Sunday, July 26, 2020


There is a time for fair and equal coverage. This is not it. We are treating Trump as if he weren't a thief, a criminal, an imprisoner of children, a philanderer, a serial liar, a complete fraud, and a leader responsible for the deaths of hundreds of coronavirus victims and the slaughter of innocent Kurds.  So why are we extending the kind of fairness that is deserved by honest people. If Hitler were running, would we give him equal time? Would be ignore his gassing millions of innocent people in order to preserve the fairness of elections. Would we give his Nazi supporters air time to explain how Hitler did wonders for the German economy and managed to gain lots of land. Would we air his speeches, highlight his crowds, and show the adoring expressions of the Hitler youth. The future of America is at stake.We should not be giving Trump air time, broadcasting his lies, interviewing his sycophants, and ignoring what we know: that if he is reelected it is the end of our democracy, the dissolution of the American dream, and possibly even a kind of deadly revenge on his many critics.

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