Friday, January 3, 2020


In the coming year, you'll see many recommendations to save our planet. Flying and driving less. Taking mass transit. Eating less red meat. All good ideas. But the best thing you can do to save our planet and save your children's future is to get rid of Trump and all his supporters. These are greedy businessmen who are all for drilling and fracking and keeping their polluting businesses going at all costs. They're climate deniers who couldn't care less about the millions of animals who died horrible deaths in Australia. Some cities are flooded and unlivable. Tough luck. Some communities have been burnt to the ground and the residents homeless. Them's the breaks. Get rid of these soulless Republicans and their amoral dictator and replace them with caring human beings, believers in science, people who still have hope for the future and maybe, just maybe, we can save our planet after all.

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