Monday, November 9, 2020


To me the biggest mystery of the Trump administration is why do so many supposedly religious persons want to be ruled by a lying, greedy, promiscuous, racist, atheistic, totally dishonest president rather than an honest, skilled, empathetic, monogamous, churchgoing family man? This is especially strange when Trump has admitted that he finds them disgusting, and constantly puts them in harm's way with rallies in Covid-19 plagued areas. When millionaire evangelist Kenneth Copeland (they all get rich on the backs of the poor) heard Biden had won, he broke into a maniacal fake insane laugh which soon won the applause of his Trump-loving congregation. Why? Followers of the teachings of Jesus are supposed to be kind, loving, charitable, sharing, and wealth rejecting. They  are supposed to love their neighbor like themselves. Yet so many of these evangelicals are full of hate, anger, jealousy, racism, and spite. They swear, wear cruel slogans, carry vulgar signs and reflect very few Christian values. Why? And all too often their ministers are every bit as nasty as they are. If they truly believe there is a day of reckoning, they'll have a lot of explaining to do. And I doubt that God will buy a word of it. 

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