Saturday, May 24, 2014

Not on my bucket list.

As an atheist I am, of course, wildly intolerant of magical thinking.  Besides finding religion about as illogical as Santa Claus, I resent that it is responsible for so many of the world's ills.  (Yes, I know sincerely religious people do wonderfull things in the world.) But there is one expression used by the "believers" that I find especially irritating. It is what they say when someone who had a perfectly contented life is murdered or dies in some other horrible way, "She's in a better place." What better place? The grave. Or do they really imagine that the deceased man or woman is floating around in some kind of paradise which they, naturally, cannot describe. People are probably fortunate to be put all their responsibilities into one deity's hands and actually believe that something neat is going to happen even after they're dead. I find at astonishing that anyone, much less millions of people, can be so delusional based solely on something they learned as children. Plus, how arrogant it is to think you are so important that a deity is concerned with your every move.

On example of the insanity of religion: Singer Toni Braxton had an abortion in 2001. Being a magical thinker, she felt guilty because she had broken god's law. Later when she gave birth to a son who was autistic she believed it was god's punishment for her "unforgivable" act. So this talented woman spent years of emotional suffering because she believed that some magical figure was actually watching her every move and doling out punishment.

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