Tuesday, December 16, 2014

"I have a little list"

I wonder if many people let what they know about a celebrity affect their appreciation of their talent. How many people for instance can no longer find Bill Cosby funny? I know I am less likely to like an actor once I find out he or she is a Republican or spouse abuser or religious fanatic. If I learn they're sadistic hunters like Gerald McRainey or abusers of animals like Gerard Butler who punched a dog, I find them intolerable. Weaknesses like alcoholism or drug addiction don't bother me as much. In the past I tried not to remember that John Wayne and several other favorite actors were right wingers. I even found it ironically amusing that Larry Hagman, the son of Broadway's Mary Martin was homophobic. In recent years two of the actors that I admired most were Mark Wahlberg and James Franco. Now I must admit I don't enjoy watching either of them, Wahlberg because he was a teen-age thug and Franco because The Interview proves he's an idiot.

Speaking of The Interview. It seems that America is losing the diction war. Nobody can pronounce Ts anymore. Most announcers say Sanna Claus and even the promotions for this moronic Franco-Rogen ego trip are pronouncing it as the "innaview".

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