Friday, November 15, 2013

They're at it again.

Republicans are comparing Obamacare to Hurricane Katrina. That certainly shows how far they've slipped in the sanity department. For one thing, why would they want to remind us of what a cock up the Republican response to Katrina was? Who cares? I'm glad they did. And what exactly is the comparison. Katrina was a natural disaster in which hundreds died, many were left homeless, and some were even murdered. Obamacare is an attempt to provide health care to all Americans that is running into unanticipated snags which are unfortunate, but in no way deliberate. There was nothing positive about Katrina. There is a lot positive about Obamacare. But why even discuss this absurd comparison? That seems to be all that Republicans can do these days is insist that one thing is just like another when there isn't even the slightest hint of similarity.

Note: I'd spend more time on this issue, but I'm busy planning my vacation. I can't decide whether to go to Paris, France, or Dubuque, Iowa.

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