Thursday, November 19, 2020


Many so-called Republicans,  notably Trump fans, consider themselves Republicans and love throwing around terms like Fascist, Communist, Socialist and Marxist.  I suspect that if questioned they would not be able to define any one of those terms. In fact, I don't think they can even define Republican. They accept that label because their equally uneducated parents said that's what they were.  If Daddy said they were Democrats they would have embraced that just as ignorantly. My sister was a "Republican" or so she thought. But she was forever on welfare and the first to sign up for food stamps or subsidized rent. She was clearly a Democrat and died in a charity hospital of cancer believing in the GOP. Some other siblings stayed clueless. I realized that Democrats were less selfish, kinder, and shared more of my beliefs, so didn't share my sister's unquestioned loyalty.  My point is that millions of Americans cling to a inaccurate label. There's nothing wrong with being a Republican, Democrat. Independent or anything else. But do a little research. Don't waste your whole life promoting and supporting an ideology you either don't share or don't even understand. 

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