Thursday, May 1, 2014

Republicans are happy that Benghazi happened.

The Republicans are such incredible hypocrites. They claim to be outraged about the four Americans who died in Benghazi. But they actually couldn't care less. Their only interest in Benghazi is as a whip to unfairly lash Obama and Hillary Clinton. It is a bone they will not give up. In the meantime while they cry crocodile tears for the dead of Benghazi, they completely ignore the thousands of Americans who may be dying from poor health, hunger, and malnutrition. They have nixed a minimum wage increase that would benefit 28 million Americans. If you ask the average American what he needs from his government, he or she will say help in a bad economy and a level playing field. Ask that same American what they think about Benghazi, they will have no idea, no opinion, no knowledge of this nearly two-year old event. Yet the Republicans, instead of doing their job for the American people, are spending all their time masturbating over Benghazi. They are obsessed and cannot let it go because it's the only weapon they have, or think they have to use against that uppity black president. They may object to being called racists, but there is no other word for their obsessive and unfounded hatred of President Obama.

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