Thursday, December 18, 2014

One of the lazy media's many pets.

I think one of the most unfortunate aspects of the news, what I consider to be the lazy media, is that they quote anyone. Pat Robertson, for instance, is a mental case. His comments are nothing less than meaningless and insane. Yet the media are delighted to quote him, interview him, and give him a forum and spotlight that they would deny to any less well-known nut. Why? Because they're lazy and he's an easy target. The evangelicals think he's wise, everyone else knows he belongs in an asylum. But it doesn't matter if everything he says is madness, the media quotes him, as they quote other crazies like Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, and Ann Coulter. Now you could argue that they are newsworthy. But are they really? Is it news to promote the latest pronouncements by people who are more suited to a strait jacket than a news column?

Note: Just look at this guy's face. Is there any doubt in your mind that he's nuttier than any fruitcake?

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