Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Not biting wit.

So many friends have told me that I should have watched The Sopranos, that it was really terrific. I did watch it for a while and it was terrific. And so was The Borgias and The Tudors and Deadwood and Spartacus and The Game of Thrones. But they all have a flaw that prevents me from watching them.  And that flaw is that each of these shows basically offers an intelligent script, historical setting and excellent production values. That's so you can feel you're watching something worthwhile when you've really tuned in for the sex and violence. Hardly an episodes goes by without lots of graphic sexuality and sadistic savagery. When I decided to give Game of Thrones another chance last week, what I saw when I tuned in was a sickening slaughter and over-the-top villainy. Who needs it? One could argue that Boardwalk Empire is guilty of that same ruse, and that's somewhat true. But it, at least, leans to the side of superior story telling. So, I'll listen patiently when friends tell me how fabulous last night's episode of such and such was, knowing I was happy to avoid all the bloodshed.

Note: Sorry, you can call it creative writing all you like, but a scene in which Daenerys eats a horses heart is just plain sickening nonsense, not to mention all these made-up names sound absurd.

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