Thursday, November 21, 2013

Unachievable goals.

I've been a member of HuffPost since 2005, whatever that means. Because I know I never had to sign in or provide a password. Anyway over those years I have submitted 9,267 comments and accumulated 142 friends, which probably isn't that many. Still it was fun to comment on the stories, ridicule idiots like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann,  get compliments from fans, and marvel at the lewd nastiness of the attacks from Republican foes. But those days seem to be over. HuffPost is not the same as it was. For one thing it seems to be leaning more to the right, seems to attack Obama more, and has far more animal abuse stories than I can stomach. And they no longer seem to welcome "comments" instead they have a request following each article to "start a conversation".  However, every time I've done that I get the feeling that my conversation starter never went through, at least I never saw it again, unlike the 9,267 comments I made. Oh, well. It's been my experience that almost any time a company like HuffPost makes improvements, the quality of the product begins to sink.  That seems to be happening here, so I guess I'll never reach the 10,000 comments mark.

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