Monday, April 14, 2014

Wrongly defending the right.

George Will, he of the helmet-hair style, Clairol #343 Conservative Blonde, recently accused Democrats of suffering from a form of Tourette's syndrome that causes them to shout "racist" or "racism" in response to any argument. I wonder if he is basing that on the fact that every leading Republican seems to hate President Obama and Attorney General Holder far in excess of anything they either man has ever done. So what could it be?  What do these two men have in common?  Ah, yes. Sorry Georgie. But it's not Tourette's, it's observation and evidence. We have never been exposed to so much racism by supposed fair-minded leaders of our country. The sad thing is that George Will knows it's true, but having to protect his long-time stand as a conservative and his own false reputation for fairness he's not going to show his true colors nor apparently anyone else's.


  1. Truth has no meaning to the current crop of Republicans. There was a time when they had honor and were respectful of our institutions. Sadly, that time has passed and the GOP has been hijacked by the worst kinds of ignorant people who are consumed by fear and hatred. Those Republicans who still retain a shred of human kindness are too cowardly to stand up and speak out for fear of losing their seats in Congress or their TV or radio audience. Perhaps, if they did speak up they would find that there are a lot of Republicans out there who share their views and would stand up with them. It is a sad statement on the GOP that they don't.

  2. Yes, it's a tragic situation. I alternately worry about the next election and feel elated believing these cold-hearted
    frauds will be defeated.
