Thursday, December 18, 2014

Future leaders?

What happens to the male brain during the college years?  What is it about the university environment that creates an army of puerile, beer-drinking, prank-pulling, sex-obsessed morons.  Case in point: a University of Pennsylvania fraternity has been suspended pending an investigation into a holiday card showing the mostly white students posing with what it claims is a Beyonce sex doll. First of all, I am surprised they admit they are so unappealing to the opposite sex that the need a sex doll. But aside from that wasn't one of these guys mature enough, intelligent enough, and forward-thinking enough to say, "Hey, this is not a good idea." Not only is it insulting to Beyonce (who should sue these dummies)  but it must embarrass their parents and make them wonder why they shelled out so much money to educate such an idiotic son. Also, as a fraternity member, why would you want the world to know that you and your house brothers are so sexually immature?

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