Monday, November 11, 2013

Serial Killers.

Thanksgiving is a joyous time in most American homes. But there is certain unchangeable sadness in all those homes where someone is missing, someone who would still be at the table again this year if they hadn't been murdered in the fake Iraq War. Someone young who would have married, had children, arrived on Thanksgiving. or days before, filled with enthusiasm, adding to the spirit of the holiday.  There are almost 4,500 such family members who are still missed and mourned all over the country. They were all murdered by four serial killers. These killers have never paid for their crimes, never admitted blame, and are all  still living in luxury, subjects of fame and admiration, despite the fact that they sent thousands of innocent men and women to early deaths for no reason at all, other than their own egos and stupidity. The lazy media refuses to acknowledge the crimes of these serial killers and still quotes them as if they were respectable citizens, even writes admiring articles about each of these despicable war criminals. But there is no question they are killers. They knowingly created a false war and then sent America's most patriotic young people to fight it. Thousands of those young people died with bullets in their brains and hearts, in flames, in plane and helicopter crashes, in explosions from I.E.D.s and even in hand-to-hand combat with the non-enemy who should never have been invaded.  They died terrible deaths that their families cannot stop imagining. Yet their killers don't give a thought to what they have done.  If you see them on the news, you can be certain they are smiling, being pampered at some elegant function, luxuriating in praise and attention and not seeming to regret for a single second the unforgivable horror they have visited on so many American families and for which they will never be punished.

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