Friday, April 25, 2014

The screwball from Schenectady.

Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President and CEO of the National Rifle Association is finally correct about something.  He says he sees "a lot of haters out there". By "out there", I'm guessing he means America. And like I say he's right. There are lot of haters out there.  Parents who hate the idea that their helpless children might be shot to death as school. Police who hate the thought that they might be outgunned when they're trying to protect their communities. Poor people who hate living in fear because so many gang members in their neighborhoods have guns.  Law-abiding citizens who hate knowing that so many paranoid, aggressive, and trigger-happy people are carrying revolvers, rifles, assault guns, and all manner of firearms concealed or not.  And of course millions of people who hate the idea that a creep like LaPierre has any control at all on how safe they are allowed to feel in their daily lives.

Note: Apparently the only place Wayne Pierre didn't want to carry a gun was into military service. So the coward didn't bother to serve.

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