Friday, November 20, 2020


Happily in recent year many persons who were closeted and secretive about their homosexuality have come out of that closet to enjoy the freedom of being who they are. Except for the remaining bigots who will always exist, we think nothing of same sex marriages or friends who are gay or lesbian. But there is another closet that needs to be recognized. Atheism. I recently saw a graph of people who would never vote for an atheist for senator or other public office. But the government is filled with closeted atheists.. President Trump is an atheist, though he won't admit it for fear of losing the evangelical vote. I am sure many senators are atheists. In an age of science and logic, it is increasingly hard for churches to convince anyone that there is a guy in the sky who sees all, knows all. And why the hell would he level us with Covid-19 unless he were kind of nasty? More likely he's not there, the life we have is the only one we'll get, and once we die, the party's over. I personally find that far more comforting than to imagine being wrenched from my grave or urn and having to face some terrifying tribunal. And since I hated getting a burn on my ankle, I really dislike the sadistic idea of being burnt all over forever. So if you believe, I say cling to that if it gives you comfort. But if you are an atheist, say so. Add to our ever growing numbers and prevent churches from getting tax-free status and arrogant zealots like Amy Coney Barrett deciding what every woman in America must do with her body.  You will be amazed at how liberating it is to admit you an atheist is. If you need some encouragement, subscribe to Freedom from Religion. Every month their entertaining and logical publication will remind you that you made the right decision. 

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