even when sleeping. Marjorie is featured as the dumber of the two, but neither is portrayed a particularly bright. Being an underground publication, it's unlikely to become a TV series.


 Talk about hypocrisy. The moronic Republicans are a accusing General Milley of being a traitor because he rightly guarded against the Putin-loving, unstable, anti-American, President Trump pushing the nuclear button during his four chaotic, unstable years of golf. These same Republicans ignored every treasonous act, comment, and conspiracy by Trump, including his siding with Putin against our own intelligence agencies. Milly was right to worry about Trump betraying America as that is what Trump is doing now with his rigged-election lies and constant anti-American propaganda. I, like millions of Americans, would not have put it past Trump to start a war in the hopes it would keep him and all his incompetent cronies in their undeserved offices. The Republicans are totally out of control and don't seem to even care anymore about how transparently stupid they are. They are the traitors, projecting their evil onto others.  Milley is the patriot, the hero who safeguarded  us from a mentally unstable would-be dictator.


After World War II, the French punished all the women in France who had  collaborated with the Nazis by shaving their heads to expose them to ridicule and disdain. I wish I knew something about  Photoshop so that I could take a photo of Marjorie Taylor Greene and make her bald to show just how much she has betrayed the American people with her unpatriotic acts, nasty lies, and idiotic conspiracy theories. Maybe someone as offended with Marjorie as I am, and who knows Photoshop, will create such a photo.

Monday, September 13, 2021


The most hypocritical comment of the year was made Sunday by Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett when she expressed concerns that the public may increasingly see the court as a partisan institution. You got that right, Amy baby, after backing up the draconian Texas anti-abortion laws. Leave it to a biased anti-abortion Catholic like you to leap at this chance to deprive desperate women of various religions to terminate a birth. Keep in mind honey, one of the Ten Commandments is "Thou Shalt Not Kill" which is exactly what your bullying ruling will do when desperate women have to seek medical services from less than qualified abortionists, which they will do thanks in great part to a sanctimonious shrew like you.

Sunday, September 12, 2021


I wrote a long post in this space pointing out how all suppliers of cell phones are thieves who charge for  every tiny app and extra. I summed it up by stating that we are to blame for being willing to sell our futures for the entertainment and convenience of modern technology. But typical of modern technology, I pushed one wrong key and the entire post, on which I worked an hour, was gone. 


We know that Trump is going to be dragged into court one of these days, but when? We know that all of his many, many crimes will be exposed, unwrapped, magnified and punished, but when? Why isn't he facing charges now for at least one of the women he molested? Why isn't he on trial for the insurrection and murders he incited? Why isn't he, like Al Capone, facing charges of tax evasion? Why are the New York courts sitting on their hands? Every day he is a free man, not facing charges, is a day his moronic followers can believe he is without guilt. Every day he is not on trial allows his drug-addicted son to sing his praises and his pillow-pushing madman to sing love songs to him. Convicted criminals, I am told, cannot run for president or pretend they're going to seek office. I know that someday Trump will finally be a convicted criminal, but when? When? When? 


Delighted to see that HuffPost has done an article called "Bush Did Not Keep Us Safe". Too often the media praises Bush as if he were a good president when he was one of the worst. He ignored warnings leading up to 9-11, behaved like an idiot the day it happened, got kudos for standing on a heap shouting platitudes, and when the dust cleared declared war on an innocent country and opened a Pandora's box of troubles that plague us to this day. Bush was a curse on America, as were his fellow conspirators, notably Rumsfeld (dead), Cheney (disappeared)  and Rice who still sticks her guilty sanctimonious and unwelcome face in the news. But Bush still shows up at national events as if he were someone other than a mass murderer and war criminal. Thanks Huff.

Saturday, September 11, 2021


I find it hilarious that so many people, mostly old, white, and stupid, instead of hitching their wagon to a star as the old expression goes, have hitched their wagon to a flabby, elderly, over made up, mendacious moron, Donald Trump. What can they possibly expect this egocentric septuagenerian to do for them.  They seem to do more for him, by crediting him with achievements he never accomplished, praising his completely failed administration, and forgiving his avarice, mendacity, ignorance, selfishness and the fact that he regards most of his fans as dirt beneath his feet. So while he puts their totally misspent donations to his lifestyle in the bank, they live their absurd lives of adoration for someone who is not even as valuable as them, worthless as they are.

Thursday, September 9, 2021


The idiotic always-bragging Donald Trump now insists that he could easily defeat Joe Biden in a boxing match. It's so typical of wimps and cowards to brag about something that is never going to happen. It's possible that the lumpy, overweight, cellulite-ridden Trump could win since he's angrier and nastier and would be as unfair with boxing rules as he is with golf rules. But, face it, he would never allow his flabby overweight body to be seen in shorts and revealing lights, especially not against the trim Joe Biden who never allowed himself to become a grotesquery like Trump. There arereally only two things in the entire world with which no-one can outdo Trump: lying and bragging.

For the past three months, I have had nothing but trouble with my Consumer Cellular phone. It had all kinds of features which I didn't want, and despite many calls to their customer service center no employee could figure out how to remove them. The phone rang constantly to report information I didn't need including super-loud alerts for kidnappings hundreds of miles away. None of my myriad recent calls to Consumer Cellular were answered, oftentimes I was hung up on, and when I left my number for a promised returned call, no call came. The other night I spent an hour on the phone with a new technician who gave me instructions on how to program the phone to my liking. After an exhaustive session I praised him to his supervisor and felt that all was well. Now, the following day I find I have lost all my contacts and now this troublesome phone is useless to me. Consumer Cellular used to be a reasonable, dependable company. Sad to say they have become totally incompetent and completely unhelpful. No wonder they have an 81% negative rating. Now they are asking all their customers to shell out $35.00 for a replacement phone for their old model, which will soon no longer work. Do yourself a favor. Find another provider.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


 Caitlyn Jenner seems to be a bit confused about more than what sex she wants to be. She recently commented that she is pro-choice. which is surprising for such a rabid Republican. But she also stated that she approves of the draconian abortion laws of the Texas Taliban. It seems to me a normal person cannot subscribe to both opinions at the same time. Of course Caitlyn will never need an abortion,  but the many who will cannot look to her for any support.  I can't imagine why California would even consider electing a governor with such unclear and wishy-washy opinions. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

I consider it very good news that Mexico has decriminalized abortion. So now that the Texas Taliban has crossed the line, the women of Texas can cross the border. 

Monday, September 6, 2021


 I think it's really sad that the Ingrahams named their horse-faced daughter, Laura. But then, of course, they had no way of knowing what an angry, vindictive, deceitful shrew she would turn out to be. Besides it wasn't until recently that anyone even came up with the name that more perfectly suited this bitter old tomato. Well it's not too late to make an appropriate change. Fox News should consider renaming
her evening of mendacity Then Karen Ingraham Show.

 If you're a nurse who doesn't believe in the efficacy of vaccines and the protective virtues of face masks, you're not a nurse, you're a nitwit.


Since all you anti-maskers are so convinced that a face mask doesn't protect you from infection or any kind of contamination, I suggest the following. The next time you require surgery, you request, no demand,  from your surgeon that he or she not were a face mask. Also that none of their assistants do either.  With this demand you will be striking a blow for all the morons like you who haven't got a iota of knowledge about medicine, science, immunology, or basically any area of learning. And like all the Americans dying today in ICUs around the country you will soon learn (too late) that a mask and vaccine could have saved your life.


Do you really feel that this 63-year-old wheelchair-bound misogynist is qualified to decide what you do with your body and your life? Do you think any man, or any woman, has a right to tell you that you absolutely must give birth because they say so? This old hypocrite and his cronies on one hand are saying the covid vaccine decision is up to you; but whether you carry a child for nine months, go through an often painful and expensive delivery, and then take on a lifetime of expenses is up to them. They are so determined to control your body, they are offering $10,000 bounty to anyone who even drives you to the clinic, but won't give you the money needed to raise the child they forced on you. Greg Abbott is an incompetent bigot who, instead of governing in a way to improve your life, spends his time devising dystopian chauvinistic women-hating laws that make Texas look like the most backward state in the union, and make the women of Texas Lone Star chattel.

Sunday, September 5, 2021


Saturday, September 4, 2021


If you spend $70 a month on Prevagen tablets. I have great news for you. There are many things you can buy that will provide the same memory enhancing effects of Prevagen for far less money. Like what, you ask. Well Double Bubble gum, Oreo Cookies, Life Savers, any fast-food item, every soft drink, in fact any beverage. The truth is that every item you can ingest will have the same memory-enhancing effect because Prevagen is a fraud, and all those lovely spokespersons on television are all highly-paid liars. You've been had, and any improvements in your memory are strictly wishful thinking. So why not accept the truth and start spending that costly $70 scam money on something that really improves your life? 


Poor Cecilia Abbott. Bad enough her impotent husband is in a wheelchair, but he recently has announced to the world how little respect he has for his wife, for any woman. With his draconian abortion laws he has stated that he has no regard for women, does not think they can manage their own lives, and that he considers that even in 2021, they should be under the domination of men. He has made it very clear that women are worthless, that a teenager raped by a relative has no rights, and must carry the unwanted child to term despite how much it destroys her life. Abbott feels that no woman in Texas is intelligent enough to determine her own future and any act that goes against the far wiser male, no matter what his intellect, will be punished. He apparently has found this new abortion law an ideal way to punish all women, being a rabid misogynist, and especially black woman, whom he particularly despises, being one of the nation's leading racists. His daughter Audrey must be so proud.


 THE TEXAS TALIBAN is a growing tribe of religious zealot bigots, under the leadership of pseudo governor Greg Abbott, who are determined to force all the citizens of Texas to think as they do. With the help of Taliban members on the Supreme Court they have recently passed draconian abortion laws that are not only undemocratic, but illegal. These bullies, mostly white supremacists, are very fearful of the increasing racial diversity of the Lone Star State, so are acting now to control the citizens of Texas to accept their religious and philosophical beliefs and ignore the country's history and the world's science. While they don't hold any true religious beliefs themselves or any true objections to abortion, they have determined that these pretend outrages are an are easy paths to public control. As soon as the diverse citizens of Texas accept their first insane rules from these mostly old male dictators, the Texas Taliban will devise new restrictions, punishments, and unAmerican rules. Your first step to protecting yourself from these dangerous lawmakers is to refer to them by their correct name: The Texas Taliban. 

Friday, September 3, 2021


Talk about a confused personality!  Here we have Kevin McCarthy, as unpatriotic a traitor as our country has ever known. And what does he whine about. He insists that Elizabeth Cheney and  Adam Kinzinger are spies on his party, his party being a passel of liars who seem determined to destroy our democracy.  And these two persons he so fears and vilifies are the only the true American patriots in the Republican Party and the only hope that party will survive his savage and reckless destruction. Oddly this evil, paranoid egocentric, and incredibly clueless Kevin McCarthy wasn't always this nasty and misguided. What happened to him other than an obsession with Donald Trump? Who can say? But any true American is desirous of ridding our country and our Congress of such malevolent trouble-makers.

Thursday, September 2, 2021


 I cannot understand the abortion issue. Most of its advocates don't seem to give a damn about the welfare of children or their mothers. They certainly never contribute to the economy of needy parents. Plus it's mostly a religious issue, despite the separation or church and state. It seems mostly like a vengeful way for vindictive prudes to punish women for having engaged in sex. They call it murder and then seek out the murder of those engaged in providing it as a solution to poverty. Nobody likes abortion. But those who champion its elimination are pious, petty, hypocritical, unscientific, misogynistic prudes, and certainly Lone Star loonies.

Rand Paul must be beside himself with joy. It seems that comedian Joe Rogan (whom I have never heard of) has Covid-19, and he's treating it with ivermectin. He claims this medicine is doing wonders, which seems unlikely since it is designed for horses. I'm guessing Joe is one of these dummies that never got vaccinated, and even now is playing Russian roulette with this health. Maybe Randy offered him a free eye exam for this endorsement of Paul's pet elixir. Who knows? Well only time will tell. Let's hope that this suspicious endorsement doesn't create a flood of experiments.