Sunday, May 11, 2014

Another one bites the dust.

Every year some arrogant director or producer or both think they can improve on a classic film. Usually the project is greeted with fanfare and never lives up to its promise. Despite it being far inferior to the original, it becomes the film that is frequently shown, while the classic is seldom seen. This has happened with Raisin in the Sun, Pyscho, The Out of Towners, The Manchurian Candidate and now Rosemary's Baby. It would be impossible to find a more vulnerable Rosemary than Mia Farrow, a more ambivalent husband than John Cassavetes, a more fascinating villain than Ruth Gordon and an eerier setting than the Dakota in New York City. From what I saw of the new film, it's a typical TV movie, but lacks any of the skill and brilliance that went into the original movie. No matter. That's the one they'll be showing from now on. Hopefully true lovers of cinema will seek out the original 1968 Roman Polanski film for a truly chilling movie experience.

Note: How do people get to be reviewers? A certain Tom Gliatto for People wrote of Rosemary's Baby, "It's directed by Angnieszka Holland, who has shown a very skillful and sensitive hand in readapting familiar stories before, such as 1997s Washington Square). Sorry, Tom, that was one of the most boring remakes of a story so good I would have thought it was flop-proof.

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