Saturday, July 25, 2020


I encourage every adult American to sit down somewhere quiet and remember what life was like before Trump. There were problems in the world, for sure, but the USA was admired, depended upon, consulted. None of our presidents were egotists, braggarts, and liars. Yes, several had affairs, but not with hookers and porno stars whom they had to bribe to keep their mouths shut. We were not a country who imprisoned children and once they were locked up never gave them another thought.  The Attorney General was not the dishonest and exclusive shadow of the president. The presidents did not  carelessly waste our tax money on excessive golf trips and benefits for his children, inlaws, and comrades. We spent our time discussing sports, the latest movies, our TV favorites, not the latest political scandal and what idiocy the president spouted. We had laws. We had standards.  We had morals. Even Evangelicals, rigid as they were,  quoted the Bible and had high moral standards. We weren't perfect but the Constitution kept us in line. Today we have a president who thinks he is a king. We have an illegal army assaulting innocent people. We have hundreds of frightened children, who may never see their parents again. And on top of all this we have a virus that is killing Americans, sickening thousands every day, and being almost ignored by the president of the United States who spends his time playing golf and watching television. There is only one way out of this abyss: electing Joe Biden to the presidency. And if that doesn't happen then 2021 will soon become 1984.

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