Monday, May 26, 2014

Please say, "no" to this idea.

Almost 40 years ago when I lived in Boston, I was a copywriter at Ingalls Advertising. One of the accounts I worked on was Springfield Institution for Savings. When we had to come up with a new campaign we were hardly inspired, and eventually came up with a series of ads and radio spots based on the theme, "We say yes." The point being, of course, that while other financial institutions can be resistant and cold, we at SIS are warm and agreeable.  Even at the time I knew that it was a theme that was false,trite, tired, and not worthy of us. But the account executive seemed to like it, and we did it up nicely. Then we all piled into the car and drove off to Springfield, Mass. to present it. It was a disaster. The client despised the idea, and rightly so. They hated it so much, we didn't even get to present its executions and were sent off to, hopefully, come up with something better. I still blush when I remember that day. And I have many reasons to remember it. Because here we are four decades later, and agencies are still using versions of that horrible "We say yes" concept. Shown above is just one such commercial.

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