Thursday, November 14, 2013

A letter about Sarah,

It's very easy for people like me to criticize Sarah Palin. There's so much to find fault with, and almost nothing to praise. (After all, she didn't design her glasses.) But one must accept that others have a high opinion of this ridiculous woman. This, for instance, was one of many letters sent praising her during her governorship. Only problem is that this letter, like so many others was written by Sarah Palin. 

Dear Editor:
It's been a pleasure watching our life-long Alaskan gal, Sarah Palin, campaign for governor these past six months. I am impressed with her leadership skills, experience, ethics, and energy. And I'm most impressed with how she communicates her message that is connecting with so many Alaskans. Sarah tells it like it is and is obviously not your typical politician. She doesn't just go with the flow or test the waters with political polls before taking action. It's clear Sarah is committed to just doing the right thing, even if her Republican Party bosses try to punish her for it," 

Note: We know that Sarah can write a letter, especially one praising herself. But I doubt very much if she could ever write an actual speech, much less a book. So one wonders who is her ghost. Since she eventually alienates everyone, the day will come when she pisses off her alter-ego writer, and that will be a fabulous news story.

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