Tuesday, May 20, 2014

W__AT A DU_BA__!

I could never watch Wheel of Fortune with all the congratulatory applauding oneself for having chosen a vowel. It's really insipid. But before watching Jeopardy, I usually catch the final puzzle. While doing this I was thinking what a funny and likable person Pat Sajak is. Pity I had to completely change my mind when I saw his stupid tweet today. Apparently he tweeted, "I now believe global warming alarmists are unpatriotic racists knowingly misleading for their own ends. Good night." What possible "own ends" could he mean with this really idiotic comment. I think it's better not to know too much about celebrities. Pat Sajak will never seem charming and amusing to me again. And I haven't been able to enjoy a Mark Wahlberg film since I learned he used to be a racist thug who would beat up people without being provoked.

1 comment:

  1. Pat must have been drunk-tweeting. His statement makes no sense.
