Saturday, November 28, 2020


Eric, you poor thing, you just cannot accept what the whole world realizes. Your father is so hated, so despised, so worthless and repulsive that 800 million people are sick to death of seeing his orange face, hearing his endless lies and  putting up with his bullshit bragging that they voted him out and couldn't be happier. For some bizarre reason you are still loyal, or pretending to be, because Daddynutcase demands fealty during these desperate, pathetic, pitiful tantrums. By January, your wacko dad will be powerless, with no more say than any man on the street. He'll have to pay for his own McDonalds, fly tourist class, be a powerless  host at Mara Lago, and pay back all the  millions he owes. Putin will have no more use for him. Un will stop sending love letters. And even his fan base will begin to fade. No one loves a loser, especially a sore loser who whines and snivels and looks for every possible reason to prove he didn't lose when everyone knows he did, even the loyal son who wishes his failure of a father would accept his fate and shut the f*** up.

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