Wednesday, January 15, 2020


I just got a high-paying job running a major company. It has something to do with food products and  branding, whatever that is. I am told I beat out the second highest-scoring candidate because my resume was so impressive. I credit that with my admiration for Donald Trump and his tendency to exaggerate and boast. But the Board is giving me problems on my "welcome" interview. They won't let me take days off whenever I want. And they don't think they should pay for my weekend games of golf. They also expect me to start at nine o'clock every work day, which is insane. And-get this, pay for my own lunch, which is only an hour. They are so petty, they won't hire a driver or a barber for my convenience, and they expect me to fly coach to business meetings. Coach! They absolutely refuse to hire my kids for administrative positions. I told them that I am a highly intelligent genius and they were lucky to have me because I have the best ideas and I could even have written my resume myself if I wanted to. That's when these idiots who have no imagination told me to get out and never come back.  Does that mean I'm fired?

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