Tuesday, December 16, 2014

This commercial doesn't smell right.

Huffington Post, the world's leader in exaggeration calls this Airwick commercial the "most heartfelt commercial of the holiday season". While I admire all servicemen and women and, yes, of course agree that scent is a powerful memory stimulator, I find this commercial less than moving. The hero is in great shape and seems to be doing well enough overseas, and is so free from danger he can enjoy solitary hockey practice. The very well-to-do Fellers family lives in a huge house in North Carolina, has several cars, and enough money to frame a huge wall of pictures. The well-dressed children have lots of toys, plenty of room to play, and a beautifully furnished home. I am sure they are lovely and loving people But there's something slightly off about Airwick focusing all its sympathy on such a comfortable soldier and his prosperous family, when there are less fortunate male and female soldiers in harm's way who are worried about how their families will make it through the holidays and do not have the benefit of communicating with them through their home Skype. This is a ridiculous commercial.

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