Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Annie: A different kind of overnight success.

I admit I have a suspicious nature. Still. I find this odd. The film Annie comes out. The early reviews are terrible. One reviewer called it "possibly the worst film of the year". It is soundly panned by the New York Times. Peter Travers of Rolling Stones headlined his review with "It's hard-knock life for anyone who has to suffer through this ill-advised update of the Broadway classic." Sony stands to lose a lot of money if it's a turkey, which is seems to be. Then all of a sudden there appear good reviews. Suddenly the turkey is more of a peacock. It has charm, sure to delight parents and children alike. Is this the same film? Or is it possible that some reviewers can actually be swayed by whatever means to suddenly look kindly on a film that just the other day was over-produced, badly directed, poorly acted and without charm. One wonders.

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