Friday, July 10, 2020


If you want even more reason to vote Trump out of office, try this. During this Covid-19 crisis, American taxpayer dollars are going to all kinds of tax-free religious organizations who don't need it, and not to American citizens who do. The Catholic Church, for example, is worth 60 billion dollars. That's 60 thousand million! Yet they just received $3.4 billion of your dollars. Never mind that they are not in need. Never mind that The Constitution requires the separation of church and state. They have this money, gratis, and taxpayers don't. And while many small business owners are still filling out forms and dialing government agencies daily, religious schools are raking in the bucks, friends of Trump are rolling in dough, and lots of unworthy parasites are worth a whole lot more. This kind of favoritism and graft doesn't happen with an honest government, which we don't have now. But we will once you get Trump out and Biden in. It wills stop this wholesale graft and keep the Pope from picking our pockets.

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