Friday, April 11, 2014

Good for her. Not so good for most of us.

Today Huffington Post had an article revealing celebrities paychecks. Sandra Bullock, for instance, will earn more than 70 million dollars for her role in the super-boring film Gravity.  That's a lot of money. But why do we need to know how much she earned, or how much anyone earned? Why are we so obsessed with money? Once they told you whether a movie was good or bad. Now you are informed as to how much it made at the box office. Does anyone really want to, or need to know, how much money the lottery winner will walk away with. Most of us will never make figures in the millions. Do we really have a masochistic need to know who does? It can't possible make us feel better, so the logical conclusion is it makes us feel worse. Is that what we want? Of course not.  I think it's just another example of the lazy media filling their time and space with the easiest to report stories. How difficult is to cover a movie star's enormous salary or a lottery winner's windfall? Not  difficult at all. And it sure is easier than  reporting news that we need to know.

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