Friday, July 31, 2020


I have no doubt that Ghislaine Maxwell was guilty of molesting young girls and delivering them to others for sexual favors. I also have no doubt that Prince Andrew, Donald Trump, Alan Dershowitz, and-yes—(as much as I like him) Bill Clinton were also Epstein customers among many others, famous and unknown. Further, I have no doubt that  Jeffrey Epstein was murdered in the Tombs. The facts of his death are just too convenient to suggest suicide. He was tried once before and got a very light sentence. Why would he surrender all hope this time before the verdict? And, with all his money,why wouldn't he assume he could buy his way out of prison? Also, the will seems very specific for a person so disturbed about his future that he plans to take his life. I would imagine he would get more satisfaction out of just writing a will that said, "Do what you want, Screw you all." At any rate, it was very convenient that Epstein died while in a prison under the control of William Barr. Even better, the video equipment which would have shown his suicide failed to function. It will be interesting to see how Ghislaine fares.


Jim Jordan is a pathetic bully. Today at a hearing on coronavirus he badgered and yelled at Dr. Fauci because the good doctor would not give him the negative response he so pathetically craved. The question was do protests spread virus. Fauci's answer was, in essence, all crowds spread virus. A comment any intelligent person would understand. That was not good enough for the jittery, angry Jordan. He wanted Fauci to say "Yes, and all those protesters should be thrown in jail or shot down in the street for spreading the virus."  When he didn't get a negative answer, Jordan accused Dr. Fauci of taking positions on many other areas, which was not true. All the time Jimmy behaved like a spoiled child or overwrought test monkey. Fauci held his ground and expressed the kind of annoyance one always feels with petulant pests. In November, it won't be enough to rid ourselves of Trump, we also must clean house of as many negative, augmentative , anti-free speech, loud-mouth loonies as possible. Jordan has already cemented his reputation as a defender of a sex pervert. Ohio deserves better.

Thursday, July 30, 2020


Poor Trump. Running around in a panic. "What'll I do? What'll I do?"" Now he thinks that if he postpones the election, the virus will disappear. All the jobs, and more, will come back. And everybody will suddenly love him. Wrong, Fatso. The virus is here for awhile. We need new leadership as soon as possible. And it's about time you were dragged through the courts for all your criminal activities, not the least of which was molesting any number of women who found you repulsive. Bad enough your have to face the shame of so many criminal trails, but think of all the TV shows and books that ridicule you. Nobody is going to want to pay for the Trump name any more
And, how can you be sure that once Putin is done with you, he won't worry that you know too much and have an comrade "accidentally" poke your with a starp umbrella during a rainy day in New York?
Don't expect an impressive state funeral You'll be lucky if your kids bother to attend once the willl has been settled.


Herman Cain has died at 74 of coronavirus. Mr. Cain one of the founders of Godfather Pizza and a ex-presidential candidate has been sick with the illness following his infection after attending Trump's June 20 Rally in Tulsa where attendees were not encouraged to wear masks. Sadly, Mr. Cain, having survived liver cancer, was at high risk for the complications of COVID-19 making recovery more difficult. Mr. Cain was a radio host, syndicated colonist, Tea Party activist, and author of several books.


You know how Trump is always saying, "people say" as if it's proof-positive of an actual fact? Well, he's not the only person who can use that ploy. People say that Trump has been visiting a medium who has conducted seances with his late father Fred. Apparently it didn't go well. It seems Fred called Donald an idiot and said he never should have left him a dime. People say that Trump had recently spent a fortune for a voodoo doll of Biden which he has stuck with over 100 pins. But even Trump, gullible as he is, had to admit it didn't work. People say Trump confessed to Stella Immanuel that he has recently had disturbing dreams about a demon pig in a grey suit chasing him through the halls of Congress. After deeper discussion, they reasoned that he was spending too much time with Barr. Apparently Trump has recently been involved in tarot, tea leaves, and any number of occult sciences to win the upcoming election. Is it true? I don't know. It's what people say.


A good rule of thumb is to ignore anything that Trump suggests. His only thoughts are what are best for him and have no relation to logic, common sense, or any other single citizen off the 300 million
plus Americans in our soon to be liberated country. Postpone the election? What an insane idea. That would mean putting this power-hungry dictator in  the catbird's seat for an additional period of time. Who knows what chaos he could cause. We need mail-in voting. Walk-in voting. Any kind of voting that would this nutcase out of office


We know that Trump is a racist.That's been proven time and time again. Just  yesterday he assured his base their neighborhoods wouldn't be invaded by low-income housing (code for black) which he stupidly feels is a winning promise. Yet, at the same time, he promotes Stella Immanual a combo doctor/shaman who says we don't need masks and insists there is a cure for coronavirus. Anyone could see that this woman is nuts with her talk of demons, witches, and aliens. She's also black, an anathema to Trump voters. So what's he up to?  Every day on the news there are reports by highly respected black doctors and nurses at major American hospitals whom Trump ignores. Yet he praises this combo doctor/pastor for her wisdom and her recommendation of hydroxychlorophine,which is sure to kill of a few of his loyal and gullible voters. What is Trump up to?

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


I'd be lying if I didn't admit it gives me a certain sense of satisfaction to know that Texas Representative Louie Gohmert has come down with coronavirus. While he's not as ignorant as Senator James Inhofe from Oklahoma (who is?) he's pretty obnoxious. His refusal to wear a mask during these dangerous days was a moronic stand on an absurd principle, and now he's being quarantined. While I must admit Gohmert has shown fairness every now and then, he is basically a narrow-minded Republican,  anti abortion and totally again LGBT rights. With that in mind, I don't wish for him to die, but do hope he has a very unpleasant quarantine period.


I don't know whether it's true, but I read once that the United States is the only country that allows pharmaceutical manufacturers to advertise on television. True or not, these ads are repeated endlessly and are very irritating. As an ex-copywriter, I always believed that they at least had to be accurate, what with side effects, etc. But recently I have seen a commercial for a migraine medicine called UBRELVY. One of this product's bizarre claims is that, "it stops a migraine headline in its tracks in as little as two hours." I find this an absurd claim because to stop something it its tracks means to do it
immediately, not in two hours or even five minutes. Please UBRELVY, check your cliches.


Trump never does anything that doesn't benefit him. So why is he so eager to promote a drug proven to be ineffective for coronavirus and, in fact, risky? Why does he continue to insist that this malaria drug is effective? It can't be because he wants people to be cured, since he doesn't really care about people. It could be that he wants to be proven right, but that's unlikely to happen considering all the research to the contrary. While he says he has no financial interest in the product, that's apparently not true. Based on the New York Times quote below, it would seem that Trump is perfectly willing to promote a possibly dangerous drug if it will profit him.
"The Times reports the president’s family trusts all have investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding is Sanofi, the manufacturer of Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine. "


After a temporary return to the apparent sanity of reading prepared speeches and crediting medical experts, Trump has gone off the rails again. This time he's crazier than ever. He's back on his hydroxychloroquine kick again, and touting a Stella Immanuel who says face masks are not necessary and there is a cure for coronavirus. Of course she also says that many gynecological problems are caused by having sex in your dreams with demons and witches and scientists are working on a vaccine to prevent people from being religious. She also believes in aliens, not the kind trying to enter an increasingly unwelcoming America, but the ones who arrive by spaceship. Trump seems to have great faith in "doctor" Immanuel, so much so that when reporters questioned her credentials he walked off in yet another huff. However during his ravings he did say what he believes is absolute proof for any of his ravings: "Many people say,"

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


I admire the many peaceful protesters who are marching to promote Black Lives Matter. Black Lives do Matter, and you have done a great job getting that message across to a once-racist nation. But now it's time to go home and live that philosophy, especially since you are now giving Trump the ammunition he needs to group you with the few looters and trouble makers who our evil president loves to point to. If you give up your protests and leave only the bad apples behind, the federal soldiers will deal with them and then have nothing to deal with. The ravaged cities can get back to business (as much business as is possible during the age of Covid). I would say don't let any cameraman capture you writing graffiti. Be careful that any statue you topple is fair game unlike "Forward" in Wisconsin. If you really want to rid our nation of Trump and all the other lawless Republicans, the best way to do it is by going home and promoting Biden. Think of the joy you will experience watching Trump being carried out of the White House. On the other hand if you keep providing propaganda for Trump's minions think of the despair and futility you will feel if he wins another term.


Recently on the MSNBC news some reporter said that she talked to a lot of women who planned to vote for Trump, but were embarrassed to admit it to their liberal friends. Frankly I think this reporter was lying through her capped teeth and the network should not have allowed this report, which amounts to the same as hearsay in a trial. If reporters are permitted to claim anything they can dream up, it is no longer news.


During the Barr hearings, old tomato Debbie Lesko from Arizona says she is in fear because there is so much gun violence in her state . Of course she never complains about the NRA or the fact that Trump is so busily making Americans afraid, or idiots like Jim Jordan exaggerate criminal activity to support the illegal activities and false claims s of Trump and Barr. Maybe if Debbie had let her hair go gray 20 years ago she wouldn't have such a befuddled brain.


I know Jim Jordan thinks of himself as a super-star of the Senate. But he's really just a balding 56-year-old gum-chewing apologist for a sex criminal and an overwrought drama queen who thinks it's cool not to wear a jacket and masterful to yell rather than speak. From his laughably faked crime video to his trite "Is it okay to burn down a building?" queries, he sounds like a tot having a tantrum. I would ask Jordan, "Is it okay to see someone committing sexual crimes and not report him?" I detest loud-mouth, sanctimonious hypocrites, and I can't think of one more offensive than Jim Jordan, though Matt Gaetz comes close.
If you see a rerun of the Barr hearings, check out Barr's response to Martha Roby of Alabama. His first body language reaction was, "Oh, shit. I have to listen to this stupid woman." Then he interrupted her questions because, in his arrogance, he had to give a weak defense for shortening Stone's sentence.


In watching today's hearing with sarcastic William Barr, it is frightening to see how partisan Republicans are. To a person, they defend Barr with as much deceit as Barr defends Trump. The fact that Barr told frequent lies in his opening statement, I am sure will never be addressed or prosecuted.Like Trump, Barr is completely devoid of emotion and only concerned with his own preservation. Yet no Republican seems to see the duplicity of this sarcasic bejowled Jabba the Hutt. Every lie, every  duplicitious act, every deceit is forgiven by the treasonous GOP. Even the beginning was tainted by the bias ravings of shirt-sleeved gum-chewing Jim Jordan who ran a too-long video of violence and looting as if Americans don't appreciate that you can do anything with video—thus a waste of time on violent propaganda. Any right-thinking American will see that these smarmy Republicans must be swept from the floors of the  Capitol and replaced by those who will honor The Constitution and never allow a liar like Barr or his fetid defenders to pollute the building again.


I love it. Donald Trump Jr. has been temporarily banned from Twitter for spreading lies about coronavirus. The social media giant said he had been posting misleading and potential harmful information about Covid-19. I consider that a very serious act. But let me repeat: Donald Trump, Jr. has been temporarily banned for this serious offense. I, on the other hand, have been permanently banned, after thousands of tweets, for calling Laura Ingraham a bitch. No other epithet, no threat, no related offense. I tried to contact them, but they were rigidly determined to ban me forever for such a simple offense to one of Trump's major sycophants. Hmmm.


Poor Trump. He made such a strong stand about not wearing a mask that his gullible worshipers followed his loony lead and eschewed masks. Now, because of that, many of his voters have come down with Covid-19. (The attendees at Tulsa have been especially affected.) The result is that many of the voters he has been counting on are so pissed at him for making them sick, they will not give him their vote, and others are dead. So by dismissing the coronavirus, he has decimated his own fans.
Tut tut.


How satisfying that Georgia Republican Senator, David Perue, was caught being antisemitic. Pathetically so as it turns out, since he dragged out a cliche that is not only nasty but naive. In a Facebook ad he altered a photo of the challenger for his reelection to the Senate, Jon Ossoff, who is Jewish. Hoping to stir up anti-semitic sentiments from Georgians (whom he must think are all bigots) he had Ossoff's nose enlarged. When he was caught in this deception he said it was a "design gaffe"; three graphic designers disagreed. What's next Mr. Perdue? Are you going to borrow from Hitler's game plan and say that Jews have poisoned the water with Covid-19? Why are these dirty tricks always the work of Republicans? (Shown below: Perdue with  fellow fraud.)

Monday, July 27, 2020



On a related subject, I will never forgive Paul Ryan, a pompous, sanctimonious ass for tainting the Capitol Rotunda by allowing scam artist Billy Graham to be the fourth private citizen to be laid to
rest there. Being a ill-informed idiot, Ryan, assumed that Graham was a man of god, the altruistic pious person he claimed to be, while living a life of excessive luxury, socializing only with the wealthy and influential, and raking in millions from the poor and gullible throughout the world. There was no excuse for this godless grifter to receive the honor of such a distinguished ceremony. I am sure there are thousands of believers who will insist Graham and his equally corrupt son are men of God. But let me say this about Billy Graham,  a statement for which the Bible and Jesus himself will back me up. An altruistic, self-sacrificing man of God does not die with a personal fortune of $25 million dollars.


Today the great civil rights leader, John Lewis will lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda. He will be the first black lawmaker to do so, but certainly not the last. If you've been following the news, you will be aware that he was greatly admired and respected and truly fit that the expression, "a man among men." Lewis will be deeply missed for his brilliance and bravery at a time when such virtues are so needed. Fittingly his life has been celebrated for days, notably when his flag-draped casket was carried across the rose-petal strewn historic bridge in Selma on a humble wagon pulled by two horses. It was at this very bridge 55 years ago that Mr. Lewis was nearly beaten to death. How appropriate that he now crosses it triumphantly as a national hero to the cheers of an adoring crowd.


I noticed that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McWattle has been wearing a tan-colored suit lately. This is odd because he was one of the fashion police who was outraged when Obama wore the same colored suit, which of course looked bespoke on Barack and off-the-rack on Mitch. McWattle who will go down in history as the most obstructive and petty Majority Leader, not to mention one of the ugliest in every possible way, couldn't have made his hypocrisy clearer than by sporting that suit.


The following is a definition of The Fifth Column. Many people are not familiar with this term, so I am not talking down to those who are. I think it's a very important term that applies today to the
Republican Senate. fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack.


There's a very simple solution to ending these violent uprisings in America, at least in the future: elect Joe Biden as President. Since Joe Biden believes wholeheartedly that Black Lives Matter, there will be no need for protestors and marches. Since Federal Agents are an illegal force created by Trump and Barr, they will be gone. Once Joe Biden is in office, we can get back to being the home of the free and the land of the brave. Trump's term will be recalled as a nightmare that never should have happened, a car that swerved and almost plummeted over a cliff. Only white supremacists will feel the need to protest and they will be dealt with. The country's treasury will no longer be used as a slush fund for Trump, his cronies, and relatives. There will be no more children's prisons. Biden will not feel the need for costly ego-boosting rallies and Air Force One will do a lot less flying.  State of the Union addresses will not be rambling disjointed brag-fests. Unqualified personnel will not fill the offices in Washington. And valued world allies will once again be honored guests or warmly welcoming hosts. Rebuilding the country will not be easy, but it will be the prime concern of the Biden administration. And if we are still plagued by Covid-19, Biden will have the world's medical experts working on the problem not a no-nothing relative or Vice President.  If you sincerely want an honorable, trustworthy, and problem-solving America then you must vote in November, by mail or by foot, no matter how long you have to wait, no matter how far you have to travel. Because if you don't vote for Biden, this car will swerve,  careen, plunge over that cliff and burn beyond recognition.


This schlock artist is either mentally ill or he realizes there's a market for kitsch paintings of Trump being admired by persons who actually despise him or would despise him if they were still alive.
The fact that Trump is an atheist who only worships himself is apparently irrelevant to the comical theme of this painting. They are also standing too close together and not wearing masks, but since they're dead anyway, I guess that's not a problem.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

I am told that many Cuban-Americans plan to vote for Trump. Gee, you'd think that one dictator would be enough. 


There is a time for fair and equal coverage. This is not it. We are treating Trump as if he weren't a thief, a criminal, an imprisoner of children, a philanderer, a serial liar, a complete fraud, and a leader responsible for the deaths of hundreds of coronavirus victims and the slaughter of innocent Kurds.  So why are we extending the kind of fairness that is deserved by honest people. If Hitler were running, would we give him equal time? Would be ignore his gassing millions of innocent people in order to preserve the fairness of elections. Would we give his Nazi supporters air time to explain how Hitler did wonders for the German economy and managed to gain lots of land. Would we air his speeches, highlight his crowds, and show the adoring expressions of the Hitler youth. The future of America is at stake.We should not be giving Trump air time, broadcasting his lies, interviewing his sycophants, and ignoring what we know: that if he is reelected it is the end of our democracy, the dissolution of the American dream, and possibly even a kind of deadly revenge on his many critics.


I maintain that MSNBC did as much to elect Trump in 2016 as they did to vilify him. For starters they still always use the flattering photo below which is more attractive than this mottled over-made up monster ever looked. Now we're facing the fight of our lives and MSNBC's running schizophrenic coverage once again. This morning (Sunday) they allowed lying, slimy, propagandist Hogan Gridley lots of time to praise Trump, and spew all kinds of lies about mail-in voting. And Ali Velshi (who fills in for everyone) accepted it all. Gidley's pro-Trump speech was followed by a panel of voter's from Buck's County, PA. When asked if Trump was a racist (who can doubt it?) half said "yes" the other half said "no" or waffled. To help Trump even further, one woman suggested Biden was a racist because he performed he eulogy at Strom Thurmond's funeral. (Velshi could have explained that Biden felt Thurmond had changed his racist views.)  Past guests given time to praise Trump include black turncoats Bruce Levell and Stacy Washington. During the past election MSNBC had given Trump lots of air time, which they denied to Hillary. Profiting from all the face time, Trump made many converts with his misanthropic, misogynistic comments . The icing on the cake was MSNBC continually repeating the unproven myth that nobody liked or trusted Hillary. And now they'e at it again. So watch out for subtle anti-Biden comments like this morning's. When you want to harm someone invisibly, they say you should damn them with faint praise. (Example: Jim's a great guy. Too bad about the drinking.)  Well, MSNBC seems to have taken the opposite attack with Trump: They praise him with faint damn.

Saturday, July 25, 2020


Trump has been making a complete fool of himself by bragging about "acing" his cognitive test. Not only do most people, including children,"ace" these tests, but there is not a chance in hell that the doctors who gave it (it took more than one?) would say, "How did you do that?" Not only is that an absurd question in itself, but memorizing that list of words happens so often it is not worth commenting on, much less expressing amazement.  So Donald loses credibility again not only by bragging about passing a simple test, but by lying about the tester's amazement, and by being impressed himself at something so incredibly insignificant.


All too often copywriters are copycats. These are two cliches that I am seeing too much of, or to be
more grammatically correct, of which I am seeing too much.
One;  Persons expressing surprise by an annoying,  high-pitched, "whaaaaat?"
Two: A person exercising by doing curls with a dog, cat, or child.


One of the main people in American who does not believe that Black Lives Matter is Bruce Levell. He even regards his own existence as meaningless and unworthy, which is why he is a major supporter of Donald Trump. He was on MSNBC this morning singing Trump's praises and telling almost as many lies as Donald himself. It is shocking to see an African American supporting such a rabid racist as Trump, more so when that person is highly educated. One can only attribute it to money, as any unethical person would recognize Trump as the kind of satanic creature who, though cheap, pays top price for souls.


I encourage every adult American to sit down somewhere quiet and remember what life was like before Trump. There were problems in the world, for sure, but the USA was admired, depended upon, consulted. None of our presidents were egotists, braggarts, and liars. Yes, several had affairs, but not with hookers and porno stars whom they had to bribe to keep their mouths shut. We were not a country who imprisoned children and once they were locked up never gave them another thought.  The Attorney General was not the dishonest and exclusive shadow of the president. The presidents did not  carelessly waste our tax money on excessive golf trips and benefits for his children, inlaws, and comrades. We spent our time discussing sports, the latest movies, our TV favorites, not the latest political scandal and what idiocy the president spouted. We had laws. We had standards.  We had morals. Even Evangelicals, rigid as they were,  quoted the Bible and had high moral standards. We weren't perfect but the Constitution kept us in line. Today we have a president who thinks he is a king. We have an illegal army assaulting innocent people. We have hundreds of frightened children, who may never see their parents again. And on top of all this we have a virus that is killing Americans, sickening thousands every day, and being almost ignored by the president of the United States who spends his time playing golf and watching television. There is only one way out of this abyss: electing Joe Biden to the presidency. And if that doesn't happen then 2021 will soon become 1984.

Friday, July 24, 2020


Once upon a time Ted Yoho could have been proud of this family photo. But that was before the country knew he is a misogynistic pig, who when he can't deal with a woman, he calls her a f***** bitch. Now anyone seeing this photo will wonder if he ever used that epithet on his wife, on his two daughters What a wonderful dressing down he got in Congress this week. His family must be so proud of him.


Putin: Ya?
Trump: Hi, Vlad. It's me, Donny.
Putin: Ya.
Trump I was wondering if you changed your mind about coming for a visit.
Putin: I thought you'd be mad about the, you know, soldiers,
Trump: Pish. Tosh. I don't know any of them.
Putin: So, A deal we still have.
Trump: Help me win. And those soldiers will be a drop in the


Some people are so rich they could afford to support 100 families of four for 10 years and never even feel a pinch But, of course they're not going to do that. They'd rather have a yacht, closets full of designer clothes, and a home on the Riviera that they visit every two years.


Despite living in Miami, my heart will always belong to Boston, where I spent so many happy years. It occurred to me the other day that Boston is one of the few cities (if not the only one) that celebrates
Columbus Day. Since it is the Cradle of Liberty, I am sure they will do the right thing and and change that unfortunate situation before October 12 rolls around again. Will they abandon Columbus Day or just change the name? How about John Lewis Day?


We know that Ivanka is not terribly bright, but in her recent tweet celebrating our national parks, I was surprised when she described our parks as a national treasure for "...the respite they afford our families." Since the definition of respite is "a short period of rest and relief from something difficult and unpleasant." I think it's presumptuous of her to assume that visitors to national parks are escaping  their difficult and unpleasant lives. In an attempt to sound smart, she chose the wrong word.


So is lying. Trump lies so often without a mask that his closest toadies are catching his mendacity. One example: Brian Kilmeade the goofy couch sitter on Fox and Friends. It seems he just, on a nasty whim, tweeted a bitchy fake quote from AOC which she never said. He removed it almost immediately after he was sure that enough Foxtards  had read and believed it.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


You must stop thinking of Donald Trump as your President. He is your fuhrer, William Barr is his Heinrich Himmler, Jared is his Martin Bormann, the Federal Agents are his Gestapo, the Republican Senators are his SS, and the ever vacuous Melania is his Eva Braun. Once you start thinking of them that way, this madness will all make much more sense.


Chalk up another Republican loser for Florida, Ted Yoho. This arrogant foul-mouthed Representative from Florida's 3rd District verbally assaulted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the steps of the Capitol, displaying a complete lack of self-control, manners, and respect for his equals—yes, equals. Today he gave a tepid Trump-like apology, making himself seem even smaller and more wormier than ever. I wonder what his wife Carolyn thought of his display of volatile vulgarity. I wonder what his three children, Tyler, Katie, and Lauren thought. AOC wisely pointed out that Yoho in demeaning her, gave permission to all men to do the same to his wife and two daughters. In his apology Yoho committed the most cowardly act of all: He denied saying what he said.


I don't think Kayliar McEnemy realizes that once you have been a professional liar for Donald Trump you can never go back to being a respected person. The word liar might as well be tattooed in 30 point type on your forehead. Your child or children will be ridiculed in school for having a mommy who's a liar, your husband will always feel the scorn or pity of his democratic teammates, and your parents will always be thought of as the mother and father of that woman that constantly lied and covered up for Trump. Sean Spicer is an object of ridicule. Sarah Sanders for all her piety is reviled for all the lies she told. Hester Prynne had a Scarlet A. An L is far more shameful.


Trump does exactly the opposite for what he promises. He takes a city that has mild protests and sends in storm troopers to create chaos and suspicion. He says he takes responsibility for everything, then blames every failing on the nearest scapegoat. He says he wants to help cities with crime problems, then finds ways to increase crime so that he can use the visuals on his dystopian campaign ads. He says he likes blacks, and finds every possible way to malign and weaken them. He calls himself the Law and Order President, but shows himself to be a bully,  gangster and an attack dog with no sense of justice or liberty or freedom of speech. He's desperate to win another term because when he does, he has big plans for more ways to please Vladimir.


These are the ones I can think of. If you recall
others, click no comments.
When it Rains, it Pours
Wait'll I Get My Haines on You.
Better Things for Better Living Through Chemistry
Better Than It Has to Be
The Gift That Keeps on Giving
The Costliest Perfume in the World
Where's the Beef?
A Diamond is Forever
Takes a Licking and Keeps on Ticking
Does She or Doesn't She?


The reason Benedict Trump is popping in on TV every day at 5pm EST is that he liked the high ratings he received when he did so in the past. High ratings? What he doesn't realize is that Americans tune in to see what stupid thing he will say, not because they like him. Most of us detest him and rightly so. But when a clown like Trump takes to the airwaves suggesting we inject Clorox into our veins, have record low death rates when they're record high, and refuses to camouflage his jowls with a mask, you gotta tune in. The new comedy series has him reading prepared scripts so the fun this time is to see what words he can't pronounce or when he'll go off script on a rant. Of course it's also hilarious to watch the Q & A sessions, which are short and intensely non-informative. I'm glad to see more and more reporters are asking tough questions, though he slithered away yesterday before anyone could ask why he wishes procuress Ghislaine Maxwell well. Maybe today.


You will note that Benedict Donald in his daily reading lesson blamed Black Lives Matter for spikes in the virus, but did not mention either Tulsa or Phoenix, both of which caused significant spikes due to his stupidity. Trump bitches about violence in Portland, but the scariest people there are the unidentified stormtroopers which he has sicced on the city in an attempt to appear masculine and strong.  And talk about cowardly. You will note he practically ran off the stage while reporters were asking him about his well-wishing for child molester, Ghislane Maxwell. While it's true that Chicago has had more than its share of violence, there are ways the government could aid that great city. For instance stopping the flow of illegal guns across its border. But instead Trump is sending his Gestapo forces there today to assault more innocent people and do more damage to the fabric of democracy.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


The latest report on the Internet can only be a charming fantasy.  I read that Alex Trebek wants Betty White to replace him as the host on Jeopardy. Now, I admire Ms. White as much as anyone, and hope she lives to 200, but if the producers are looking for a serious choice to host Jeopardy, the person I see as the ideal host (based on his television commercials) is Dennis Quaid. He's attractive, smart, witty, and funny. All right he's 66 but that's still 14 years younger than Alex and  32 years younger than Betty.


Yesterday Trump went in front of the cameras (his favorite place) with a prepared speech in hand. No doubt whoever wrote the speech soundly scolded the president by telling him it would raise his ratings if he didn't drift from the written words, which Trump didn't. (Well at least he didn't drift too far.) But when it came time for questions and answers and Trump was on his own, he screwed up again, notably by saying when referring to sex trafficker, procuress, child molester Ghislaine Maxwell. "I wish her well." I'm sure that Ghislaine knows several of Trump's most closely guarded secrets so Trump could hardly say anything negative about her. It's what's called being between a rock and you know the rest.


Last week I got a mailer purportedly from FPL Energy Services. The goal of the message was to get me, a homeowner, to sign up for a plan that protects me in the event of electrical problems in my home. The cost or such a plan would be $4.99 a month, which seems reasonable as electrical failures can be very costly. As I read more about the electrical system coverage, everything made sense until I got to the section titled, What quality of repair can I expect? The first sentence of this section was, "Local, licensed and insured plumbers perform all covered repairs..."