Thursday, April 24, 2014

A charming moment.

How stupid and transparent can these Republicans be? They are making a huge fuss because Obama bowed to a robot. It was amusing. Bowing in Japan is a sign of respect. Obama meant it to be whimsical and it was. But Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh and all the other naive racist Republican assholes accuse the president of being weak, not because they believe that, but because they are so stupid they think they can make hay out of a bow. In American we shake hands. In other countries they bow. If these Foxites weren't so unsophisticated they would know that. But being angry and ignorant rubes, they don't.


  1. I suspect they do know - I also suspect they are always trying to whip up more anti-Obama sentiment anyway they can. The truly sad (and scary) part is so many of their weak minded followers believe them.

  2. You're right, of course. But I am hopefull that those on the edge of agreeing with them are beginning to see how flimsy and transparent their lies are.
