Wednesday, May 7, 2014

There are foxes in the hen house.

The big "Duh" of the week is that so many Americans have lost faith in the Supreme Court. I wonder why. Could it be we have a justice who never gives an opinion on anything and is pussy-whipped by his wildly partisan Tea-party wife? Or could it be that we have an obese and angry Mafia-like thug who  really doesn't approve of freedom, but likes having this easy job. Or is it that we have a wimpy chief justice who smiles and smirks and then makes idiotic decisions. Maybe it's because they don't understand why the separation of church and state is so essential. Or maybe it's because they gave America's wealthy the opportunity to buy the government and crush the poor. Whatever it is, the Supreme Court is no longer the respected authority it once was. Republicans say they don't approve of legislating from the bench, yet that seems to be all they do these days.

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