Friday, June 30, 2017


I was debating with a friend recently as to what is the most ignorant state. She maintained it was Mississippi, which is a logical choice. But I am convinced it is Kentucky. Despite having such classy events as the Kentucky Derby, this mired in bigotry state is incredibly evangelical and racist. After all this is the land-bound home of Ken Ham's Ark Encounter, which reinforces the ignorant beliefs of thousands of Christian tourists while miseducating their gullible children with such absurdities as the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs. That it was built with the illegal help of taxpayers' money is no  surprise when your consider the states main proselytizer is Kentucky's governor, Matt Bevin, who has no problem flouting Constitutional law.  In fact Bevin has just signed a bill that allows courses on the Bible to be taught in public schools beginning on Friday. The HB 128 bill was overwhelmingly passed by Kentucky's Republican-controlled state legislature who in their narrow-minded ignorance think it's a good idea to add elective courses on Christian Bible literacy to their social studies curriculum. The only thing that could redeem my contempt for Kentucky is if enough of its citizens oppose this absurd law- and in time the state's absurd governor.

Thursday, June 29, 2017


At least two people on the White House staff now make a living by telling lies. Sean Spicer and Sarah Huckabee Sanders both repeat and reinforce any bullshit that the president is shoveling on the press. Today she defended his incredibly crude and nasty attack on Mika Brzeinski, saying that when someone attacks the president, he plans to hit back. Ms. Sanders, of course, never acknowledges how Trump is usually the first to strike, on President Obama, on a beauty contestant  he deems too fat, even on his rivals for candidacy. These two lackeys must kowtow to Trump, repeat every lie they have programmed into them, and be sure to use the word "president" often as well as frequent expressions of praise and admiration. They do it well, and thus reveal that they have no character, no honesty, and not an iota of courage.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


I don't approve of the destruction of property. I also don't approve of religious zealots flouting the Constitution and putting a massive Christian monument on government property. So I was really annoyed the other day when I read that a 6-foot stone monument of the ten commandments was installed on the Capitol grounds in Little Rock, Arkansas. The monument was built with $26,000 in private donations and installed this past Tuesday. June 27. Less than 24 hours after it went up, at 4:45 Wednesday, Michael Reed, 32, plowed into the monument with his car (?) leaving a pile of granite. Reed faces three charges: felony for defacing a public object, trespassing the Capitol grounds, and first degree criminal mischief. Bullshit. This guy is a hero, a defender of the Constitution, who fought against an act that was opposed to the law of the land. Those bigots who approved of this Christian monument on public property were totally in the wrong. I hope the true patriots of Little Rock who understand the essential need for the separation of church and state will come out in support of Mr. Reed. Thanks, Mike.


I once read that Donald Trump does not like being surrounded by ordinary people, or people who are don't reflect wealth, fashion and style. This is why I suppose that he insisted on Sean Spicer wearing a better fitting gray suit, which he considered more appropriate. (This from someone who dresses off-the-rack with ties that always hit below the belt.) Still, with his demands for elegance one wonders why he has chosen both Kellyanne Conway or Sarah Huckabee Sanders to present and represent his lies. Kellyanne has the undernourished look of a hillbilly who has briefly put aside her jug of moonshine and is getting read for a feud.  Even her constant defense of Trump's bullshit leads one to expect her to spit on the floor and shout, "taint so". And while Sarah's overweight Maybelline adorned ordinariness doesn't suggest Walmart it doesn't come close to Neiman-Marcus. She could just as easily be a pushy matron at a PTA luncheon trying to arrange Teacher Appreciation Week. I guess these two spokeswomen are Trump's way of saying to his largely uneducated lower middle class fans, "See, my people are just as common as you."


Donald Trump is so desperate for recognition, he is willing to create a fake Time Magazine cover, shown here. Talk about fake news! Our delusional, narcissistic, and deceitful president prominently displays this Time cover in his golf resorts. As he himself would say if it were a People Magazine cover for the "Sexiest Man Alive" showing Mitch McConnell—"sad". Hmm, as long as it was a fake anyway, why didn't he give himself better hair?

Monday, June 26, 2017


In a previous post I maintain that Donald Trump is an atheist. I feel very certain of this. But knowing how much his favor depends on America's most gullible and superstitious Christians, he is eager to pander to their beliefs and even try to separate church and state, since it's no skin off his enormous ass. This is disastrous. Churches already own too much tax-free property, which has nothing to do with spreading their gospels. While some religions do spend a great deal on charitable causes, others hoard their tax-free wealth and invest it in luxury items like palatial homes, Rolls Royces, Lear Jets and other
self-indulgent non-essentials. Many tax-free religions aren't even religions but scams or cults like Scientology who, as widely reported, blackmailed the IRS into their tax-fee status, which, of course, remains in effect despite so much proof of their corruption. To make matters worse, today Trump's Supreme Court took some steps to shower these already super-affluent churches with still more multi-denominational tax-payer money to the delight of closeted hypocrites like Ralph Reed and Tony Perkins. So, while much of the world is moving away from organized religion and the "Big Guy in the Sky" fantasies America seems to be heading toward deeper superstitions, greedier churches and a determination of promote Christianity, and crush the world's other leading religions and certainly stem the increasingly powerful tide of atheism. This is all made possible because we have a asshole in the White House who believes he's god, and there are no brave Republicans to tell him otherwise.
Like most users of Comcast/Exfinity (what's the difference?), I have lots of reasons to detest this annoying near monopoly. Especially today. On their main page, they put up a photo of Mitch McConnell without any warning. 

Sunday, June 25, 2017


A few years back a national survey indicated that Americans would never vote for an atheist. For some ignorant reason in this superstitious, religious nation that was considered the worst failing a politician could have. Then guess what? Surprise! They then voted for an atheist: Donald Trump. While not an admitted atheist, but a closet non-believer like millions of Americans, our president claims to be a Christian. Like all of Donald's endless lies, this is bullshit. Donnie obviously has no belief that anyone is greater than him, and his only god is money.  As an atheist myself, I find this disturbing since Trump is a completely amoral, lying, cheating, greedy hypocrite that no religion or non-religion would want to claim. But there you have it. Donald Trump is an atheist. Which does not please me. Because in a national crisis, I would much rather that he prayed for guidance than that he relied on his own inadequate brain.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

What are these right-wing witches doing on NBC? Send them back to Fox where they belong.

Friday, June 23, 2017


Apparently Johnny Depp is in big trouble because he made a joke about assassinating Donald Trump. What Mr. Depp doesn't understand is that freedom of speech is only for Republicans. Trump himself accused President Obama of being an illegitimate liar who said was he was born in Hawaii when he was born in Kenya. Totally untrue, of course. But certainly designed to create the kind of hatred that could lead to assassination.  Mitch McConnell was filled with so much vitriol at Obama's election, he he had lots of incendiary comments during eight years of bitterness and envy. All were designed to inspire the same kind of vengeful racist hatred that he himself felt. Now Depp makes a comment suggesting that a despicable, despotic, pathological liar whose narcissism is tearing our country apart might inspire an assassination, and Depp is suddenly the devil incarnate. The media are already beating the drum. Fine, vilify Depp for this comment, but only if you vilify Trump, McConnell, Cruz, Rubio, McCain, Hannity, Coulter, and all the other vicious unpatriotic Republicans who have made lying, hateful comments about President Obama that were so filled with venom they could easily have been construed as a call to assassination even if that word was never used

Note: Johnny Depp has already apologized for his ill-conceived remarks. You will note that Trump and most Republicans never apologize for their vicious and inflammatory comments.


Two government organizations that are not corrupt, but have made life in America less honest and far more corrupt are the IRS and the Post Office Department. The IRS because, through no fault of their own, they must allow churches to avoid taxes and accumulate vast acres of tax-free property, most of which has little to do with religion. And in one case, which is their fault, they allowed themselves to be blackmailed by the Church of Scientology and gifted them an undeserved tax-free status which gave them enormous wealth power. The Post Office because it permits what is essentially mail fraud from fake religious organizations, including any number of deceptive evangelists who send out insane mailers duping poor and gullible Americans out of their hard-earned money. So while many poor Christians are struggling to pay their bills and their taxes, this multitude of  religious frauds are living in massive estates, flying private jets, staying at first-class hotels and living in sinful luxury thanks to the unquestioning lassitude of the IRS and USPO.

This evil grifter is Joyce Meyer, one of hundreds of greedy, lying evangelists. She has been known to encourage victims of cancer to avoid medical treatments and donate the money to her thus assuring yourself that your faith will be rewarded with a cure. I wish I weren't an atheist. I'd like to believe there's a special place in hell for frauds like her.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Surprising no one, the majority of voters in the agrarian state of Georgia went to a racist pig, Karen Handel.

Monday, June 19, 2017


It gives me great pleasure to report that yet another matador has died in the ring, as I am glad to announce the death of any serial killer. The goree was Ivan Fandino, who clumsily tripped on his cape giving the bull, the innocent victim, the chance to achieve a moment of rare retribution. Naturally in this cruel "sport" the bull can never win so the poor animal was put to death for achieving a victory. (Sadists are not good sports.) Fandino, a Spaniard, was 36 years old. The bull whose name was Prevechito was only five and had lost an ear in a previous unfair fight with Ivan.  This goring took place in Aire-sur-L'Adour, France, in case you were thinking that only Spaniards were heartless killers.

Sunday, June 18, 2017


I love the Republicans. They work their asses off to cut social services, dump Meals and Wheels, strive to make sure women don't have health services, remove financial aid to children who otherwise might go hungry, and do whatever they can to make sure that the wealthy get far wealthier. Then, while they take a break from their  highly paid, super privileged, secure jobs with all kinds of benefits so they can play baseball they are assaulted by a nut with the kind of rifle Republicans made possible. That's when they all get together and pray to God. You know God, that deity whose face they spat into when they cruelly removed all those charitable services to the needy people that the Christian bible—supposedly the word of God—says you are supposed to care for. What hypocrites!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

As a True Crime addict, I probably watch more murders, kidnappings, arsons, and other crimes than any respectable TV fare, and I'm surprised at how many others of my acquaintance do as well. In this post I just want to list few observations I have had during my years of crime addiction. 1. There are very few, almost no, detectives in America who know the difference between "lay' and "lie".  95% of the time they will say, "the body was laying there." 2, For some weird reason, detectives will often refer to the man who stabbed a woman 50 times before beheading her and setting her on fire as "the gentleman in question". Huh?  3. Many supposedly educated criminologists think that "drug" is the past tense of "drag". Huh, again. 4. Many woman are murdered during the night because they leave a window unlocked. 5. An impressive numbers of murders of both woman and men result from not walking away at the first sign that the person you're involved with is possessive and jealous. 6. Other murders result in not checking out that fabulous person you met who is just too good be true. 7. It is an unwise, often doomed, spouse who says, "I'm going to take you for every penny you have." 8. Serial killers are often handsome, charming, and delightful company. Sorry, I can't write any more, The Killer Next Door is about to start.

Thursday, June 15, 2017


It's amazing how ignorant our Congressmen are of The Constitution. I've seen on the news several times today the lot of them kneeling in prayer, Christian prayer. How can these men who are paid by the United States not know it is forbidden by Constitutional law to pay obeisance to any religion—hence the separation of church and state. Fortunately the Freedom from Religion Foundation has been working hard to get religion out of public high schools, government supported buildings, sports teams, etc. Shocking that one of the biggest offenders is our own Congress. Also all the media is equally ignorant of this Constitutional law considering with what frequency and regard they show all these adult men kneeling on the ground in 2017 and paying lip service to a god no more real than Ares or Jupiter.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


While the shooting incident on the baseball field in Alexandria today was very disturbing, it also unleashed tons of maudlin sentiments, insincere promises of bipartisanship which will be forgotten long before Congressman Steve Scalise's wound heals, and a sickening display of superstitious Christianity suggesting that we Americans don't know, nor do we accept, any other religion. But worst of all, this shooting has all has the shallow and gullible newscasters praising Trump for not sending his usual insane tweet. Apparently he can act like an asshole for weeks, but if he behaves normally for ten minutes, not only is all forgiven but admired. Yes, these shootings
are terrible, tragic, too often heartbreaking, but I would like the Republicans (whom this man targeted) to keep in mind it is they who insist on keeping hideable guns and terrifying assault weapons in the hands of just about anybody who suddenly feels like going on a rampage.

Isn't it nice that after today's tragedy the Republicans can suddenly be be so kissy, huggy, and buddy buddy with Democrats—something they can never be while doing the jobs we pay them so much for?

Sunday, June 11, 2017


Bill Maher if often vulgar, scatological, too pro-drug, an ardent atheist (as am I), and a true believer that most Americans are stupid (which they are). But I don't believe he is in the least bit racist. I think he has proven that over the decades. So when he recently used a foolishly verboten word and apologized for its use, I don't think he needed a lecture, much less three. Therefore I found it extremely annoying to see him berated and lectured by a sanctimonious and repetitive Michael Eric Dyson, who kept ignoring Maher's apologies so could launch into another scolding session. That should have been the end of it, but no! He was soon given another lecture by his equally self-satisfied guest Ice Cube, a 47-year-old rapper who can't even speak proper English. This inspired his black female guest to get in her licks on the patient, overly repentant and humble Maher. What a shameful, cruel, arrogant and unnecessary over-response to a careless attempt at an unwelcome joke. Bill shouldn't be ashamed nearly as much as Michael Eric Dyson, Ice Cube, and Symone Sanders, three successful and wealthy blacks who acted as if they came from a lifetime of oppression and hardship, which none of them did. I have much more respect for Whoopi Goldberg who isn't parading in hypocritical outrage and says she isn't angry with Bill and feels we should "strip the  n-word of its power once and for all." As a gay man I detest and despise the so-called respectable use of the word "queer". Yes, I would like to make it verboten, but some gay idiots have decided to embrace it as having strength and value. Utter nonsense, of course. But I'm not going to war for it. It's just a word.

Friday, June 9, 2017


Today Donald Trump said that we would testify under oath to the same questions faced by James Comey yesterday. He also stated that he would soon reveal to the media the truth about the expected tapes, but that the media "would be disappointed". I assume this means that there are no tapes. If there were, he wouldn't be willing to testify as said tapes would surely prove him a liar. UNLESS our insane president uses that same ploy that he did in 1991 when, on the phone, he pretended to be a publicist so that he could brag about his enormous success in business and his immense appeal to women. You must admit it would be hilarious hearing him pretend to be James Comey and himself, and he's just crazy enough to try a stunt like that.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


Trump's trusted lawyer, Marc Kasowitz

Shyster | Definition of Shyster by Merriam-Webster

Definition of shyster. : a person who is professionally unscrupulous especially in the practice of law or politics : pettifogger.


Sometimes it takes years to get the measure of a man. Signs of their true character appear slowly, often disguised by their own created self image. Other times a man can, in a single sentence, reveal his true character. I have never liked Senator John Cornyn. Like most Texas Republicans he often evidences that he is far more loyal to his party than his country. Unlike most Texas politicans, he often has an insipid almost retarded expression on his face as he stands stolidy by while others are in the limelight. But today he was quoted on MSNBC having said something that proves to me once and for all how incredibly stupid, partisan, and incompetent this boob is. What did he say? That Trump is a man of integrity.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Chris Christie is a pig. Not because he's wildly overweight. Not because he's gluttonous. Not because he's greedy. But because he wallows in hypocrisy and lies. Today he was on MSNBC defending Trump in a manner that suggested kissing Donald's ass more than defending his presidential rights. Who are all these pols, like Christie, who defend someone as immoral and incompetent as Donald Trump? What reward are they expecting when they come groveling to Trump and repeating their defense of him with each kowtow?


If James Comey's interview tomorrow (June 8, 2017) leads—happily—to Trump's impeachment, resignation, or removal, Comey will go down in history as a person whose actions resulted in the loss of two presidencies. Unfortunately one was the administration of our first woman president, who I am sure, would have been a brilliant leader. The second, of course, would be that of an incompetent clown.



It's getting harder and harder to tell some MSNBC programming from Fox News. I feel strongly that MSNBC greatly helped Trump get elected by fully covering every speech, every rally, every lie while giving short shrift to Hillary's campaign or constantly repeating unproven accusations. And they're still doing his bidding. At this moment they're covering his speech in Cincinnati, meaning, of course, his reading of someone else's speech about infrastructure: one full of empty promises, false statistics and total lies. Judging from the enthusiastic crowd applause, Trump's toadies managed to round up enough of his delusional fans to make him seem popular as he slides toward impeachment or removal. Filled with deceit, like all his other lying speeches, this one promises to rebuild America with zillions of jobs using nothing but proud America workers and only materials made in the USA. (Like the pipeline he said would use American steel, which turned out to be Russian steel.) Such covered speeches and rallies feature the kind of flattering, uncritical coverage once featured only by such sycophants as Fox and Friends, Megyn Kelly, Greta Van Susteren and other Fox propagandists. Let us hope that  MSNBC, in need or ratings, isn't selling out, not when we so depend on such nightly warriors as Chris Mathews, Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell, our strongest bulwarks against the tsunami of Trump bullshit.

Monday, June 5, 2017


This week PBS is running a documentary called The Lost Inaugural Gala, an entertainment event set in Washington, D.C. on January 19, 1961, the night before John F. Kennedy's inauguration. The entire event was organized and made possible by Frank Sinatra, an ardent fan of JFK. What Frank didn't count on was a major snowstorm making arrivals difficult and  rehearsal times impossible. Despite that, the program was a huge success, boasting the biggest names in entertainment at the time: Sinatra, Gene Kelly, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole, Jimmy Durante, Ethel Merman, and too many others to list. If you haven't seen the program, try to catch it on repeats.  But I warn you, it is as depressing as it is fantastic. Why? Because you're sure to contrast the Camelot couple of the time,  the young, handsome, and brilliant JFK and his gorgeous and accomplished wife Jackie with today's vulgar parvenu president and his tenuous trophy wife. You're sure to covet a time of great confidence and achievement with today's constant sense of insecurity and conflict. Kennedy would surround himself with the best and the brightest. Trump surrounds himself with the most amoral and malleable. How is it possible that we have lost so much grace and style and purpose and integrity and morality and respect in less than 60 years?


I seem to be alone in my annoyance that NBC is falling all over Megyn Kelly. For over 12 years she was one of FOX tv's most dependable propagandists, an arrogant, right-winger whose success was more dependent on her blonde good looks than her intelligence. My readers may recall her insistence that a non-existent Santa Claus was white as was Jesus. Kelly was fortunate enough to get into a squabble with candidate Trump, which gave her the kind of exposure that catapulted her into the headlines and got NBC salivating for the ratings she would reap from the Fox emigres. Her sudden elevation on the network, along with Greta Van Susteren's nightly spot on MSNBC would suggest that the network is moving to the right, which is unfortunate. Today, when our country is in so much turmoil because of the cold-hearted and unpatriotic Republicans the last thing we need is an Axis Sally.

Sunday, June 4, 2017


I suspect that this coming Halloween you will see lots of red-wigged girls and guys with long false eyelashes carrying, by a tress of straw-colored hair, a bloody plastic severed head of President Trump who, hopefully, isn't president by October. This display won't be any more offensive and macabre than many other popular halloween costumes: zombies, air crash survivors, vampires, mummies, and the always creepy Ann Coulter. Other popular outfits that I predict will be seen everywhere are glamorously garbed Melanias squinting their eyes to make them seem smaller, and 9-year-old Barrons  in three-piece suits.


Trump would love to suppress the press.  And I he would love to squelch freedom of speech since he is so often the butt of it. Luckily for him, the mass media are playing right into his tiny hands. This week they have been totally overwrought and artificially sanctimonious over Kathy Griffins harmless severed head of Trump and Bill Maher's use of the expression "house nigger".The head was a macabre, but cathartic expression of the hatred we feel for this American dictator. Thank you Kathy. The expression Maher used did not reflect any racism, but rather the historic difference between slaves who worked in the field and those who served in the house in an era that has thankfully passed. If Maher has to be punished for using the verboten word than let's make it off-limits to black comedians as well and rap singers who use it often. But, no, let's not.  These are two incidents from two talented comedians, both less offensive than many comments that President Trump has made. Don't fight Trump's battles. Protect freedom of speech, even when you personally find it offensive. It's our greatest protection against tyranny.


I finally caved on Sunday morning and called Comcast. After they promoted some show that didn't interest me they connected me with someone in Colombia. While he was sympathetic, he could not solve the problem. It took him a half an hour to realize that. Now he has created a "ticket" which someone will see at some point and try to restore my e-mail. It may take a a week. So any friends who write to me will not be surprised that I do not answer.

Saturday, June 3, 2017


There are few things in this world more irritating than having to call Comcast for a problem. They ask too many questions, they connect you to China, and, more often than not, they disconnect you after ten minutes of grief. My latest complaint is that the e-mail icon has disappeared from my screen. This means I must go through all kinds of roundabout routines to get my mail. Yes, I could call Comcast and address the problem, but that would mean high blood pressure, intense fury, tearing my hair out, and not necessarily solving the problem. So, if any one of my thousands of readers (all right 19 readers) knows how to get back my e-mail icon, please let me know, as I refuse to ever call Comcast ever again unless it's a dire emergency.

Friday, June 2, 2017


When America's dictator announced the he was not supporting the Paris agreement, who were all those idiots who applauded wildly? They must be Donald's Fifth Column who are so eagerly working for the Russians and cheering all our conflicts with Europe. What is it that Trump has over these mostly elderly, overweight, science denying ogres that they pay him so much obeisance. The promises of future riches must be very tempting. Ironically our moronic president says he pulled out of the agreement because the world was laughing at us. Of course the world wasn't. Not at us. And not even at him, clown that he is. Because there is nothing funny about a future of drought, hunger, floods, fires, species decimation, and worldwide destruction.

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Am I the only one who doesn't think that Kathy GriffIn "went too far" with her beheaded Donald Trump? Yes, it's macabre and gruesome, but it's no worse than protesters hanging someone in effigy.
(And I'm sure it will be very popular this coming Halloween and no one will be fired for its display.)
Sorry, I couldn't care less. To me this is freedom of speech. It's one way to express the total contempt one feels for this disgusting president. I am sure millions of Americans have had other violent fantasies involving Donald's demise or at least incapacitation. CNN, who delivers gruesome visuals to our homes every day are absolute hypocrites to fire Griffin for this singular misstep, and I don't think she ever should have apologized. And, today, after hearing that Trump pulled out of the Paris climate agreement, I see him as even more of an evil troll not worthy of any respect. How did someone so stupid gain so much power?

P.S. Trump lies about everything. He said that his son Barron was disturbed by the Griffin visual. I doubt that this kid has even see the photo. I had to search for it, it was withdrawn so neurotically fast.
But of course the gullible media is pushing the Barron lie as they push all of Trump's psychotic fantasies.