Monday, November 30, 2020


 I'm not saying that the fans who went maskless to any of the thirty Trump rallies in the two weeks before the election were careless or even stupid. I mean if they felt the need to sit shoulder to shoulder with complete strangers and ignore the possibility of unseen contagion floating through the air, that's their business. But Stanford University suggests that as a result of those rallies 30,000 people were infected with coronavirus and, of those, 700 died. What I am saying it seems like a high price to pay to watch some egomaniacal narcissist nutcase wave his arms, tell a hundred lies, and attack people neither he nor his virus breathing fans dislike for no reasonable reason. 


 Georgia has soared in my opinion in the recent election.  They greatly helped get rid of Trump and elect Joe Biden, a president who will actually do the job and Kamila Harris who will bring intelligence, experience and reason to a role in which Pence was a total toady. So what state don't I admire.  No question. Kentucky. When they had a chance to dump the sour ball, arrogant, money-grifting 78-year-old bully McConnell, they passed and elected this bitter old fool again. How stupid must the majority of  Kentucky voters be?

Sunday, November 29, 2020


Once a week, like most seniors, I sit down to the depressing chore of filling my Sunday-Saturday pill organizer. I do this always with the feeling that my physician, whom I admire, has overprescribed and I don't need half of them. Do I really have a thyroid problem? And, if I do, why such a low dose? I also don't know what half of them are for. I suspect the only one I really need is for acid reflux, a problem since I was a teen. But there is only one capsule I am truly suspicious of called Dutasteride. And the reason I don't trust it is this. If years went into research and development of this drug, then why couldn't these brilliant chemists keep it from sticking together. All the other pills tumble obediently out of their bottles, but this pill requires a vigorous shaking of the bottle before a clump of six of seven pills finally emerges, clinging together.  I am willing to overlook this because of the pills cheerful canary yellow color. Still...


 Mitch McConnell is not just a grumpy old curmudgeon, he's a mentally ill misanthrope. He hates people. That's the only possible explanation for his constant assault on the American public. He doesn't want to permit any laws or actions that will give them more security and peace of mind. He wants to obstruct every conceivable ruling in their favor. He is more than a "Let them eat cake" Senator. He is a "Let them starve and be evicted from their homes and lose their health care" Senator. While he has made a questionable fortune in his role, he denies achievements to others. When Americans showed they loved Obama, he turned his jealous power into a hateful force hoping to make Obama a one-term president. He failed. He will not be a helpmate to Biden, but an evil, bitter obstructionist, unless Georgia wisely elects Jon Ossofff and Reverend Warnock which to O'Connell will be like a bucket of water on the Wicked Witch of the West. Look at his face. This is an ugly man inside and out. A sour and stubborn racist obstructionist, drunk with power and bent on cruelty to the very people he took an oath to protect.

Saturday, November 28, 2020


The good news is that Kayleigh is smart and reasonably attractive, so she should easily find a new job after leaving the White House. The bad news is that knowing her penchant for lying, how can any new employer trust her?  Let's face it, she lied continually without any compunction or guilt. It seemed to come    to her as naturally as breathing. And if any of the other employees are Democrats, how could they possibly contend with anyone so mendacious and unpatriotic? If I were her, I would apply at Fox. They love blondes, traitors and liars 


Author Michael D'Antonio hit the nail on the head (Yes, I hate. cliches, too) when he said that Trump can't even win at being a loser, referring of course to his lying and whining about losing the election. I have no doubt every court, even the Superior, will brush this maniac off their shoulder, pests that he is. But what puzzles me are the number of reporters who suggest Trump may run again in 2024. What an insane idea. First of all he'll be 78, and even fatter, lazier, and more mentally incompetent.  He'll likely be indicted for any number of crimes, including tax evasion so he'll have a very busy court schedule. And his base will have had four years to realize how little he did for them and blush for being so loyal. And, I feel certain, Biden and Harris will achieved so much that even the most resistant Republican (if there are any) will have to give them credit. Not to mention Trump is such an idiot and loser, he is bound to have done something so stupid, criminal and election unworthy that the idea of his running would be even more absurd than it is today. Also consider his children will be revealed as the criminals they are, so the whole Trump tribe may be in prison. I'm guessing the effete Jared will probably have divorced Ivanka at his father's command. Trump a candidate in 2024? You might as well run a grunting wild boar. Same thing.


Eric, you poor thing, you just cannot accept what the whole world realizes. Your father is so hated, so despised, so worthless and repulsive that 800 million people are sick to death of seeing his orange face, hearing his endless lies and  putting up with his bullshit bragging that they voted him out and couldn't be happier. For some bizarre reason you are still loyal, or pretending to be, because Daddynutcase demands fealty during these desperate, pathetic, pitiful tantrums. By January, your wacko dad will be powerless, with no more say than any man on the street. He'll have to pay for his own McDonalds, fly tourist class, be a powerless  host at Mara Lago, and pay back all the  millions he owes. Putin will have no more use for him. Un will stop sending love letters. And even his fan base will begin to fade. No one loves a loser, especially a sore loser who whines and snivels and looks for every possible reason to prove he didn't lose when everyone knows he did, even the loyal son who wishes his failure of a father would accept his fate and shut the f*** up.

Thursday, November 26, 2020


    I couldn't think of anything more appropriate for this Thanksgiving than Desiderata. which I am amazed so few people have heard of.


    Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
    and remember what peace there may be in silence.
    As far as possible without surrender
    be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
    and listen to others,
    even the dull and the ignorant;
    they too have their story. 

    Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
    they are vexations to the spirit.
    If you compare yourself with others,
    you may become vain and bitter;
    for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. 

    Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
    it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
    Exercise caution in your business affairs;
    for the world is full of trickery.
    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
    many persons strive for high ideals;
    and everywhere life is full of heroism. 

    Be yourself.
    Especially, do not feign affection.
    Neither be cynical about love;
    for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
    it is as perennial as the grass. 

    Take kindly the counsel of the years,
    gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
    But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
    Beyond a wholesome discipline,
    be gentle with yourself. 

    You are a child of the universe,
    no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. 

    Therefore be at peace with God,
    whatever you conceive Him to be,
    and whatever your labors and aspirations,
    in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. 

    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
    it is still a beautiful world.
    Be cheerful.
    Strive to be happy. 

    Max Ehrmann, 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 Laura Ingraham recently came out and finally admitted that Biden won. Of course she also admitted that she would prefer that a lying, child abusing, philandering, lazy, grifting, charlatan was president. And speaking of lying, this ridiculous woman actually said to her viewers that she had never lied to them, when in fact her entire career has been nothing but lies. If she were a truth teller she never would have been hired at Fox. Laura is probably one of the most evil women in the media. She's a racist, an anti-semite, a bigot of the highest order or as her brother Curtis so often warns people, "She's a monster."

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Some readers of my blog (of which I have very few) might find it curious that I include personal gripes and trivia. Once upon a time I would have used Twitter for that and, in fact, had written more than a thousand tweets. Then one day I was permanently barred from tweet unfairly because I called Laura Ingraham a "bitch". My tweet seemed harmless compared to many others I've read. I wrote to their offices and they would not be moved, especially by logic, and I assumed Laura (who is a bitch by the way) was someone to be appeased. Though my tweet was short and hardly vindictive other than the use of that one word, here's what Twitter's paranoid staff read into it: Your account has been suspended and will not be restored because it was found to be violating Twitter's Terms of Service, specifically the Twitter Rules against hateful conduct. It is against our rules to promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease. 


 If you're like me and desire to own a Herman Miller supplied Eames chair and ottoman like the one shown below, let me warn you. I purchase two in 2010 for almost $7,000.00 for the pair, and though it broke the bank I felt it was worth it. Until 2020. This year one of the arms of one chair snapped off, and cost me $170 to repair. Six months later the other arm snapped off, and I haven't been able to find anyone to repair it. I repeatedly called the store where I bought it: Office Solutions in Chicago, who never, but never, answer their phone. At least I still had one good chair, until last night. While watching television the entire back of the chair snapped off. Now I have a TV room with piles of leather and cherry finished wood and no-one to put them together. Herman Miller's customer service line was busy but they said they would be with me shortly. After hearing dozens of messages for more than half and hour, I hung up and called Herman Miller's headquarters at 616-654-3000. They obviously do not want to talk to anyone and I had a very brief kiss-off recording. I hope this post discourages some readers from buying the chair below, which is a thing of beauty, but sadly not a joy forever.

Monday, November 23, 2020


Last night watching the CNN series First Ladies coverage of Hillary Clinton was disturbing.  Disturbing because it made it so clear that we lost out on a brilliant President, one with a cool head, kind heart, and decades of experience and hard work. Hillary had nothing but achievements in her life, success after success despite constant attacks from from the jealous and petulant Republican Party. If she had been president, we would not be in the mess we are in, despite the coronavirus. How anyone so perfectly suited to the office could have lost to a moron like Trump, is inexplicable. If we didn't have that ridiculous electoral college she would be president, having won the popular vote. She would also have won the most recent election and a second term, since there is no question her leadership would have been that admirable. But being a victim of Republican and Russian propaganda, she lost and we lost. But as I have written before, I believe she was cheated out of the office and should be addressed in all fairness and all future events as Madame President. 


 When Lara Trump tweets that about 74 million people don't feel that the election results are accurate, she is showing not only her stupidity but her elitism. This idiotic comment suggests that 74 million people share the same feelings, thus negating each one's individuality.  Some Trump voters may feel that. Others accept that Biden won. Others champion Trump's attempts to reverse the election. Others feel Trump is acting like a spoiled brat. 74 million people will have endless opinions and attitudes, far too many for a simplistic ninny like Lara to sum up in a single ass-kissing opinion.

Sunday, November 22, 2020


The Republicans are betting that Georgians are very gullible, hence they plan on spending a fortune to inundate them with anti-Democrat propaganda. Lindsey Graham alone (as if he hasn't interfered enough) is donating $1,000,000 to get you to vote for the shallow Ms. Loeffler and the crooked Mr. Purdue. I encourage all Georgians to keep in mind that Trump is behind this barrage of baloney, the same man who wants to do away with Social Security and Affordable Health Care. These are not Republicans but a new breed of grifters answerable to Trump, even as his candle is flickering. To Loeffler and Warnock you are no more than the votes they're willing to purchase for bigger payoffs later one. To Ossoff and Warnock you are individuals with needs and fears and ambitions, people they won't forget right after the victory parties. 


The black vote helped Georgia rid our country of Trump, who is still whining and whimpering. And the black vote will help Georgia defeat Loeffler and Purdue and leave Mitch McConnell whining and whimpering. But it's not just the black vote, every Georgian voter should appreciate that Purdue and Loeffler have no real interest in the people of this state, but want to win this race for bragging rights, grafting opportunities, and to make McConnell's gang of senators a bulwark against any benefits for Georgia's poor or middle class. Like Trump they're both liars and opportunists and only you, the voters of Georgia, can defeat them. With the recent election, Georgia helped become a rescuer of the American people. Keep up that winning streak. Vote for Jon Ossoff and the Reverend Raphael Warnock and see how much faster life improves in a true democracy.


How does someone as immoral and incompetent as Emily Murphy ever attain any office, much less the head of the GSA? Here she is shown taking an oath which she has no intention of honoring.  She is not only a liar and traitor but an accomplice to murder since her pig-headed stubbornness about declaring Biden the winner will result in many unnecessary deaths. She has the nerve to say she is following orders from the President when she knows damn well her position is autonomous. Fortunately with the new administration liars like Emily, and Kayleigh and Trump himself will be gone, and possibly hired by someone who doesn't care about morality. In the meantime we must deal with this evil harridan.

Hey, Donald, I hear your investigators found evidence of massive fraud in this election. Are those the same investigators who found that Obama was born in Kenya? 

Saturday, November 21, 2020


The good news is there is no item for furniture more beautiful to me than the Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman, It is the Arabian Stallion of chairs. Invented in 1956 by married couple, Charles and Ray Eames for the Herman Miller company, it has been a standard of quality and design ever since. This magnificent and superbly comfortable creation of genuine leather and molded plywood costs between $4,000 and $6,500 and is worth every cent. There are many less expensive copies, but I sprang for two of the originals though it strained the budget. And that's the bad news. In the past year one of my Eames chairs snapped twice. The first was when the left arm separated from the main frame. It cost $170.00 to repair it. Then a few months ago the right arm snapped. I lost the name of the repair man, and have yet to find someone to repair it for less than $170.00 so it is sitting beautiful and unused.  Fortunately I bought an imitation when I was less successful for about $500.00. That chair is still in perfect condition after 50 years.


 The good news is that I have had a Citi Card Preferred Card for at least ten years. I have never had trouble using it. Their statements are always clear and accurate, and if one does have a question they attend to it quickly and efficiently once you explain the problem. And that's the bad news. Citi Bank has the worst Customer Service Center in the universe. One is connected to a recorded robotic female voice who can't seem to "get"anything and asking for a living person is nearly impossible. She just keeps yacking no matter how pathetic your plea. I can't believe I am the only person whose blood pressure soars with every call, but they never improve it. Also mine is a reward card and they are incredibly cheap with their rewards. I have been charging groceries since Covid began and when I asked the value of rewards
I'd earned, it was a measly$50.00.

Friday, November 20, 2020


 To spoiled millionaire Kelly Loeffler being a senator has nothing to do with helping others, it's a status symbol like her private jet. Raphael Warnock, on the other hand, has been devoted to Georgians as pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church and as a major force on expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. (Which Kelly wanted to deep-six.)  So in the January run-off why would you give Kelly something else to brag about when you can give Reverend Warnock a chance to prove how much he cares for the people of Georgia?



 I see where Ivanka Trump is not only as cold and crooked as her father, but she's just as nasty and divisive.When she learned that New York courts were looking into her highly suspicious "consulting" fees, she tweeted an angry attack on these "Democrats".Of course she has no idea what their political affiliations are, but she tosses out code words like that because honest Republicans couldn't possibly wish to indict this spoiled princess. I'm sure the whole Crime Family are shaking in their $500 shoes at paying society back for all the money they have stolen with imaginative bookkeeping. I wonder if they'll all serve at the same prison.

What more proof does anyone need of Donald Trump's insanity than he chose Rudy Giuliani as his personal lawyer?


 Fortunately Trump cannot reverse the results of this election. But what if he could? What would we get? A near-insane sociopath who has already proven he doesn't want to do the job, and couldn't if he wanted to. A crazy man who spends his day watching television and not reading important briefs about our security. A whiner. A crybaby. Someone who has already committed spiteful acts to weaken America because boo hoo they didn't love him enough. A  person who ridicules and fires fellow Americans, but is a loyal friend to a foreign dictator. A criminal who only wants to be president to avoid being indicted by New York courts, and to have all his golf excursions paid for by us. A divisive racist and misogynist who loves creating dangerous conspiracy theories. A man in serious debt who claims he's a billionaire, but has no ability to prove this false claim. A egocentric narcissist who spends more time on his comical hair than on our country's serious future. What we would get is a disaster. Which is why every American regardless of political philosophy should be grateful that Joe Biden will be America's president on January 20. That is if Trump in his spiteful madness and with the help of traitorous Republicans hasn't  found a way to destroy our city on the hill.


Happily in recent year many persons who were closeted and secretive about their homosexuality have come out of that closet to enjoy the freedom of being who they are. Except for the remaining bigots who will always exist, we think nothing of same sex marriages or friends who are gay or lesbian. But there is another closet that needs to be recognized. Atheism. I recently saw a graph of people who would never vote for an atheist for senator or other public office. But the government is filled with closeted atheists.. President Trump is an atheist, though he won't admit it for fear of losing the evangelical vote. I am sure many senators are atheists. In an age of science and logic, it is increasingly hard for churches to convince anyone that there is a guy in the sky who sees all, knows all. And why the hell would he level us with Covid-19 unless he were kind of nasty? More likely he's not there, the life we have is the only one we'll get, and once we die, the party's over. I personally find that far more comforting than to imagine being wrenched from my grave or urn and having to face some terrifying tribunal. And since I hated getting a burn on my ankle, I really dislike the sadistic idea of being burnt all over forever. So if you believe, I say cling to that if it gives you comfort. But if you are an atheist, say so. Add to our ever growing numbers and prevent churches from getting tax-free status and arrogant zealots like Amy Coney Barrett deciding what every woman in America must do with her body.  You will be amazed at how liberating it is to admit you an atheist is. If you need some encouragement, subscribe to Freedom from Religion. Every month their entertaining and logical publication will remind you that you made the right decision. 

Thursday, November 19, 2020


It would be hard to find a bigger hypocrite than Matt Gaetz, (although he's surrounded by major contenders)  It seems that Matt thinks that Democrats are just the meanest ever for wanting see Trump go to prison for his myriad scams, crimes, misdemeanors, and felonies. This is the same Trump toady who repeatedly chanted "Lock her up" regarding the crimeless Hillary Clinton. Matt Gaetz must be a missing Trump son because like the equally daft Eric he, in defense of his hero, makes one stupid comment after another.


Many so-called Republicans,  notably Trump fans, consider themselves Republicans and love throwing around terms like Fascist, Communist, Socialist and Marxist.  I suspect that if questioned they would not be able to define any one of those terms. In fact, I don't think they can even define Republican. They accept that label because their equally uneducated parents said that's what they were.  If Daddy said they were Democrats they would have embraced that just as ignorantly. My sister was a "Republican" or so she thought. But she was forever on welfare and the first to sign up for food stamps or subsidized rent. She was clearly a Democrat and died in a charity hospital of cancer believing in the GOP. Some other siblings stayed clueless. I realized that Democrats were less selfish, kinder, and shared more of my beliefs, so didn't share my sister's unquestioned loyalty.  My point is that millions of Americans cling to a inaccurate label. There's nothing wrong with being a Republican, Democrat. Independent or anything else. But do a little research. Don't waste your whole life promoting and supporting an ideology you either don't share or don't even understand. 


 My 10-year old niece would be better Education Secretary than Betsy DeVos. From day one this dotty old bag has done a lousy job, dragged her religion into it, and like so many millionaires only wanted the position for status and as a plaything. With Biden in office we won't have cabinet positions filled with the arrogant, incapable super wealthy who bribed their way into office. With Trump gone the days of important roles being filled by overpaid  know-nothings will be over. Whew!


There is no question that Biden won the presidency. There is also no question that Trump is rightly terrified of being an ordinary citizen and subject to paying for his many crimes. Being a coward, he is trying to steal the election, which he'll never do. But if he could, does that mean they would tell Biden and Harris, "Sorry" and give a mentally defective, do-nothing criminal another four years to watch TV, play golf, and lie endlessly. That's insane. That would be handing an unhinged Trump carte blanche to destroy our country, our democracy. How the hell did this grifter get to run for president? Can any lowlife campaign for the job? And once they get it, does nobody require them to perform the tasks involved? When did it become a permanent vacation?  We have got to enact more stringent qualifications to become president, like being sane, not having a record for fraud and tax evasion, molesting women, and cozy relationships with enemies of our country and fellow criminals. And this pardon nonsense has got to stop or have more stringent rules, like the number of persons one can pardon and even why each pardon is justified. On January 20, an honest, decent man will assume the presidency. Let us hope our country never has to deal with another rotten, rudderless sore loser  like Trump.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Trump has so much contempt for his most loyal fans that he is even lying about fund-raising. He has had e-mails sent to his loyal supporters telling you that he needs donations for his Election Defense Fund. He hints that he wants your money to help him fight this alleged election fraud, but that's a lie. He wants your money to live his present lifestyle and to pay his ever-increasing legal bills. (Guiliani alone is demanding $20,000 a day). All moneys so scammed will be divided between his defunct Make America Great Again fund and the DNC. If he were a multi-billionaire as he claims, he wouldn't need your generous contributions. After all even one billion is a thousand million dollars. During the pandemic most people are struggling. Trump has never struggled in his entire life. Yet he expects you to pay his bills. Is Trump really someone you think gives a damn about who you are and what you want?

I hope Wisconsin collected the three million dollars in advance for Trump's wasteful recount. Because when this famous piker finds out it was a waste of money, he will try not to pay it.  

 I'm confident the people of Georgia are smart enough to recognize Republican propaganda to help Purdue and offended enough to resent being taken for gullible fools. A vote for Ossoff is a vote against the lies of McConnell and all his creepy cronies.

 David Purdue praised Trump's response to Covid-19, which was no response at all. But he attacked Obama's response to Ebola. Is anybody having a problem with Ebola, David? Make your vote for Ossoff.

Will super-wealthy Kelly Loeffler pay attention to the average middle-class Georgian wage-earner? Not as much attention as she pays to her hair. Vote for yourself, vote for Warnock.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020



 Someday Kayleigh's daughter Blake is going to look up her mother on her computer. She'll be filled with pride knowing her mother worked at the White House and was on television every day. She'll probably see the video clip of her mother's first day when she told one reporter, "I will never lie to you." Then she will, sadly, see all the clips of her mother constantly lying for the most corrupt president ever, and TV personalities ridiculing her mother for your mendacity. Do people like Kayleigh take into account what their children will learn about them later in life. Nothing dies on the Internet.




 Just as you know in your heart that Donald Trump is a worthless pile of shit, you know in your heart that George Clooney is a kind and decent person. Recently he gave 14 friends a million dollars each. Not out of noblesse oblige, not out of guilt, but out of gratitude and love for their friendship and kindness to him over the years beginning long before he was rich and successful. It would be so easy to envy someone's handsome perfection, their beautiful home, their idyllic marriage, and their incredible wealth. But not George Clooney he's that perfect sharing person who deserves every gift with which life has blessed him. 

 We all miss Alex Trebeck for many reasons. But I will miss him especially because he was one of the very few people who knew the difference between a podium and a lectern. Ari Melber is another.


Trump is not only an inveterate liar, but his toadies seem to be following his lead. Two recent exposed liars are quack doctor Scott Atlas and closet queen Lindsey Graham. Atlas denies that when he encouraged Michigan residents to "Rise up" in protest against the Trump loss he was suggesting anything violent. A complete lie since he would like nothing better than broken windows, flaming public buildings, and a lynchng or two. His Covid advice has probably already killed more than several Michiganers. As for Miss Lindsey denying that he wanted Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to illegally toss thousands of ballots to favor his hero Donald, a total lie and, by the way, an illegal act. These are just two of Trump's loyal liars. Other outstanding toadies include pious Mike Pompeo, pernicious Peter Navarro, and obsequious naif Kayleigh McEnemy. Fortunately all these liars will disappear when Joe Biden takes office on January 20 and the world breathes a sigh of relief. 

Monday, November 16, 2020


While I think most commercials are less, far less, than compelling these days, there a few I like. One is for Progressive.  It shows a bubbly young lady in her flower shop beginning the day. The commercial has a Disney feel to it in that there are cheerful speaking flowers, a talking mop, and a puddle who alerts her to an accident. It seems a coworker or employee has suffered a fall, thus ruining her super-chipper day. The message is clear, the actress is excellent, and, for a change, the commercial is entertaining.

Sunday, November 15, 2020


 Trump is so stupid, he didn't even recognize that he had a respectable "out" when he had it. So he rants and whines and makes a fool of himself when he could have conceded so easily without any shame. Many people pictured he would be be buried in a landslide. He wasn't. True Biden won with nearly 80 million votes, but  Trump got 70 million, which is very impressive and nothing to apologize for. He can always brag that "70 million Americans voted for me." It's incredible, but true. Of course we all know that his voters are angry, uneducated, gullible, non-reading, stupid people, but still 70 million is a lot. But instead of taking that advantage, he makes himself look like a spoiled brat, a sore loser, a frightened future con. Oh, well, on January 20, he'll be gone. He'll still be in the news, still creating chaos, and still running some kind of failing business. He'll be in Trump Tower, in Mara Lago, and in lots of court rooms, but he won't be in the White House. Hmm. I wonder if Putin will take his calls.


 The worst thing Georgians could do in January is vote for the corrupt David Perdue or the Trump toady Kelly Loefffler. Both are completely ineffective and will become even moreso if they give creepy Mitch McDonnell a majority of Senators. As an added insult to your intelligence they have recruited useless Marco Rubio to sway your vote. These are not people who have Georgian's interests at heart. Don't let it happen. Georgia and only Georgia has the power to put these two in the loser's column and give Mitch McConnell sleepless nights. As soon as early voting begins, vote for Reverend Raphael Warnock and John Ossoff. They'll do much more for your finances and your future. These are two hard-working guys who have Georgia on their mind.


Next to Trump, the most obnoxious person in the government is Mitch McConnell.  He's a bitter old man who has tried to take away American's health care, has stubbornly refused to give jobless Americans the finances they need to survive the coronavirus, was obsessed with sabotaging Obama and, like Trump, has been reluctant to acknowledge that Biden won the presidency, (a win thanks in large part to Georgia). And while McConnell cares nothing about the financial woes of average Americans he has been lining his pockets and getting richer evert year. Amazingly the naive Kentuckians voted for him again, so we're stuck with this greedy bastard. But Georgia and only Georgia has the power to make life miserable for this evil, selfish man. With enough votes for Reverend Raphael Warnock and John Ossoff you'll prevent McConnell from having control of the Senate and chalk up another major victory for democracy and Georgia.


Saturday, November 14, 2020


 We've known for years that Putin-loving Comrade Trump is not a patriot. Apparently neither are his fans or at least those in the enraged mob at Washington, D.C.'s Freedom Plaza today. By creating a clamor that claims the voting was flawed is a complete denial of our democracy. The votes are in. The count was accurate. Joe Biden won. Donald Trump lost. Of course it is a mystery to me, and millions of others, why this angry mob wants a misogynistic, egocentric, child-abusing, do-nothing , racist, lying, thieving, whining narcissist for president. Can't they see that most of the country voted against him because they were fed up with financing his golf outings and wasting tax money on his shallow family when he should have been working with experts, not novices, for the nation that elected him? Isn't it obvious that as much as they like him, it is not reciprocal? Nobody at the protest today would be welcome at Mara Lago. If any person in that crowd caught Covid-19 and died, he wouldn't care, any more more than he cares about those hundreds of children he coldly imprisoned, who still cannot be reunited with their parents. So these pro-Trump protestors can yell their slogans and wave their signs,  but they cannot change America's laws. Biden is the president elect —a man praised for being wise, kind, fair, and above all —after the deceitful Trump years— honest. Most of these protestors will soon realize that Biden cares about them and this nation which Trump doesn't. How sad that they don't realize that today.

Friday, November 13, 2020


Trump has many gullible fans as evidenced by his many voters. But none are more gullible and pathetic than the evangelicals. Trump is an admitted atheist. He does not believe in God or the Bible. He has on many occasions stated that he is amazed, "these people can believe in that crap". But he tells these zealots that he goes to church, which he doesn't, that he reveres the Bible, which he has never read, and that the prays, which never happens, and they buy it. Trump is a liar, and most of his lies are to get and keep the votes of his base. He is brilliantly successful at this. At least he was until he lost the election. If he were truly religious, he would say, "God must have other plans for me." But he doesn't. He whines and whimpers and and behaves in a most unChristian way, creating plots of undermine the U.S. military, weaken the noble goals of the incoming president (like ridding us of this virus) and constantly lying about his imagined cases widespread voter fraud. And the evangelicals foolishly buy ever word. And while they do a Christian, church-going man is organizing a group of scientists to fight the Covid virus, and assuring Americans who voted for Trump he is as eager for their success as for those who voted for him. But the Trump-leaning evangelicals willl have none of that. They would rather reject a true Christian like Biden and cleave to Trump, their Anti-Christ

Thursday, November 12, 2020


I was very surprised at the fuss over Matt Gaetz seeming to lust over Tiffany Trump. I always thought that Matt and Jim Jordan were lovers. So this faux scandal suggests to me that Matt is bi, or he faked it to avoid any further rumors. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Surprise, it's not Donald Trump. Despite his many madnesses and hissy fits, Trump is not my winner for the biggest jerk because he's mentally ill. Trump belongs in a rubber room under the watchful eye of a good shrink. Now there are al kinds of idiots in the Trump administration, any one of which could win Jerk of he Year. There's Betsy the Wrinkled DeVos. Stephen the Nazi Miller. Bill the Boob Barr. Ivanka the Busty Bimbo, and so many others. But my vote for Jerk of the Year goes to the most arrogant and incompetent Trumpist of all, a man who can't seem to count considering he seems to think that Trump has won the presidency and with an idiotic smirk suggests Trump will start his second term on January 20.  Bye bye Mike Pompeo.

I knew it was too good to be true when I heard that Fox fired Jeanine Pirro when she insisted on doing a show reporting falsely that there was voter fraud in the presidential election. But they did at least figuratively slap her face (a real slap would have cracked the plaster) and forbid her, for once, spreading lies. Nice to see this harridan put in her place. Ah, that Fox would do the same with other liars like Hannity and Carlson.

Poor old tomato was forbidden to lie

 Why was President Trump invited to participate in this serious ceremony on this solemn day? Surely he regards this monument as The Tomb of the Unknown Loser.


Get McConnell's thumb off of our nation.

 The ever arrogant Marco Rubio is flying to Georgia because he thinks he can convince the citizens of Georgia to vote for the Republicans in the upcoming January 5 election. Keep in mind that Rubio is one of Trump's most loving toadies, and one of the many Cubans who voted to give this mad man a second term as president   Also keep in mind that Georgia's choice for president, Joe Biden, is being hampered by Trump, Rubio, McConnell and others from necessary moves for the transition. You'll remember I am sure how often the petty McConnell prevented helpful legislation from going through, And how his minions made sure that Trump was never brought to justice. Plan now to rid Georgia of the do-nothing and cowardly David Perdue and Trump worshipping Kelly Loeffler and replace them with two working-for- Georgia Democrats John Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock.  If you vote them in, Georgia will determine control of the Senate and make the power-mad Mitch McConnell absolutely miserable. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Who would you rather had the nuclear codes? 

   Guess who's sick to death of Donald Trump?


"I won. I won. I won. I won. Wah, Wah. I won."