Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Three are funny. Three are not.

I'm sure this will offend many of my readers (yeah, like I have many)  but I think SNL sucks. It's amateurish. It isn't funny. The comics  neither look, nor sound, nor act like the persons they are supposedly imitating. Plus it's much too broad. These writers and actors have no idea of what subtlety means. But their biggest mistake is they are always trying to satirize what is already satire. I just saw a pathetic imitation of Fox and Friends. The trio was dishing Obamacare. But not one performer seemed anything like the real doofuses that on this sad program. To ape Steve Doocy you can't just be any kind of jerk, you have to be a Doocy jerk. The same applies to creepy Brian Kilmeade. The SNL crew didn't capture any of them. Besides even if they had, they can never be as funny as the show itself. Because it's full of transparent lies, obsequious bows to the Republicans, false outrage, and constant self-congratulations. It's funny in the way that SNL just isn't.


  1. Life Imitating Art
    Cranky...you must have missed Fox & Friends, Tuesday morning, when the perky Fox gal did precisely what was parodied on SNL three days earlier.

  2. I guess I did. But I'll bet it was still funner on Fox and
