Thursday, May 29, 2014

Scot free

There is no question that Bush and Cheney committed war crimes. The question is why are they allowed to get away with these crimes when others who are guilty of far less offenses are in prison? I don't know why the parents, spouses, and relatives of the thousands of Americans who died in Iraq or after coming home are not demanding justice for their loved ones. Do they think that because they held public office, these two war criminals are above reproach? They're not. So while so many Americans are mourning the loss of their war dead every day, every birthday, every holiday, Bush and Cheney are dining in fancy restaurants, taking exciting vacations, being asked to speak at Republican events, and even being quoted in the media as if their opinions had any value. I wish somebody would get on the stick and stick these two monsters into jail cells.

1 comment:

  1. Well, they're not traveling abroad much. And we all know why!
