Thursday, November 19, 2020


There is no question that Biden won the presidency. There is also no question that Trump is rightly terrified of being an ordinary citizen and subject to paying for his many crimes. Being a coward, he is trying to steal the election, which he'll never do. But if he could, does that mean they would tell Biden and Harris, "Sorry" and give a mentally defective, do-nothing criminal another four years to watch TV, play golf, and lie endlessly. That's insane. That would be handing an unhinged Trump carte blanche to destroy our country, our democracy. How the hell did this grifter get to run for president? Can any lowlife campaign for the job? And once they get it, does nobody require them to perform the tasks involved? When did it become a permanent vacation?  We have got to enact more stringent qualifications to become president, like being sane, not having a record for fraud and tax evasion, molesting women, and cozy relationships with enemies of our country and fellow criminals. And this pardon nonsense has got to stop or have more stringent rules, like the number of persons one can pardon and even why each pardon is justified. On January 20, an honest, decent man will assume the presidency. Let us hope our country never has to deal with another rotten, rudderless sore loser  like Trump.

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