Wednesday, April 16, 2014

All pets should be as happy as Asta.

There are certain people like me who are very bothered when they watch a film in which a pet or other domesticated animal, or any animal for that matter, suffers or dies. Sometimes one must deal with it if the film is worth the pain, like Straw Dogs. Other times it is absolutely unnecessary to kill a pet, and doing so seems like an act of sadism like many of the films on the Lifetime Network and several episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm. As much as I know I would like most of the new film The Grand Budapest Hotel, I will not see it because they killed a cat for their idea of comic value. The sitcom Yes, Dear featured a cat killed on their first episode. I never watched it again. Anyway, that's me and lots of other animal lovers, which is why someone wisely came up with a new website that warns us when there is animal abuse in a film and tells you the circumstances.  The site is listed below and I encourage anyone who is offended by arbitrary animal abuse and deaths to make use of it.

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