Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Still wanted for murder.

Apparently murder is not illegal in America if you commit it in certain ways. For instance, a man who stabs his wife to death will go to jail for life. But a CEO who is responsible for the deaths of 29 miners will not even serve a day in jail. I am of course referring to mass murderer Don Blankenship who was CEO of Massey Energy Company when the Upper Big Branch explosion resulted in so many deaths.
He's unlikely to ever pay for his carelessness and greed.  Then we have other mass murders like Dick Cheney, George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleezee Rice. Not only have they never spent a moment in prison for the thousands upon thousands of death notched on their belts, but they are still feted by the press and treated as if they were respectable human beings. Meanwhile many murderers of only one person are living in prison cells year after year after year.

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