Friday, May 2, 2014

Wake up call.

As a fan of true crime shows, I am stunned by the number of stories that involve a person being murdered by someone who breaks into their house or apartment in the middle of the night.  How is that even possible? Do people actually go to bed with windows open or easily-broken-into doors?  Do parents actually have their children sleep in rooms that are burglar accessible? How stupid can people be? I have never had a burglar alarm (too expensive)  but nobody could ever break into any place I ever lived without some collection of glass or other nooisy materials crashing to the floor at the slightest movement of a door or window and waking not only me, but probably the neighborhood. I encourage every person, mostly women who live alone to have such a device that will alert you long before anyone has a chance to go beyond your front door or any accessible window.

1 comment:

  1. Last night's Dateline, on NBC, featured a story about a string of sex crimes in an area of Ontario. A few of the people interviewed mentioned leaving doors unlocked and car keys in the ignition up until a few years ago. I guess the accuracy of these crime shows aren't that far-off.
