Friday, February 28, 2014

Separated at birth.

The resemblance is amazing. Not only that but Droopy completely lacks any kind of energy or motivation, just as Boehner does. Although I suspect that Droopy is more honest, especially after seeing the hypocritical Boehner accusing President Obama of not wanting to work (a poorly disguised bit of racism, read shiftless). Also since Boehner seems to have no interest in doing the job he was paid for I would suggest his petty attack on Obama is what psychiatrists call "projecting".

Where can you buy gopherwood?

I'm very exciting about a new building project. It's a replica of Noah's Ark for the Creation Museum in Kentucky, a 510-foot exhibit called Ark Encounter. Estimated to cost about $73 million and expected to be completed by the summer of 2016, this should really throw cold water on the fantasies of all the nuts who believe in the Great Flood. Once this wooden monstrosity is build, any thinking person will easily see that it could never accommodate two of every living creature on earth. Still it will be a fitting exhibit to go along with the hunky Adam, sexy Eve, saddled dinosaurs and all the other wacko Flintstone's   and Bibliobabble paraphernalia that makes this museum such a revered site for magical thinkers and such a hilarious hoot for everybody else.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

A nest of vipers.

Catholic so-called leaders are always speaking up about gay rights, meaning of course they prefer that that gays don't have any. But I don't see how any Catholic clergyman who, having watched The Secrets of the Vatican, has the nerve to speak up about anything.  After seeing how corrupt the Vatican is and how riddled it is with hypocritical gay priests who actually attend orgiastic parties and  how stuffed it is with overfed bishops and cardinals who care very little for God and a lot for their careers and how avaricious it is with the help of the corrupt Vatican bank, I would think all this would lead to vows of permanent silence. But, no, those within a framework famous for pederism, rape, financial corruption, and of course the deadly sins of  pride, envy, gluttony, sloth, greed and lust. are still preaching against persons with far less to be ashamed of than they are. You'll notice I didn't list anger. Why? Because while the clergy hungrily suck on the teat of the Mother Church, have all their bills paid, eat like kings, and indulge in all the sex they want, what have they got to be angry about?

The other Gravity.

Did I see a different Gravity than everyone else? I wondered because I've heard so much praise about the actual film and the one I saw was really boring. I can assume the real Gravity had an interesting storyline and all kinds of exciting moments. The one  I saw was mostly two people floating in space, lots of blue, and basically nothing happening. Fortunately the one I saw also had George Clooney and Sandra Bullock since I love them both, but in my film the didn't have to do much except grunt, float away, float back, and pretend to understand the complicated equipment on the spacecraft. I'd really like to see the terrific film everybody is talking about because, as I said, mine was 90 minutes of nothing.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

In name only.

In case you're interested Papa John's new double-cheeseburger pizza tastes absolutely nothing like a cheeseburger. Now I'm sure each outlet makes it somewhat different, but the one I ordered the other night had almost no hamburger and was really boring. Try it yourself, but don't say I didn't warn you.

A very dangerous snake.

I wish America would stop kissing the greedy asses of oil tycoons. We give these  robber barons our land, our safety, tax breaks, and the freedom to destroy our environment and steal land from Americans, including native Indians with the obscene law of eminent domain. The Keystone pipeline is a terrible idea. If approved by the U.S. government, upon completion the Keystone Pipeline System would consist of 2,151 miles carrying oil to processing centers in Nebraska, Illinois and Texas. That's a lot of unmonitored miles for a project that  thousands of people protest, detest and could easily sabotage. Not that they need to. since the Canadians don't have that good a safety record. If Obama approves this, and we hope he doesn't, we can all expect nightly news reports on explosions, polluted rivers, undrinkable water, and all manner of catastrophes that the oil billionaires will describe as minor mishaps.

Forget the prayer, how about some cash?

Is there anyone more hypocritical than anti-abortion zealots?  First of all they only seem to be concerned with American abortions and don't really give a damn about pregnant women in other countries, especially if they're black. They don't want these poor god-helpless women to abort their babies. On the other hand, they don't seem to want to shell out any money to help struggling mothers support the child they don't want them to abort. They hate the idea of life being ended before it has a chance to begin, but they don't seem to be terribly bothered if it ends in childhood, during the teenage years, or later in life when so many of the babies they "rescued" become soldiers. And they couldn't care less if someone killed a doctor who does abortions. That apparently is not murder in their demented little minds. Basically they don't really care about unborn children at all. Their goal is to bully women who won't do what they want and who won't follow their religious beliefs. I also think a large part of it is finding an acceptable outlet for the intense anger they feel with or without abortion. And if their goals are so altruistic, so pro-life and good hearted, how come they are almost always sneering, snarling, threatening harridans and thugs, usually well past the child-bearing age which makes you wonder what really bothers them.

We are not alone.

Recently scientists discovered 719 new planets. That's in addition to the thousands of planets already discovered. Think about that. What does it tell you about religion?

"..where the wind comes sweeping down the plain."

I know I'm hard on August: Osage County, and I wouldn't be if it weren't so unjustly praised by critics everywhere. On stage (I saw both the original and a Miami production) I found it to be a well-written overlong soap opera made palatable by an amazing stage set ( a complete three-story house).Last night I saw the movie, which was distinguished by superb actors and little else. The word that most occurred to me watching this film was  artificial". One watched the marvelous performances of Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Chris Cooper and other talents too numerous to mention and felt nothing. I have been more moved by episodes of Mama's Family. Maybe I'm too demanding. I would like to know why anyone would live in that remote non-air-conditioned house; how a poet ever accumulated any large amount of money; why someone with mouth cancer would talk and smoke so much; and why it took one character decades before scolding his wife for belittling their son. If people actually responded to this blog, which they don't, someone may be able to explain what's so good about A:OC.

Now everybody knows.

You know what's braver than Michael Sam coming out of the closet? Lobbyist Jack Burkham preparing legislation that would ban gay athletes from playing in the NFL. Why? Because Sam's revelation was brave, honorable, and no cause for shame.  Burkham's, on the other hand, is an admission that he is a bigot, probably a racist, certainly homophobic, possibly closeted, completely unAmerican, and basically a piece of shit. It takes a lot of courage to admit to the entire world just how worthless and backward you are. To stand defiantly as he did and state, "I am a completely narrow and ignorant person" is an act that leaves one both amazed and, of course, nauseated. 
Note: While several of this moron's clients are sticking with him, DC Solar Solution, a California company has intelligently severed ties with Burkham since they do not share his homophobic views. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Hate State

It's unfortunate that there are so many religious nuts in Arizona. It's also unfortunate that so many of its legislators, mostly Republicans, like Jan Brewer and crazy Al Melvin, are bigots, racists and hate mongers. But I suspect that Arizona, like every state, also has good-hearted, decent, live-an-let-live people. So I doubt this new law would be passed. But, even if it were, I believe that those who are eager to "follow their religion" by showing unChristian hatred towards their neighbors would soon find their entire customer base was dwindling rapidly as more and more kind-hearted people, including true Christians,  refuse to patronize the narrow hypocrites among them.

It lives!

Dick Cheney, truly one of the creepiest hypocrites and mass murderers that America has ever produced is unfortunately still alive thanks to the heart he stole from some worthy recipient. Because of this we are still subjected to his satanic smirk and insane pronouncements. His latest criticism of Obama, is that
our president would rather spend on food stamps than a strong military. Is this supposed to be a criticism? Now we know that Cheney couldn't care less if needy Americans were starving and would love to spend every cent of our taxes on more unnecessary planes and any device capable of destroying life so of course he's vexed that Obama doesn't agree. With his fake war of choice on Iraq The Dick has proven that he hasn't a clue what is necessary for warfare and, given the chance, he would send all our young American "warriors" off to early deaths in battles that, to him, are no more real than the sadistic computer games he probably plays during those rare moments of lucidity. In the not too distant future, this cretin will clutch his heart, feel intense pain, and drop dead. When he does the nation will pretend to mourn, but will in fact be secretly rejoicing, or at least everyone I know will.

Monday, February 24, 2014

More on the subject.

In many ways it's unfortunate the word "gay" has been appropriated to mean homosexual. After all "gay" is a perfectly good word for being bright, happy, and upbeat. But at least it is a positive word so there's no reason to be annoyed. However, the word "queer" which so many people seem to accept as a synonym for gay is one I find utterly unacceptable. The dictionary definitions of queer are, "strange, odd, unusual, peculiar, curious, bizarre, weird, uncanny, freakish, eerie, and unnatural." Now I don't know about other gay men, but I don't consider myself any of those things, and thus find the appellation queer to be highly offensive.  Sadly I have noticed that many straight people innocently seem to feel it is completely acceptable and use it at will without fear of being politically incorrect. I say, get over that comfort area right now. Unless you're with some kind of repressed homosexual who gets a masochistic pleasure out of insulting himself, then it would be best to avoid that word unless you're using it to mean, "strange, odd, unusual, peculiar, curious, bizarre, weird, uncanny, freakish, eerie, or unnatural"

A long and unwanted opinion.

In HuffPost today there is an open letter from a gay man to Alec Baldwin. While he says he doesn't think Baldwin is a homophobic bigot, he does think he's a narcissistic, easily provoked hothead. I also don't think that Baldwin is a homophobic bigot. And if he is at all narcissistic he has every right to be since he is gorgeous, a terrific actor, and a super talent in many areas. I also think he has every right to his temper since has been exposed to all kinds of annoying assholes, including the person who wrote him this arrogant, narcissistic open letter. The gay author also refers to himself and gay persons as queer, which I find utterly as detestable as the word n*****. So for him to be offended at Baldwin using the word faggot really annoys the hell out of me. Screw them all Alec. You're a giant and I can understand how you are annoyed as hell by all these gnats.

Note: The letter writer, Noah Michelson says, "Why do we get so heated about words? Because words matter." Since this is true, he should reallize what an offensive word is "queer". While Noah may consider himself queer, or odd, or any of the other unpleasant definitions of the word, many gay men, like me, do not. So before you write a letter, Noah, think about glass houses. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Comic or cruel?

Right now there is a popular video on the Internet of a father, waiting for his child, watching kid after kid slip on the ice. He is photographing this from his car, giving a running commentary, and laughing gleefully as each youngster takes a fall. I think I am supposed to find this 6-minute video hilarious, but to me it seems kind of sick. Am I being a killjoy? I am not terribly amused by seeing accidents, especially when a fall can result in a serious injury. Sorry, but this cackling accident voyeur secretly taping from his  car gives me the creeps.

A sorry individual.

I see where Ted Nugent apologized for insulting President Obama, which Teddy does all the time. Personally I don't think that mentally deranged people should be required to apologize.I mean their mind has gone and they are not responsible for anything they say. This is especially true of the pathetic remnant of a human being named Nugent. It's just a matter of time before he's committed to an asylum, so let him enjoy his last few days of ranting. Who should apologize,  however, is the lazy media who, having no energy or inclination to cover actual stories, spend a lot of their time on non-stories, like quoting irrelevent mental cases like Ted Nugent, Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin.

Explanation below.

Sarah Palin Wants You To 'Prepare To Be Amazed'

The above headline was one of many on HuffPost this morning Naturally I was intrigued. Not intrigued enough to read any article about Sarah Palin, of course. But I did wonder why were about to be amazed. Did she finally pass her high school equivalency exam? Did she actually spend some time with her Down Syndrome baby? Did she finish a crossword puzzle? Did she finally realize where Paris is?  It was intriguing. But to read the article or see the video would haven meant having to look at her, and that would be nauseating.

Note: The above photo is that of Joseph Merrick. It has nothing to do with this post. It's just that I think that even the Elephant Man is easier to look at than Sarah Palin.

Friday, February 21, 2014

There's a word for women like this.

Now that women have achieved equality with men, though not financially thanks to the Republicans, it's only natural that a female governor would come along who is every bit as slimy, evil, corrupt and despicable as any male who ever held the office. This detestable creature came out this week to tell us how she does not welcome unions in her state of South Carolina. I guess she sees it as her job to make sure that the poor stay poor and under the wealthy Republican heel. I always wonder how people like Nikki Haley, a Sikh and Methodist, tell their children how they make sure thousands of people would not be able to enjoy they comforts they do, and how proud of that she is.

It's not that difficult.

This sign is an example of the grammatical error that most amazes me. Why? Because dozens of leading companies who should know better use it incorrectly in printed ads, on huge signs, in expensive television commercials, in brochures and flyers and coupons. Using it correctly is so simple that nobody should ever get it wrong. Here's a simple sentence that should help: IF A STORE HAS LOW PRICES EVERY DAY, THEY HAVE EVERYDAY LOW PRICES. So this strawberry sign deserves a raspberry.

Everyone's no-win situation.

What could be more horrible than being a victim of identity theft?  Not only are your finances all screwed up, but you have to live with the idea that some worthless piece of s*** is pretending to be you and living off your name. Now all the law enforcement agencies advise us to, "never give out your Social Security number." What they don't seem to know is that no doctor, dentist, optician or any kind of professional is willing to provide service unless your provide your social security number. I know because I've tried not giving it out and was told, in essence, to get lost. Try not giving yours and see what I mean.

As Statler said to Waldorf...

  • "This is the most naive president in history". That was John McCains recent comment in his never -ending crticism of President Obama. Apparently McCain's definition of naive is any policy that doesn't agree with his (and Lindsey's)  addlepated idea of how things should be done. I call naive thinking that one could actually win the presidency without having an ounce of personality, being an incredible grump, and choosing a vitriolic viper as your running mate. Now that's naive. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

"You're kidding. That much?"

There are so many greedy racketeers in business today, and one of the most offensive is the eyewear industry.What other industry has managed to quadruple and even quintuple  its prices over less than a decade without anyone complaining?  How did they do it, but inventing all kinds of intimidating terms like polycarbonate, transitional lenses, progressive, crizal, and new words every week. which offer costly benefits you may not understand, but you're convinced that you need. Today I had my eyes tested at Visionworks. I needed new lenses. If I wanted to replace them in my present frame, they would cost over $300. However, if I chose to go with the store's promotion, I could get two pairs of glasses, including frames and twice the very same $300 lenses for $235.00. If you understand that logic, I salute you. When I went comparison shopping at three other eyewear outlets, the price for just the lenses alone was between $300 and $350. This seems to lend credence to the 60 Minutes report that all of these outlets are owned by the same Italian conglomerate. Creepy.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Easy target.

Just saw Captain Phillips. While it was a good movie and Tom Hanks was terrific, I wish they had explained why a ship that large traveling in perilous seas did not carry any arms. It seems to me the entire situation could have been avoided if the ship's crew of twenty could have fired upon the two skiffs that were approaching the ship, and certainly the one with only four pirates who actually came aboard. Since it was a true story, I can only assume there were no guns aboard. But why?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A different Big Brother.

I detest Facebook. While it goes under the innocent guise of social media it is in fact a bullying force in our lives. It has already intruded itself into several websites on which I used to comment, but can no more without the blessing of the ubiquitous Facebook. Today I was trying to write a message to Al Sharpton. Like most media people today, he seems to be hidden from view and has no clear e-mail address that I could find. I did find one that appeared to be related to him on which I wrote my complaint. When I posted it, I found that was yet another disguised conduit to Facebook, where I did not wish to be posted. So many of my friends send daily social notices to Facebook in complete faith that they are harmless and entertaining. I think they are far far from it.

Note: The good news is when I went to Google in search of a visual for this post there were pages and pages of anti Facebook visuals. It's comforting to know that so many people recognize this so-called social site for the creepy invader it is.

Crime show millionaires.

In many tv crime shows like HBO's True Detective, the villains are often drug dealers. We assume they have taken up this trade because it's so incredibly lucrative. Then why are the dealers always shown as bearded, slovenly, near derelicts who drive dusty pickup trucks? What are they doing with all that money? Why are they living in some crumby apartment complex when they can afford to stay at the best hotels? Why aren't they wearing thousand dollar suits instead of bib overalls? The answer is because crime shows are written by affluent, well-educated yuppies who have a fantasy about what the world of crime is like and that's the world they show to us. It's one in which everyone is violent, everyone swears, everyone drinks to excess, and no one, but no one, is educated.

Monday, February 17, 2014


In Kentucky, where religious nuts abound, Snake Salvation preacher Jamie Coots (in "as crazy as a coot") died of a snakebite. He refused medical attention in the mistaken belief that god would heal his wound. I suppose you could say this is a very sad story, but on the other hand it must have been god's will.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

No kidding.

Execs' Big Salaries Aren't Necessarily Based On Merit

This is a headline on HuffPost today. It's very funny. Because whoever thought that exec's salaries were based on merit?  We've all known enough top dogs and big cheeses to know how incompetent many of them are. This is certainly one article that didn't need to be written.


By whose authority do helicopter pilots fly low over the City of Miami at 7:30 on a Saturday morning making enough noise to wake thousands of people from their only chance to sleep late?

P.S. This was written at 8 am (hours before I wanted to get up) and only says 5 am because I don't know how to change the time line.

Friday, February 14, 2014

What's wrong with this picture?

What happened to Valentine's Day? When I was growing up it was an equal opportunity day. Men and women bought cards and gifts to show how much they loved each other. Now it seems to be created only for males eager to find the right gift for their girlfriends or wives. I never see women looking for a gift anymore, just males checking out the chocolate selection at Walgreen's or buying bouquets at the supermarket. It's not so much a romantic holiday anymore as a demand to play "prove you love me." Even the endless commercials don't mentioned buying something for him. It's all about what are you getting for her? I hope this trend doesn't last, and the expression "be my valentine" applies to him and her, as well as her and her, and him and him.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


There are so many things you could write about a creep like this. There are so many words that describe this cretin, bigot, racist, panderer, homophobe, misogynist, traitor. But what's the point?
 We'd be here all day. Just look at that face. It tells you every ugly thing you need to know.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hail Caesar,

Sadly Sid Caesar, one of America's greatest comic geniuses died today at 91. One of the blessings of being old that one lived through comedy's most innovative age. Every week one got to see giants like Caesar, Imogene Coca, Carl Reiner, Ernie Kovacs and many more in hilarious skits that didn't depend on insults or sex to get their laughs.  Weekly programs like the 90-minute Your Show of Shows were often live, had limited commercials, and were often penned by such still-famous writers as Mel Brooks, Woody Allen and Neil Simon. I had hoped to find my favorite skit— the cramped apartment— but was unable to. But, as you can see from this routine, everything they did was funny and worth watching. Yes my headline is obvious, but oh, so applicable. Shirley Temple now Sid Caesar. It's been a week of irreplaceable loss.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The invisible danger.

The suggestion that the gunshot murder of 17-year-old Jordan Davis by Michael Dunn was self-defense is ludicrous. There is no question that the out-of-control, 45-year-old Dunn shot an unarmed teenager, and should face punishment. But what bothers me is the suggestion by the media that loud music was a trivial reason to react so violently. I don't agree. I think that blasting your speakers with strident music is a very aggressive act. It is a disturbing, unnerving, and bullying action that says, "I am going to invade your space and there's nothing you can do about it." It's a challenge. Even after the teens turned down the music, Davis turned it up again. That was a combative act. This is not the first time that an otherwise peace-loving person commited murder  because of an argument over loud music, and it won't be the last. Everywhere in society there are persons who blast their music despite many ordinances which the police do not enforce. Here in Miami, not only are cars with ear-shattering sound systems common, but also common are thoughtless homeowners who have parties with rock music you can hear blocks away blasting till 3 or 4 am. The police do not respond. What happened to Jordan Davis is tragic. But I also feel sorry for Michael Dunn. Noise is not only polluting, it's dangerous.


Monday, February 10, 2014

Le scandale comique.

In the "this smells of a Republican conspiracy" is the hilarious rumor that Obama is having an affair with Beyonce. While this rumor was supposedly started by French photographer Pascal Rostain in a report shamefully published in Le Figaro this past Monday, I say cherchez la droite. Every week the GOP becomes increasingly desperate to successfully vilify Obama. It only makes sense that they would try to suggest an illicit affair, since. After all that would be the most horrible of sins to Republicans who are terrified of sex.

The fable of the little finger pointer.

Apparently mental illness is more contagious than we thought. It was pathetic when poor Rand Paul started to fret about past indiscretions, notably the Monica Lewinsky scandal. But it seems that Rancid Priapism has developed the same obsession. He apparently, in his psychotic optimism, thinks that by revisiting President Clinton's indiscretion, which was nobody's business to begin with, will reflect on the Republicans most feared person: Hillary Clinton. I don't know why they would think that. On one hand Republicans feel that a woman is a mere nothing who has no control over the masterful man who governs her life. So surely they can't think that Hillary had any control over Bill's peccadillo which has the GOP still masturbating like monkeys years later. Poor Rance, Poor Rand, what poor right-wing boob will this madness strike next?

"Don't look at me, I'm beautiful."

Now that Michael Sam has become the first professional football player to admit to being gay, it has led to some stupid worries. For instance, New Orleans Saints linebacker Jonathan Vilma is afraid that a gay player might look at him when he's naked and he wouldn't know how to react. He's not worried about being raped or anything, just being looked at. I guess he imagines that he's so magnificent a glimpse of his body would be irresistible. Apparently he doesn't realize that even straight men are  looking all the time, checking out their equipment against the competition. So apparently one of the major problems of coming out of the closet in sports is your teammates' inflated egos.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The face of a very sick man.

The leading creep in the news today is someone named Gary James. Seems he doesn't want gays to patronize his Chicaros Club in Enid, Oklahoma.  But James is an equal opportunity hater. He despises gays, Muslims, Negros, even men with hats. I'm surprised he has any customers,  but I wouldn't like to meet any of them. How can they even eat wearing those hoods? You wonder how someone like Gary can be so sick with hatred. You feel sorry for him. Then you think, gee it would be nice if a steaming pot of chili toppled over him. It's a pity Enid is so far from Topeka, Kansas. I think Gary could prepare a dinner for the Westboro Baptist Church they would never forget. I'm sure that the entire state of Oklahoma can't be as bigoted as Gary. On the other hand maybe it's called the Sooner State cause if you're gay they'd sooner lynch ya than look at ya.

NOTE: Turns out this nutcase is also running for a seat on the Enid City Council. The election is Tuesday. If he wins, it will tell us a lot about the people of Enid.

Amusing follow-up: It seems that lots of gay people have posted the Chicaros club as "the best gay club in Enid." Hope he gets a lot of business.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

As clueless as he looks.

There are a lot of people who should not be holding public office, Republicans and Democrats, but Republicans by a wide margin. Notably Representative Jim Bridenstine from Oklahoma, one of the most cowardly and traitorous of all. Recently at a town hall when a deranged old bat said that  “Obama is not president as far as I’m concerned. He should be executed as an enemy combatant.” Bridenstine let the woman finish her remarks especially since she seemed to be delighting her equally unAmerican audience.  Rather than censor this demented crone, he added, "Look, everybody knows the lawlessness of this president," and added,  "He picks and chooses which laws he's going to enforce or not enforce." It is hard sometimes to tell if the Republicans are deliberately lying in the hopes it will get them somewhere, or they are, in fact, completely delusional about what a great president Obama is. I suspect the former. Personally I would have the daffy dame and the reprehensible rep both taken out and shot. 

A time for sacrifices.

I think that people like Ms. Sears, the creature below, should stay true to their beliefs. If they think gays are the devil's spawn, and that god hates gays, they should never engage in any activity that involves gays. You know like going to the Sistine Chapel, or looking at the statue of David. It would mean never reading Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oscar Wilde and a thousand other poets, It would mean avoiding novels written by gay men or women, of which there are millions. It would mean never going to any movies ever again, because I doubt if there is any that doesn't involve the contribution of one or more gay person, includng the actors. It certain requires you to give up your vacations because at some point, a service person will be gay. You might have to throw out a lot of your clothes, and cosmetics, and know how these creative gay people like to design....Oh, and no more magazines for you.  Church is out, too. There are lots of gay people in churches everywhere. And you might just as well toss out your television and radio. There's hardly a program on that doesn't require the skills of many gay people. Also, look more carefully at the people you call friends. Some of them will have to be dumped if you're going to stay true to your god and defeat that nasty old devil. Finally, I hate to tell you this, but you might have to toss out your bible. You'd be amazed at how many gay people work in the publishing industry. Now I know it's a lot to give up, but if, as you insist, god hates gays then he must want you to avoid them at all costs. And who are you to argue?

The devil's spawn.

If you still suffer from the delusion that Republicans are sane, take a look at this nutcase. Her name is Mary Helen Sears and she's a candidate for a Michigan seat on the Republican National Committee. Obviously another believer in magical thinking, she wants gays purged, her word, from the GOP because homosexuality is a perversion, her word, created by Satan, her word, himself. One can only hope that the rest of Houghton County doesn't suffer the same kind of mental illness that afflicts this daffy dame.  To be fair, Darren Little, communications director for the Michigan Republican Party,
supports a traditional definition of marriage, but says, "we also believe that all people should be treated with dignity and respect and these comments clearly don't reflect those principles." Nice try, Darren, but if you don't believe in equal rights for gays you're just as bad as Houghton County's hemorrhoid, Mary Helen Sears.

Note: Why is it that narrow-minded, hate-filled, gospel-spouting bigots always have the same demented smile?  Did it come from an Anita Bryant pamplet?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Rand Paul, Moralist for the ages.

I was talking to Rand Paul today. He is absolutely beside himself that Eleanor Roosevelt had a girlfriend. I don't know when I've seen Rand so upset. Well actually, he was prettty torn up about Thomas Jefferson and that Sally person. He said it had nothing to do with her being black, but I don't believe him considering how upset he is about Obama being president. But then he feels that being a moralist and being a racist as pretty closely related. Something to do with the bible and gods plan. Even his constantly lying is designed to bring out the truth, at least that's what he says. He's a very upright person, you know. Sin, no matter how old it is just makes him crazy. You know what I mean? Crazy.

"That lady said a dirty word."

Big deal. On a recent video of a private phone call, U.S. diplomat Victoria Nuland said "fuck the Eu"! So what? People say things like that all the time. Sometimes they're serious, sometimes it's just meaningless bravado. But some unctuous Russian felt the world needed to know about this insignificant moment and made it public. Needless to say the lazy news media gobbled up this cheese curl as if it were caviar, showing once again just how pathetic news coverage is these days.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

How did FedEx do such great Christmas commercials and follow it up with this dud. Sorry if I'm being thick, but I don't get while this doofus steps back a few steps to consider what the clerk said. I don't get it. And I don't care.

People who make you sick.

Ethan Couch, the spoiled rich Texas teen drunk who killed four people in a car crash, should be in jail for twenty years at least. But the secret words are rich and Texas, which is why an idiotic  judge ordered no jail time for this irresponsible killer. No, instead this spoiled, pampered, teen is being sent to a rehabilitation facility paid for by his parents. I would hate to be the loved ones of the persons who died. Their sense of grief, frustration, and injustice must be overwhelmingly painful. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bigots are so sad.

It must be terrible to be one of these ignorant people who hates Obama for no logical reason. Who thinks he's foreign born. Who believes he's a communist or socialist or fascist without having any idea what any of those words mean. You know, one of those people who wants him impeached, though they don't actually know impeach means. And not just ignorant rural teabaggers but often idiotic congressmen or local politicians who don't see themselves, as they should, as American traitors. It must be awful to have your heart that full of hate, your head stuffed with stupidity, your social life filled with equally moronic people, and having no escape because all your complaints are false, all your hatreds imagined and all your anger based on something as simple and as basic to your pathetic life as racism.
Tut. Tut. You poor bastard.

Most people seem to love things that annoy the hell out of me. For instance Coke commercials. Now Coke is an unhealthy sugary soft drink that's been around for ages and made major contributions to obesity, tooth decay, diabetes and any number of other maladies. So why  are people so willing to associate it with kindness, altruism, international peace and general good feelings?  I repeat it's an unhealthy soft drink, and all the singing commercials and smiling children in the world are not going to make it any better for you. Yet Coke has spent another zillion dollars during the Super Bowl on another propaganda piece to further the fantasy that somehow the Coca Cola company is not a greedy corporation, but a benevolent provider of a mirth-giving elixir who extends the hand of friendship to the world. Coke shouldn't come in a bottle or a can, but in a crock.

Note: Considering the health benefits of drinking Coca Cola, this commercial wouldn't be much different if they had installed a cigarette machine. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

What rhymes with Bill dough?

"President Obama sat down with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly for his annual pre-Super Bowl interview and The O’Reilly Factor host called out the president’s own contradictions during their interview." True to form O'Reilly was argumentative, pompous, and about as FOXy as one can be. In short, a raging asshole. Speaking of which, this interview was truly amusing if one considers O'Reilly's scandal of past years, and the indiscretions that cost him millions of dollars. It's well worth looking up on Google to reacquaint yourself with the details. How wonderful it would have been if, when O'Reilly kept snarling out the Fox trigger word, "Benghazi,"  Obama leaned forward, smiled, pursed his lips and said, "loofah". 

Dear to whom it may concern.

I write a lot of letters. Letters of complaint. Letters of praise. In the past most companies responded no matter what you had to say. Oftentimes they included a generous coupon. One didn't need it, but it was nice to receive. It showed that the company cared. Those days seem to be over. Recently I wrote to Folger's complaining about their price increases, but more about the design of the new jar for their instant decaf. I feel that the new jar allows more moisture in, thus making the coffee hard and unusable before it is finished. In response I received a thank you letter from Debbie W. at Smucker's, the parent company, and nothing else. Not even a coupon for 50 cents off a jar or marmalade. Bad policy, Smucker's. But even stingier was Colgate. When I wrote to tell them there was a grammatical error on their newly introduced Optic White toothpaste, they quickly changed all the packaging (which must have cost a fortune). sent me a letter acknowledging their thanks for pointing out the error, and included—wow!—a $1.00 off coupon. Cheap bastards!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Should we read HuffPost with the door locked?

Kate Upton Sizzles In A Formfitting Leather Dress

This is just one of the myriad sexist headlines in which  HuffPost cites how hot a famous woman has looked in a leather dress, bathing suit, backless gown, see through top, etc.  Give me a break.This kind of obsession is more suited to a men's magazine or a tabloid. How can HuffPost consider themselves an intelligent, unbiased, reporter of the news and at the same time constantly display such an absurdly chauvinistic and juvenile preoccupation? Grow up, HuffPost.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ann of Mean Fables

The delusional Ann Romney, who does not live in a real world, but a world of insane wealth and privilege recently said, "We lost, but truly the country lost by not having Mitt as president." What did we lose exactly?  An elitist who has no use for most Americans because they are, to him, poor losers who only want something for nothing. Yes, what a great president that would have been: someone who hates half of the country he governs. And let's not forget he's a liar and often made false accusations against president Obama. Since he was a bully in high school and college, there is every reason to believe he still is. So what did we lose Annie? A foppish, judgemental, lying bully. Hmmm. I don't think many people will be crying into their pillows at night sobbing the words, "If only. If only."

"I am smiling."

You know what's really creepy? Fake smiles. People who grin widely and pretend to be amused or charmed when, in fact, they are pissed or in total disagreement. I realized this last night watching Darrel Issa on Bill Maher's show. He was doing everything possible to seem amiable, which he is not. He grinned, he smiled, he half-chuckled. He made several pathetic attempts at humor, which dd not get a single titter from the audience. All I could think of is, what is this grinning jackass, former car thief and arsonist doing on this program much less in our country's Congress?
I can understand the need for print ads on the Internet. I'm sure they cover a lot of the costs of providing service.  I can ignore them while I read other stories. But what I cannot tolerate are these audio commercials that suddenly pop on while I am trying to read my e-mail or a news story. Who the hell decided this was acceptable? Comcast seems to have an epidemic of them. Do other providers? The only solution is to turn down your volume, which is a pain because you have to keep turning it up for news items you do want to hear. Once again I have to complain about the bullying of greedy unnecessary advertising that is taking over our lives. Why doesn't anyone complain?