Friday, March 14, 2014

Hate monger.

Here's a repulsive bit of news. Evangelist (read charlatan) Franklin Graham is praising Russian President Vladimir Putin for his aggressive crackdown on homosexuality. In short, this fraud who claims to be represent God approves of a repressive and brutal regime against the freedom to love whom one wants. This grifter adds that Putin is protecting children from gay propaganda, which is rather like protecting blue-eyed children from suddenly choosing to have brown eyes. Graham, like his hypocritical father, and all the other money-grubbing evangelists promotes hate and distrust in the world far more than any kind of Christian charity. Decades from now in a more modern and enlightened word we will wonder how assholes like Franklin Graham ever managed to con so many people. In addition, Americans should start to worry over how many unpatriotic racists like Graham and Giuliani are publicly praising one of the world's most dangerous dictators because they so hate that we twice wisely chose Obama as our president.

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